Atlas Jacquline Fine (Deck Guide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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elkeinkrad · 481

Atlas Jacqueline, Deck Guide

I focused on Astronomical Atlas, one of the meta card for mystic investigators. As the release of the Scarlet Keys, great mystic skill card, Ghastly Possession, was released. In this deck, I build two fantastic cards: Astronomical Atlas and Ghastly Possession.

What's the role of this deck?: Common flexiblity role as mystic. I do not recommand Jacqueline Fine when the party has lots of and/or .

Simple Play Guide

The play style of this deck is almost similar to the flexible mystic, especially Atlas mystic. Thus, I write some tips focused on some combo of cards.

Hard Mulligan except Astronomical Atlas, Spell Asset, Parallel Fates(2).

Olive + Jacqueline in one test means reveal 5 tokens and resolve any 2 tokens (do not care about ). It's easy to choose two tokens whose summation is "-4" in standard difficulty; you may name that number on Pendulum to draw 1 card.

Prescient does not require you succeed. Commit Prescient when you trigger Jacqueline or Olive. If you think it is more important to return spell card, you can boldly choose named token and fail the test.

Ghastly Possession is spell. You can return it via Prescient. Both Prescient & Ghastly Possession are skill card, so that you may use them twice via Atlas.

Empty Brand of Cthugha can be triggered and you can refill by Ghastly Possession before spending. Reversely, you can refill charge after you spend it (I do not know if this is useful or not).

Foresight cancel the weakness you show by Astronomical Atlas or Parallel Fates. Also, you may play a card shown by Parallel Fates without any action. Notice that you cannot play when you return a card from Atlas, since it is not draw but add to your hand.

How to build the deck?

0-level Deck Guide

Down the Rabbit Hole: Many cards have upgraded version, so that DtRH is great choice. For instance, in final deck, total 7 cards have no 0-level cards: Brand of Cthugha, 2 copies Foresight, 2 copies Ghastly Possession, 2 copies Astronomical Atlas.

With In the Thick of It, this reduces 5. However, be careful that the power of early deck is reduced unlike normal usage of DtRH; it is because we should purchase Astronomical Atlas first.

Here, we have total 14 candidates of valid target of DtRH: Brand of Cthugha, Sixth Sense, 2 copies of Parallel Fates, 2 copies of Deny Existence, 2 copies of Defiance, 2 copies of Fearless, 2 copies of Guts, 2 copies of Uncage the Soul.

In the Thick of It: With DtRH, ItToI also need to be included. Recommanded target is Brand of Cthugha + 2 copies of Ghastly Possession. If you want to use Divination, Divination instead of BoC is fine.

0-level Filler: Now, there are 4 cards no 0-level exists: Astronomical Atlas, Foresight. I recommand the following cards:

  • Without Astronomical Atlas, it's hard to find your spell. Additional spell helps to increase robustness: Shrivelling, Clairvoyance...
  • For drawing skill, Scroll of Secrets is good choice.
  • Delve Too Deep if no delve carrier. However, be careful that it's hard to play your DTD when DTD is attached into Atlas after 2nd scenario.

If no DtRH: if no DtRH, instead of carrying unnecessary 0-level cards, please consider other candidiates:

Upgrade Plan

All upgrade plan assumes you have DtRH. If you do not have, instead of following of normal path, just upgrade any card what you want. In this case, first candidate is 2 copies of Astronomical Atlas.

After first scenario

  • Purchasing Divination if you want (check deck tunning section) (1+1xp)
  • Upgrading one asset spell(Brand of Cthugha, Sixth Sense, Divination) with AR+DtRH (0/1/0xp): Checking your party condition and upgrade weak point. If same, Sixth Sense is recommanded if enough xp is given
  • Upgrading 1 copies of Parallel Fates (1xp) with DtRH: another good target for DtRH
  • Purchasing 1 or 2 of Astronomical Atlas(4+4xp) from 0-level filler (scroll or something): If you have plenty of xp, purchase both.

After second scenario

  • Upgrading the other asset spell with AR+DtRH (0 or 1xp)
  • Upgrading 1 copies of Parallel Fates (1xp) with DtRH
  • Purchasing Astronomical Atlas if you didn't yet (4xp)

Other Upgrade Candidates

We have limited targets for Arcane Research & Down the Rabbit Hole; thus, I suggest to upgrade each target as step-by-step.

  • AR targets: 2 copies of Ward of Protection(0xp), 2 copies of Deny Existence(2xp) with DtRH
  • DtRH targets: 2 copies of Deny Existence(2xp) with AR, 2 copies of Defiance, 2 copies of Fearless, 2 copies of Guts, 2 copies of Uncage the Soul

In addition, we could exchange remaining 0-level filler as 2 copies of Foresight.

Then, you have two more deck slot if you want: Olive McBride and Crystal Pendulum. You may purchase any card which you want, or Relic Hunter for Pendulum.

Tune your deck

  • Fighting spell: I believe Brand of Cthugha is really nice, but it's ok to use Shrivelling or Azure Flame instead. However, I want to talk one more time that Cthugha is good spell.
  • Investigating spell: I suggest to choose either Sixth Sense or Divination. It's your choice; Divination is 1xp more if you have DtRH. I don't recommand other spell like Clairvoyance, because they have "3 charges" so that Ghastly Possession refill only 1 charge. In this deck guide, I focus on the Sixth Sense since I don't test Divination yet, but I think Divination seems good, or even better.
  • Utility spell: You may keep one additional utility spell like Blur, Earthly Serenity, or Mists of R'lyeh. Thanks to Uncage the Soul(3), it's easy to swap spell assets. When you select spell, avoid "uses (1/3 charges)". It's inefficient to refill by Ghastly Possession.
  • Jewel of Aureolus + Relic Hunter: good combo if you have enough XP.
  • Robustness at the beginning of the game: Single copy of each fight/investigate asset makes this deck weak at the begin of the game. You may add two copy if you're worry about that. In that case, instead of Sixth Sense, Divination may be better.

Oct 29, 2022 Camilla · 1

Very cool, didn't want to play Sign magic Jacqueline since my other Mytic's already doing that, this is a great alternative!