Parallel Agnes - Spell Recycling Engine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ichinokata00 · 419

This deck focuses on supporting your team in almost all aspects (clueing, fighting, healing, etc.), making sure nobody on the team dies (including their Ally assets) while providing them a second chance to pass tests.

I've capped the XP to 22 so it's standalone-ready. (19 for standalone + 3 from In the Thick of It).

How it Works: :
Play spells with reduced cost (Parallel Agnes' ability) and shuffle them back to the deck. After playing a spell, trigger the advanced Heirloom of Hyperborea's reaction so you draw one card. Then, use your Soothing Melody to heal your lost health and sanity and to draw a card. This can trigger the Heirloom's reactive ability again. Rinse and repeat.

Your primary goal is to find and play your Hallowed Mirror and your advanced Heirloom of Hyperborea as soon as you can as this is the bread and butter of this build.

You can do that by either trying to Mulligan for it, or by playing your Backpack as soon as you can.

Once it's done, the next objective is to thin out your deck until we reach the necessary amount of cards for the Recycle Engine.

Recycle Engine (Essentials)
In the late game, your deck should ideally contain the following cards:

3 x Soothing Melody (Infinite Heal and Draw. This rivals both Carolyn and Vincent's healing capability.)
2 x Spectral Razor / Read the Signs (depending on what your team needs)
2 x Ward of Protection (2) (Protect the team from nasty treacheries)
1 x Time Warp ("Dormammu, I've come to bargain!" It's always nice to see your teammate's reaction whenever you surprise them with this card.)
1 x Hypnotic Gaze (Taboo ver. is better since it can be any symbol, but the OG is still fine)
1 x Deny Existence (Protect yourself)
1 x Counterspell (Only if you're using the taboo version since it covers all symbols. The OG version is very limited.

With your Recycle Engine in place, you'll only have to see your nasty weakness once and never have dead draws again.

Important Notes and Tips:
1.) Ensure that your deck always has at least one card as it is not allowed to shuffle back a card to an empty deck. It is also not mandatory to trigger the advanced Heirloom of Hyperborea's reaction.

2.) When you use Soothing Melody on other investigators, they get healed but it is still you who gets to draw the card.

3.) I suggest you put the 2 traumas from In the Thick of It to health as you have higher HP and it can easily be healed by Soothing Melody and Drain Essence.

4.) Don't hesitate to use David Renfield, you can easily kill him using Agnes' ability anyway. Just track the doom count.

5.) Feel free to swap your two upgraded Spectral Razor with two upgraded Read the Signs depending on your team's needs. You can have up to four copies of either card as it is allowed by Parallel Agnes' back.

Situational Cards:
1.) Alter Fate (1) - For those scenarios with pesky attacment treacheries. Agnes doesn't need the Level 3 version as she can reduce the cost using her ability.

2.) Four of Cups (1) - Agnes already fights / investigates at 7. However, sometimes this is not enough for hard or expert difficulty so this can help boost your

3.) Moonlight Ritual - Has a nice combo with Cat Mask and David Renfield. It's difficult to be consistent though especially if you don't have your Recycle Engine setup yet.

4.) Blood Eclipse (3) - The level 3 version lets you deal up to 5 damage at the cost of 5 HP. It's probably not the most optimal card, but it surely fits right into her Bad Blood theme.

5.) Deny Existence (5) - Overpowered card for Parallel Agnes as you can probably imagine. Too bad it costs 5 exp though. I highly recommend getting this card if you're playing in a campaign or standalone with higher exp and have some luxury exp to spare.


Feb 21, 2024 LCGFan2020 · 1

Have not tried this deck yet but it looks turbo fun, lol.

Feb 21, 2024 ichinokata00 · 419

Let me know once you've tried it. Have fun :)