Prof. Draw-cula: Big Hand Harvey (Guide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Harvey sits triumphantly on the Black Throne 3 2 0 1.0
Prof. Draw-cula: Big Hand Harvey (Guide) 0 0 0 1.0
Harvey Walters Brings The Whole Library 1 0 2 1.0
Harvey Walters v1 0 0 0 1.0

Warforce17 · 1344

If you want to start a campgain with this deck just remove 2x Extensive Research , 2 x Preposterous Sketches , 1 x Deny Existence and Versatile (2) and you have the level 0 variant. You can add them back once you have two experience.

How to hoard cards (and never let go):

The key card in this deck is the Dream-Enhancing Serum because it increases your maximum hand size as long as you have two copies of the same card in your hand. Mr. "Rook" and Eureka! let you fish for the second copy of a card in your hand which triggers the on Dream-Enhancing Serum . In combination with Laboratory Assistant and Vault of Knowledge you can keep 15 or more cards in your hand.

Drawing machine:

In order to get the most of the Celaeno Fragments you want to get to a handsize of 15 or more. Fortunately Harvey´s ability allows him to fill his hand with a lot of cards as long as he draws them during his own turn. Here are some ways to quickly draw cards (assuming that you trigger Harvey´s ability):

Mr. "Rook": + Calling in Favors

He allows you to search for other key pieces to your deck and up to two cards with his ability. He can also get rid Thrice-Damned Curiosity while your hand is still small which is very nice. Once Rook has run dry just play Calling in Favors in order to replace him with another ally in your deck. Laboratory Assistant is a nice replacement because she draws you 2-3 cards.

Dream-Enhancing Serum + Laboratory Assistant / Preposterous Sketches :

Play Dream-Enhancing Serum first. Then play Laboratory Assistant or Preposterous Sketches . If you draw a copy of a card which is already in your hand you can draw four to five cards with this move.

Vault of Knowledge / Eureka! / Perception :

All these cards allow you to draw cards while investigating or passing skill tests. The skill cards are especially nice because even if you have to commit them for one card, your hand size stays the same.

How to deal with the Mythos:

Once you have ten cards in hand one Celaeno Fragments get you to 5 which helps against a lot of treacheries. Since you will have a lot of cards in hand you can always commit them or Curiosity if necessary. In addition to that Logical Reasoning deals with annoying Terror treacheries while Deny Existence helps Harvey against his weakness and cards such as Amnesia. If you take too much damage or horror Laboratory Assistant or Mr. "Rook" can always soke some damage if necessary.

For enemies this deck includes Mind over Matter, Occult Invocation and Occult Lexicon. When you do not need Blood-Rite to deal with enemies, you can always use it to fill your hand or to gain ressources and a card. The fact that Blood-Rite has three copies also interacts well with Dream-Enhancing Serum .

How to play:

The deck is pretty straightforward. You want to have several cards with draw effects in your opening hand so you can start Harvey´s draw engine. With one Celaeno Fragments in play and five cards you are already at 6 which should be enough for most locations. Go ahead and grab as many clues as you can while you start hoarding cards.

Once you get close to your initial hand size limit of 8, you want to have Dream-Enhancing Serum or any of the other maximum hand size increasing cards like Laboratory Assistant or Vault of Knowledge in play. Keep triggering Harvey´s to draw more and more cards. If you have not yet drawn into Thrice-Damned Curiosity keep Deny Existence in hand.

Once you have 10 or more cards in you can either go for 15 cards to get the most value out of your Celaeno Fragments or you can use Harvey´s to support other investigators at your location. If you are going for 15 cards, you will want to have Dream-Enhancing Serum in play by now.


Logical Reasoning and Extensive Research do not need to be in the deck and can be replaced for cards of your choice. For example you could ge the The Necronomicon (5) and support it with cards such as Library Docent (1) . If you need more Ally slots you can always get Charisma (3) or Miskatonic Archaeology Funding (4).

If you want to boost your card draw even further replace Preposterous Sketches with better card draw options such as Cryptic Research (4) or Glimpse the Unthinkable (4). Studious (3) and Perception (2) help you to get to your maximum hand size faster. Since you will always have more than 5 cards in hand, Higher Education (3) is always a great option.

Other good upgrades are Cryptic Writings (2) , Mind Over Matter (2) , Deduction (2) and The Eye of Truth (5).

Thematic ties:

I think of the cards as knowledge which Harvery Walter gathers during his hours shuffeling through pages of old books. As the scenario and your hand size increases it feels like his knowledge of the Occult increases and he becomes more powerful.

I hope you have a lot of fun with the deck and feedback is always welcome!


Oct 04, 2020 Myriad · 1217

The build is solid. One thing I want to add though is Celaeno fragments is unique so you cannot have two copies in play for a +6 to willpower.

Overall though pretty solid shell for Harvey. You have some flex slots that you could cut to put in some great utility cards or to go for a necronomicon tome build.

Oct 04, 2020 Warforce17 · 1344

@MyriadThanks for mentioning that. Totally missed thst the card is unique.

Oct 05, 2020 Chew · 339

I was aiming for almost exactly the same build until I drew Amnesia as a basic weakness :/ Anyway I found out that big hand Harvey heavily relies on Mr. "Rook", as he needs to get rid of Thrice-Damned Curiosity ASAP. With fatter deck you're even more locked in until you find either Rook or Deny Existence, you can't start hoarding cards because weakness may hit you hard, and you can't get a boost from Celaeno Fragments, there's no use for Farsight or Dream-Enhancing Serum.

Oct 17, 2020 Mad Max · 1


Hi! ;)

Sorry, but I believe you can't use the Deny Existence against Thrice-Damned Curiosity and/or Amnesia.

The Deny Existence states that you can

"... Play when an encounter card or an enemy attack would cause you ... etc."

And the Rules states:

... The encounter deck contains the encounter cards (enemy, treachery, and story asset cards)

And the Amnesia and the Thrice-Damned Curiosity - both are Basic Weaknesses.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks! ;)

Oct 21, 2020 Renoi · 1

@Mad Max

Deny existence works as weakness drawn from the player deck are considered to be drawn from the encounter deck.

Under the rulebook

"When an investigator draws a weakness with an encounter cardtype (for example, an enemy or a treachery weakness), resolve that card as if it were just drawn from the encounter deck."

Oct 21, 2020 Mad Max · 1



Yep, my fault. ;(

Thanks for clarification ;)

Oct 21, 2020 Mad Max · 1


Hire is a better definition, (imho), from the official FAQ:

(1.12) Weaknesses With Encounter Cardtypes

Weaknesses with an encounter cardtype (such as enemies or treacheries) are considered to be player cards while they are in their bearer's deck, and are considered to be encounter cards while they are being resolved, and once they have entered play. Before a weakness with an encounter cardtype is resolved, it is still considered to be a player card.”

Thanks ;)

Oct 23, 2020 TheronGodseed · 1

Why can't DENY EXISTENCE be in a level zero deck?

Oct 23, 2020 TheronGodseed · 1

Oh, nevermind...I get it, lol

Oct 23, 2020 sorcere · 1

How would you build this to start a campaign using the 10-15-2020 Taboo list?

Nov 05, 2020 Dude in progress · 17

@sorcere this is where I went with it, haven't tested yet butt will be playing NOTZ w Mark and Luke.

Nov 09, 2020 VanyelAshke · 178

It's cool that Harvey can have a huge hand size, and can draw a lot of cards, but how does he win the scenario? What value is it to have a huge hand of cards that get you resources or more cards, with a few enemy management ones?

When I see Harvey as an investigator, I see one that is spending actions and resources to gather more cards and resources, while the agenda deck chugs along towards the end of the scenario.

I'm unclear on it's primary role/function. I presume it's to gather clues, since he's a Seeker with 5 Intellect. Compared to Daisy, who is another 5 Intellect Seeker, she gets extra actions from Tomes and has access to cards from a secondary class. What good is a hand of 10-15 cards, if none of them get you clues or

Please help me understand Harvey's role. Is he meant to be played moreso in a 3-4 team game, rather than a 2-player game?

Thank you kindly.

Jun 12, 2021 coldtoes · 28

I just took this deck through RttNoZ + War of the Outer Gods and really enjoyed it! I really wanted to try Big Hand Harvey even though that's not generally recommended, so I liked the way this build promised to mitigate his weakness and let you use a big hand strategy.

It worked perfectly. In every scenario, I either was able to use Rook to draw Thrice-Damned Curiosity early when it wouldn't do much damage, or to get Deny Existence in hand first so I'd have it ready when he drew his signature weakness. Even when I had the bad luck to have Amnesia added to his deck late in the campaign, when I drew it I chose Deny as the one card to hold on to, since I hadn't drawn TDC yet, and then was able to use Glimpse the Unthinkable (5) to get his Big Hand engine back up and running in fairly short order.

Nov 30, 2022 Arshesh_Alhazred · 1

Hello. First of all, thank you for the deck and the guide. I will start playing Harvey and this is really helpful. I just have a problem with it, and it is that I do not own Mr. Rook, Deny Existence, Crak the case and Occult lexicon so I don't really know with what cards can I replace those or if I can't play this deck and should go for another one. I have the basic box, Dunwich Legacy, Dream eaters, Carcosa and Edge of the earth. And I usually play duo with my wife. Any help will be great and thanks on advance. Salutations.

Dec 06, 2022 DuShiTing · 1

@Arshesh_Alhazred Mr. Rook and Deny Existence are two of the best ways to mitigate Thrice-Damned Curiosity, so not having them kills the deck (and you, if you choose to play without them). Since you have Core+Dunwich+EotE I suggest a "small-hand" Harvey deck like this one if you're still up to play him:

Dec 06, 2022 Arshesh_Alhazred · 1

@DuShiTing Hello. Thanks a lot, I tried this one and had not a big problem mitigating Thrice-Damned Curiosity with Logical reasoning, Painkillers and tanking with allies, but yeah, it looks like I'll need those on the future. Thanks for the link, definetly gona try that one too. Have a nice day.