Sefina Rousseau - Solo Return to the Night of the Zealot run

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Sefina Rousseau - Solo Carnevale of Horrors 0 0 0 1.0

unremb · 238

(Spoiler Warning)

Return to the Night of the Zealot solo run:

Disclaimer: non-blind run - several decisions within the game as well as in deck-building is done with prior knowledge of the Campaign in mind.


Off to a good start with a flexible hand, though missing Emergency Cache. Probably should have added a 2nd copy of Storm of Spirits and even possibly Wither. Dario El-Amin was actually more useful than expected. Took a lot of punishment - close to discarding St. Hubert's Key. Misread the agenda 3 to move the ghouls at the end of the Mythos phase instead of Enemy phase - should not have affected the result too much. Sefina can't maximize Lita Chantler so I decided to keep the house (hope I don't regret that!)

The Gathering (Standard Difficulty):

Events under Sefina: Swift Reflexes, Ward of Protection, Narrow Escape, Sneak Attack, Think on Your Feet

  1. Turn 1:
    Play Lone Wolf
    Play Dario El-Amin
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources

  2. Turn 2:
    Encounter: The Zealot's Seal (4 vs 2) (-1: success)
    Play St. Hubert's Key
    Investigate (3 vs 3 shroud) (0: success)
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources

  3. Turn 3:
    Encounter: Ghoul from the Depths (spawn Bathroom)
    to Guest Hall
    Play Shrivelling
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources

  4. Turn 4: Advance Agenda (take 2 horror)
    Encounter: Ancient Evils Cancel with Ward of Protection (copied with The Painted World
    to Bathroom
    Shrivelling on Ghoul from the Depths (commit "Watch this!" - 3 resources) (6 vs 3) (: success - 2 damage; take 1 horror; gain 6 resources)
    Shrivelling on Ghoul from the Depths (commit "Watch this!" - 3 resources) (5 vs 3) (: success - kill Ghoul from the Depths; take 1 horror; take 1 damage)

  5. Turn 5:
    Encounter: Grave-Eater
    Shrivelling on Grave-Eater (5 vs 2) (: success - kill Grave-Eater; draw Think on Your Feet)
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources
    Investigate (4 vs 1 shroud) (: success)

  6. Turn 6:
    Encounter: Grave-Eater Think on Your Feet to Guest Hall
    to Bedroom
    Investigate (4 vs 2 shroud) (-2: success)
    Play Well Connected

  7. Turn 7:
    Encounter: Obscuring Fog
    to Guest Hall
    Advance Act: [Well Connected] (/card/05028) (+2) (8 vs 4) (-1: success)
    to Attic (take 1 horror)
    Investigate (4 vs 1 shroud) (-2: success)

  8. Turn 8:
    Encounter: Obscuring Fog
    Investigate Well Connected (+2) (6 vs 3 shroud) (+1: success)
    Play Shrivelling
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources

  9. Turn 9:
    Encounter: Flesh-Eater
    Evade (4 vs 1) (: fail)
    Shrivelling on Flesh-Eater (6 vs 4) (: success - 2 damage; take 1 horror)
    Shrivelling on Flesh-Eater Well Connected (+2) (8 vs 4) (-1: success - kill Flesh-Eater)

  10. Turn 10:
    Encounter: Crypt Chill (6 vs 4) (-4: fail - discard Shrivelling)
    to Hallway
    to Cellar (take 1 damage)
    Drawn to the Flame: Draw Corpse-Hungry Ghoul

  11. Turn 11: Advance Agenda (draw Grave-Eater)
    Encounter: The Zealot's Seal (6 vs 2) (: success; draw Narrow Escape)
    to Hallway (Attack from Grave-Eater) cancel with Narrow Escape
    Storm of Spirits (8 vs 2) (: success - kill Grave-Eater; 2 damage to Corpse-Hungry Ghoul; take 1 damage)
    Premonition: 0
    Fight Corpse-Hungry Ghoul (4 vs 4) (0: success)

  12. Turn 12:
    Encounter: Rotting Remains (6 vs 3) (: Draw Swift Reflexes)
    Shrivelling on Grave-Eater (6 vs 2) (-1: success - kill Grave-Eater)
    Play Fine Clothes
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources

  13. Turn 13:
    Encounter: Icy Ghoul (spawn Cellar)
    End of Mythos: Icy Ghoul moves to Hallway to engage Sefina
    Evade Icy Ghoul Well Connected (+3) (7 vs 4) (-1: success)
    Sneak Attack (copied with The Painted World - 2 damage to Icy Ghoul
    Sneak Attack (copied with The Painted World - kill Icy Ghoul

  14. Turn 14:
    Encounter: Crypt Chill (6 vs 4) (-1: success)
    Advance Act: spawn Ghoul Priest and Lita Chantler
    Elusive to Parlor
    Parley: (4 vs 2) (-3: fail)
    Parley: (4 vs 2) (-2: success)
    Play Delve Too Deep: Ancient Evils - 1 doom
    Enemy phase: Ghoul Priest to Parlor (engage and attack Sefina - take 2 damage and 2 horror)

  15. Turn 15:
    Encounter: Rotting Remains (6 vs 3) (0: success)
    Evade Ghoul Priest Well Connected (+3) commit Quick Thinking (8 vs 4) (0: success; +1 action)
    Shrivelling on Ghoul Priest commit Quick Thinking (7 vs 4) (-1: success - 3 damage; +1 action)
    Shrivelling on Ghoul Priest (6 vs 4) (-1: success - kill Ghoul Priest)

Scenario Ends ( 9VP +3 bonus XP )

Campaign notes:

Your house is still standing