Roland Covers Up the Circle (Solo, Achievements)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Voltgloss · 358

Roland's final challenge: can he stop the summoning of Umôrdhoth? Perhaps unusually for a Guardian, I'm aiming for a finish via clues here - I'm guardedly (ha) hopeful that Roland's ability to turn monster-hunting into clue-finding will help me outrace this scenario's criminally short doom clock. The two upgraded Physical Trainings are there to give me some means of cracking the end-of-scenario tests; I'd rather have a pump asset by then rather than cards in hand, because so much of this encounter deck likes to force you to discard cards. The Elder Sign Amulet is there because I'm already down to only 4 sanity remaining thanks to mental trauma... and the second upgraded Beat Cop is, well, because upgraded Beat Cops are great (especially here for popping annoying Disciples of the Devourer. Here we go!



Who needs a weapon when you've got a truckload of allies? Plus, there's my end-of-scenario solution (Physical Training) right there from the beginning; as well as the ever-useful Pathfinder. Even Indebted, Roland has just enough cash to get a decent start going.

R1 (1D, 1H, 3$, 0C): 1/4 doom

R2 (1D, 1H, 1$, 0C): 2/4 doom

Needing to pass an 3 test to leave the Twisting Paths, I decided I needed to pause and draw until I found something to help me do that. Unexpected Courage fits the bill, and that Vicious Blow is about to prove handy as well.

R3 (1D, 1H, 2$, 0C): 3/4 doom

Good tempo catch-up here, netting two of my three needed clues all in one turn. But I do now need to deal with the Agenda 1b Main Path enemy - and still without a weapon. At least I have Lita Chantler.

R4 (1D, 2H, 1$, 2C): 4/4 doom

I thought about eating an attack of opportunity to drag the Acolyte into the last Woods location and get its clue by killing it, but ultimately rejected that idea as too damaging to Roland's dwindling sanity reserve. Good thing too as I needed a full turn's worth of attacks to bring it down. With On the Hunt I have an alternative.

R5 (1D, 2H, 2$, 2C): 2/5 doom

Once again, I'm pausing here to draw cards. I'll use On the Hunt to pull something (hopefully a Grave-Eater) to get that clue, and then I'm going to... draw more cards. I need a weapon to handle the remaining unique cultists at the Main Path, and I'm better off delaying to fight them until after Agenda 2 flips (meaning enemies won't have their +1 fight any more).

R6 (1D, 2H, 5$, 2C): 3/5 doom

Even though I'm not facing them yet, I definitely wanted to spend the clues as soon as I got them, so they wouldn't get stolen by a Disciple of the Devourer. Which, turns out, was a good call!

R7 (1D, 2H, 5$, 0C): 4/5 doom

And suddenly I'm flush with guns. With Vicious Blow and extra cards in hand, the plan is to (1) draw one more card next turn, (2) Pathfinder in and defeat Alma Hill in one shot with Vicious Blow, and then (3) parley Herman Collins by handing him my collection of extra assets I'll never have the money to play. Hopefully I'm not about to receive Amnesia from the Agenda deck!

R8 (1D, 2H, 3$, 0C): 5/5 doom [+1 on Disciple of the Devourer]

The plan went off mostly without a hitch. Psychosis is fairly toothless; it's not physical damage that's going to bring Roland down. That enormous Rotting Remains hit is the real concern - another draw and token pull like that, and I'm done for.

R9 (2D, 3H, 4$, 0C): 1/5 doom

Whew! Discarding Dreams of R'lyeh is a huge weight off. Now it's a matter of getting the resources I need to pass those last tests on the Act card, while also hoovering up one more clue. Another enemy spawn will do that for me. And hey, look what's coming up next.

R10 (2D, 3H, 1$, 1C): 2/5 doom

Almost there, but time is running out!

R11 (3D, 3H, 1$, 1C): 3/5 doom

Resolution 1

  • The ritual to summon Umôrdhoth was broken
  • +2 mental trauma
  • 7 experience (2 Victory + 5 bonus)
  • Total trauma: 1 physical, 4 mental
  • Roland wins!

Success! Sure, Roland may literally be down to 1 sanity given all the mental trauma he's suffered at failing to Cover Up this conspiracy, but Arkham has been saved! As ever, this was an intense final scenario and one that feels quite satisfying to resolve successfully.

What's next, achievement-wise? I still need a run where I defeat the Ghoul Priest in Scenario I and burn down my house; I need a run where I interrogate all six unique cultists in The Midnight Masks; and I need a separate run where I don't defeat any unique cultists (parleying is OK, but that means either The Masked Hunter or Narôgath will be chasing me throughout). Finally, there's the "win with three Ultimatums" and "win on Expert" challenges. Not sure what my next plan will be, but since I've so far used every class but Mystic... perhaps it's time to give a Mystic a whirl. I've not played Akachi Onyele before...

Till then! Hope you all have enjoyed reading as I've enjoyed playing!

  • Voltgloss