Akachi Hunts the Rougarou (Solo, Achievements)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Voltgloss · 345

I've spent one of Akachi Onyele's experience points to slot in this side story before tackling Return to The Midnight Masks. Let's see if that proves a wise or foolish decision!


A weapon, ally, and investigating tools. Seems a good start.

R1 (0D, 3H, 5$, 0C): 0/5 doom

R2 (0D, 3H, 1$, 0C): 1/5 doom

Moving smoothly so far.

R3 (0D, 3H, 1$, 1C): 2/5 doom [+1 on Arcane Initiate]

That bad Ripples on the Surface pull means the horror is quickly mounting up. At least the Overgrown Cairns are nearby to bring some of that back.

R4 (0D, 5H, 1$, 0C): 3/5 doom

Lita's costless 3/3 soak, and extra damage against The Rougarou, is a very welcome sight.

R5 (0D, 5H, 2$, 1C): 4/5 doom

Well, The Rougarou got away before I could attack it, but at least Beast of the Bayou was a whiff (especially given where we are on the doom clock). I'm now waiting for it to return to the clue-free Ritual Grounds with the Agenda flip.

R6 (0D, 3H, 1$, 1C): 6/5 doom

Good, over halfway done. The Flashlight search pull is just kind of annoying but things are still in decent shape.

R7 (0D, 4H, 2$, 0C): 1/6 doom

R8 (0D, 5H, 3$, 1C): 2/6 doom

Arrrrgh. Angered Spirits is a terrible sight. I could finish things next turn (assuming The Rougarou doesn't prowl away), but is it possible to draw things out and escape that phyiscal trauma? I'll need to defeat the hunting enemies coming in. The doom clock isn't so much the problem - my dwindling reserves are. Let's try it.

R9 (0D, 5H, 1$, 1C): 3/6 doom

Double arrgh! Back-to-back weakness pulls. At this point, I don't have the resources to finish off all of these foes (especially when another enemy shows up at the start of the next round). Time to eat attacks of opportunity and finish off The Rougarou while I just barely still can. The Angered Spirits are just going to have to remain angry.

R10 (0D, 5H, 2$, 1C): 4/6 doom

Resolution 2

  • The Rougarou is destroyed, and the curse is lifted
  • Curse of the Rougarou removed
  • Lady Esprit joins Akachi
  • 3 experience (3 Victory)
  • Total trauma: 1 physical, 3 mental

Left a victory point location on the table (but managed one Delve Too Deep). The physical trauma is frustrating but I do still think the extra 4 experience (taking into account Arcane Research), as well as another high-soak ally in Lady Esprit, will prove important. Time to upgrade a bit and next challenge Return to The Midnight Masks!