Finn Edwards goes it alone

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Faranim · 393

Solo deck for Finn Edwards

I found Finn had a hard time when he had to kill monsters solo, which is why the deck is so heavy on combat events.

The basic strategy is to play economy cards (Lone Wolf and Pickpocketing) to fuel your Hard Knocks and later Streetwise.


Dealing with Monsters:

  • Anything not worth Victory points should probably just be evaded and keep moving away from it. If it's early in the scenario or the monster is particularly bad, you can kill it, but in general it's better to keep avoiding it and re-use Pickpocketing.
  • Save Waylay for anything with 4+ Health or an annoyingly high value (4+). Most scenarios have at least 1 non-Elite monster worth Victory points that you can use this on.
  • Sneak Attack and Finn's Trusty .38 should be able to deal with most weaker monsters, as well as Elite monsters that you will have to fight at some point in most campaigns.
  • The .41 Derringer is a last-resort option, but is sometimes necessary.

Sanity Management:

  • Logical Reasoning is pretty much required to avoid getting killed by the Encounter Deck. You can either hold onto it to get rid of annoying Terror cards like Frozen in Fear or just heal your Horror with it.
  • I found that Say Your Prayers was pretty handy to have. Late in a scenario, it can be a lifesaver. I generally tried to get myself down to 3 Sanity ASAP to enable the playing of this card.
  • "You handle this one!" should definitely be added if using this deck in Multiplayer, but for a pure solo deck we sadly can't use it.


  • 4 is good enough to search most locations without help. Flashlight and later Lockpicks will make things virtually guaranteed. In solo you generally don't need to investigate more than once a turn anyway.
  • also you can sometimes get a free clue from the effect.

Other card notes:

Upgrade Path should be pretty standard Rogue:

Other Piloting Notes:

  • Caught Red-Handed is a really annoying weakness. If it's still in your deck, you should probably not use Pickpocketing. Ideally you will try and keep a Hunter enemy in an adjacent location so that when you draw Caught Red-Handed it actually goes to your discard pile.
  • The deck is mostly focused on earning resources so that you can pay for cards that will kill things. Your base 4 and Flashlight should be able to investigate your way thru the first 2-3 scenarios until you can pick up Lockpicks