Opportunist Jenny brings Dogs and Totems

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matt88 · 3093

Hey guys! This is a deck idea I had about Jenny Barnes and I'd like to share. The deck focuses more on combat and less at getting clues, but I think it's well-rounded and it can serve a team well as a flex investigator or work equally well in solo.

To begin with, this deck is presented at 11 XP, because this is where it starts showing its character. Both Switchblade and Opportunist, along with Grisly Totem form the backbone of the deck and they cannot be cut (for the level-0 version of the deck see at the end of the description). Streetwise is less important, but I would recommend getting it before the other upgrades as it's a more straightforward approach of dealing with obstancles.

So, what is Grisly Totem doing in the deck? Grisly Totem is normally useful when there are a lot of skill cards in the deck. We don't have as many so that we can justify its presence, but what we have is Opportunist. Opportunist will be played during skill tests where you want to be passing by 2 or more, namely during attacks with Switchblade or .41 Derringer and Grisly Totem will be boosting it every time you play it, increasing substantially your chances to get the desired result. Your base is 3, Switchblade or .41 Derringer boost it to 5 and Opportunist + Grisly Totem can boost it up to 7 repeatably. That's a very decent number that can get you covered on most token pulls. Switchblade will be your primary weapon of course, but .41 Derringer can serve as a decent backup weapon, in case you don't have Switchblade in your hand yet. Switchblade, Grisly Totem and Opportunist form the holy trinity of this deck and they cannot be replaced by anything.

Other Cards

Flashlight is for investigating and along with Streetwise it should do most of the hard work regarding clues. Backpack is to get all those important items faster, so that your combo starts working sooner. Guard Dog is our choice of ally. It offers damage soak and helps kill enemies, which is what you 're trying to do with this deck. My initial thought was Leo De Luca, but after some thought I dismissed him as a fairly expensive card that does not fit with the deck theme. Scavenging is there to get more milleage of all those off-hand items that will make their presence beside Switchblade, but honestly, it's mostly for recurring Flashlights and Luparas (with more XP) -oh and Backpacks (perhaps). Tennessee Sour Mash is for some encounter protection and it can also be recurred with Scavenging if you use its ability. Colt Vest Pocket is merely a Sleight of Hand target. It gets replaced by Lupara later on. Daring Maneuver is to help you get that +1 damage if you 're up against something tough and the rest of the skill cards offer mostly utility, but they can also be combined together for some big combo turns.

Other Upgrades

High Roller is another important upgrade in this deck. It basically allows you to boost your up to 7 a second time during the same turn. It also has some synergy with the skill cards, allowing you to get more profit out of them.

All In is your end-game upgrade. It replaces Backpack, an important card of the deck, but it serves a similar purpose (card draw). It also enchances those big combo turns, by adding big card draw to the results of your big skill test (that probably involves playing Double or Nothing). Also note that in combination with Grisly Totem it nets you +1 card.

For the level-0 version of the deck you can replace Switchblade with Knife or Kukri and Opportunist with Opportunist (0). Neither of these cards are good for the deck, but they serve a similar purpose (ie. help kill enemies and succeed by 2 or more respectively). As an alternate weapon for the level-0 version, you can also try .45 Thompson if you don't mind the increased cost and occupying the second hand slot.

And, that's about it. Hope you liked the idea! :)