I updated foobar's excellent jsfiddle from their Olive McBride (0) review to include Olive McBride (2) as well. You can play around with the chaos bag to see specific values. However, to summarize:
- Olive McBride (0)'s weakness was that she was often not worth it. If you were up by 2-4 on a skill test, which is common on Standard difficulty, Olive's ability would often lower your chance of success. The same is also true if you were even (up 0) on a skill test and didn't have Father Mateo's auto success on Elder Sign to save you.
- Olive McBride (2) does not have that weakness. Using her ability raises your chance of success for almost any chaos bag and skill value, sometimes up to 10-20% more.
Even without considering token-hunting shenanigans (Elder Sign for Father Mateo, Skulls for Jim Culver, Bless/Curse in general), Olive McBride is a considerable upgrade just for passing skill tests, and should be prioritized accordingly.