Hydra Leo 19xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Toastrunner · 902

The ultimate jumping off point for Leo. Consistent, testless clues & damage and multiple directions you can develop.


Stick to the Plan - Deck ViP. Thins deck, offers amazing consistency. Stick Prepared for the Worst, Emergency Cache and Ever Vigilant under it and profit

Charisma (2x) - Leo is all about the allies. 2x lets us run 7 without worries.

Beat Cop - Amazing ally. Testless Damage and +Combat.

Adaptable - Lets you sculpt this deck any way you want.

Ace of Swords - Fighters gotta fight. Better odds of hitting it with SttP and another target for Ever Vigilant if you dont.

The Hydra's Heads:

Clues - Intel Report, Scene of the Crime, Flashlight

Fight- .45 Automatic, Vicious Blow, Enchanted Blade

Utility - Decorated Skull, Calling in Favors, Take the Initiative, Lone Wolf, Leo De Luca, Tetsuo Mori

The best part of this is how many options you have from here. You got all the bases covered, now go treat yourself.

The Future Options:

Like Huge Allies that give testless clues and damage? Agency Backup might be interesting.

Like smiting things with a sharp object? Timeworn Brand could be for you.

Like guns that go Dakka Dakka? M1918 BAR and Contraband are this way.

Like a middle of the road approach? Enchanted Blade, .45 Automatic and Hot Streak all agree.

Adaptable lets you tinker as you please. Decorated Skull, Tetsuo Mori, Flashlight are all easy swap outs depending on which way you want to go.

Stick to the Plan has many great cards you can stick under it. I always recommend keeping a Ever Vigilant under there, but there are many sexy options...Custom Ammunition, Contraband, Swift Reload, Emergency Cache to name a few...

Level 0 Version: Switch Guard Dog for Beat Cop. Overpowers for Ace of Swords & Ever Vigilant.

Upgrade Order: Charisma, Adaptable, Stick to the Plan, Ever Vigilant, Beat Cops, Charisma, Ace of Swords