Charlie Kane - Mayor and Dog Walker

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wrecko · 85

Charlie Kane is not only the Mayor, He’s the town dog walker!

This is meant to be a good theme deck. Good enough to win scenarios but not optimized to the max. This deck is part of a 3 person party. Charlie is going on adventures with Carson and Preston. You can read their decks here:

Preston (

Carson (

To be honest, while this combination of characters is good thematically, there isn't great synergy between the characters. Carson more naturally teams up with characters that have high starting attributes and Charlie and Preston need to cheat out effective turns and may not have the allies/resources to fully utilize an extra free action. So I found building these decks to be a real challenge.

In this deck, you get the cheapest allies possible to use for your boosts. Those happen to be creatures (Raven and Stray Cat). Guardian cards like Motivational Speech, Stand Together, and Inspiring Presence are thematic and useful. Survivor was chosen primarily for A Chance Encounter but .18 Derringer and Take Heart are no slouches.

Sled Dog are great early on to kill enemies in a single attack or move across the map in a single go..

Once you add Rod of Animalism those animals not only don’t take slots, they are even cheaper.

You also have a bunch of Ally cycling shenanigans with Calling In Favors and A Chance Encounter. Free cards with Laboratory Assistant. Free money with Gregory Gry.

To start you are a bit of a tweener. Able to get clues with with Dr. Milan Christopher, Flashlight, and Mysterious Raven. You are also able to fight with Sled Dog and .18 Derringer.

You power up quickly with Rod of Animalism, Miss Doyle and Summoned Hound, giving you free actions and guaranteed successes (which work with Gregory Gry).

Once you are about 13 exp in, you are really rolling:

Synergy with the other decks:

  • There is a fair bit of health soak through cycling allies with Calling in Favors and using temporary allies like Laboratory Assistant and Gregory Gry. So if Carson Sinclair gets a bit overly aggressive with high explosives, Charlie shouldn't mind too much.

  • Preston will buy the The Skeleton Key as soon as possible which will make the free base 5 investigates with the Hounds really effective.

  • Once everyone has a bit of experience, the plan is to spend a turn setting up, and then blitz the scenario with as many free/easy searches as possible. Carson keeps everyone moving and Preston and Charlie hover up clues.