Is there any other card but Colt Vest Pocket? (Aurbits Conte

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

monorico · 224

Colt Vest Pocket is obviously the best weapon in the game. So this deck is all about using it over and over and over again, as much as you can!!!! You can evade enemies, until you are ready to drop down this beast of a weapon and finish them all off.


Saving Cards: The cards that allow you to save the Colt Vest Pocket so you can keep using the Colt Vest Pocket to its FULL potential.

============================================================== Well-Maintained and Sleight of Hand allow you to play the Colt Vest Pocket and return to your hand!!! So you can using it over and over again.

Teamwork: Just make sure you go first, and you upgrade that Colt Vest Pocket with extra ammo and fight, then as your last action, you pass that Colt Vest Pocket to your good buddy, and now he can use it to mass murder any remaining enemies on his turn as well. That's F#*&ing Teamwork!


Upgrading Cards: The cards that allow you to upgrade the Colt Vest Pocket so you can use it to its FULL potential.

============================================================== Contraband: 5 ammo... well now that becomes 10 ammo!!! Or use it with Extra Ammunition to gain even more ammo! With all those extra actions, you should have plenty of ammo to mass murder everyone you need to. Combo it with "Eat lead!", and you can ensure each bullet counts. Then if you still have ammo left, pass it on to your buddy with Teamwork.

Reliable The Colt Vest Pocket is great when it is Reliable, get extra bonus to your fight so you can actually hit something. Make sure to use it with Well-Maintained so you can get the gun and all your awesome Reliables back into your hand.

Marksmanship allows you to target those pesky aloof enemies and enemies a location away. Certainly a much needed addition to our ultimate Colt Vest Pocket, saving you an action from moving or engaging.


Showing off Cards: The cards that allow you to show off you #Skills with the Colt Vest Pocket.


"Watch this!", Double or Nothing, and Quick Thinking: the one rule of this deck is you have to use all of these skill cards at the same time. You can't play "Watch this!" without your Double or Nothing and without your Quick Thinking. And you HAVE TO... HAVE TO play all three while shooting the Colt Vest Pocket. Because you have to show everyone at the table what a bad ass you are, shooting your Colt Vest Pocket and doing double damage, gaining 12 resources, and gaining 2 extra actions. You DON'T settle for anything less. Combo this with "Eat lead!", and you are sure to succeed.


Extra Action Cards: The cards that allow you to gain the actions to use the Colt Vest Pocket to its FULL potential.

============================================================== Borrowed Time Place this early, and make sure to waste a full turn putting 3 "clicks" on it. So that when you are ready to use your Colt Vest Pocket, you can have 6 actions to do it.

The Gold Pocket Watch Play this to repeat the investigator phase, so you know... you can keep using the Colt Vest Pocket.

Joey "The Rat" Vigil He allows you to play the Colt Vest Pocket "fast"

Leo De Luca Lets you have an extra action for free to use the Colt Vest Pocket

Ace in the Hole Play this when you are ready to unleash the fury of the Colt Vest Pocket and you need those extra actions.


Economy Cards: The cards that allow you to gain the resources and cards to use Colt Vest Pocket to its FULL potential.


Pickpocketing Remember your goal is to Evade enemies until you are ready to destroy them all, this will allow you to gain resources and cards so you can do all your awesome Colt Vest Pocket combos.

Another Day, Another Dollar You are going to need a shit ton of resources and cards to pull this ultimate Colt Vest Pocket combo off, this helps you start off right.


Sep 05, 2019 shwub · 9

this is beautiful. I'm so happy to see a viable (and good) use of Colt Vest Pocket