Inkymania Jones

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

filippo21daniele · 192

(Edit: use Lola Santiago instead of Cat Burglar, Stealth instead of Guts)

This deck tries to abuse Kymani Jones ability to one-shot enemies and getting clues through . It fits well as a third investigator along with a guardian and a seeker, but also for solo when you can afford to not beating elite enemies (note that Kymani Jones ability cannot discard Elite enemies.

As Father Mateo, Kymani Jones starts with 5 additional XP. I have also chosen to use In the Thick of It (=2 Physical Trauma) to stat with 8XP. The true cost of the deck is 27XP.

Try to set up all of your asset to boost your stat as quickly as possible.

  • Hand Slot : Discover Clues with
  • Arcane: Haste gives you a action-free second attempt to trigger Kymani ability
  • Body: Trench Coat: +1 for evasion
  • Ally: GenĂ© Beauregard is your priority. +1+1 gives you +2 for one-shot-test enemies and Lockpicks. Ability is great for reaching enemy faster.
  • Tarot: +1
  • Moxie: +1 and +1

Ones they are in play, you can achieve 4,3,2,9:

Notice that with these big numbers Breaking and Entering basically fails only when is revealed. This allows to constantly discovering clues while getting rid of enemies.

As a you have great resource and drawing economy (Lucky Cigarette Case, Pickpocketing, "Watch this!",Thieves' Kit). This allow to cycle quickly through your deck and getting all the asset in play. With Underworld Support your deck is also thinner and when all of your assets are in play you keep cycling through basically only events and skill.

Main strategy for Kymani turn:

What? You still have two actions (even three with Leo in play) after defeating an enemy and discovering one clue?

Notice that Lucky Cigarette Case and Pickpocketing allow you to draw 2 cards and gain one resource. This means that it is possible to commit three cards and play Breaking and Entering every turn! Basically you have the potential to discover one clue and defeat an enemy with a single action cost every turn.

Notable cards: