Written in the Stars, Norman Withers Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

aleanjir · 152

(First time publishing, a wall of text is incoming, including summary of the outcomes, general thought process on each card, and specific strategy.)

Seeing as I've found very few builds for this guy, I decided to make my own deck and share my experiences. I designed this deck specifically to solo Night of the Zealot on Hard, continuing into Dunwich with XP and Trauma if I can stop the ritual... I might still go to Dunwich if I can avoid an extra weakness and somehow defeat the Devourer the hard way, though.

No level 0 Shrivelling because I find it inefficient to use a 0XP slot on something that not only has an upgraded version, but will probably be your first buy(s) anyway, so the challenge was to forgo Shrivelling entirely, but I may go back and use 1 as a compromise and see how that works out. I would drop one copy of Alyssa Graham in that case and probably some other card for a Dr. Milan Christopher most likely in that case, or a second copy of Shortcut or Eureka! or put Calling in Favors back in so I could search for/recur Alyssa Graham.

Ultimately this deck plays very well and every time things went awry it was 100% bona-fide bad luck including twice on an 8-9 against 4 check or drawing both weaknesses back to back, once literally in the same turn, defeating Vengeful Hound and getting my ability back only to reveal my Mob Enforcer weakness. If I took out the bad luck you cannot account for I would never have been defeated and would have 1 fewer resign, so the deck itself I think is pretty solid considering only the absolute worst luck on hard could shut it down. And even if I had run a copy or two of Shrivelling... well I would have needed to draw it and have kind tokens to follow and again, the luck was garbage... Also, Shrivelling would not have saved me on the two runs where I went toe-to-toe with the Ghoul Priest as I wouldn't even have another action left and the AOO/retaliates are deadly, and missing on a retaliate elite is a bad gamble, for progression the only logical choice at that point is to resign unless you have enough cards to boost to at least 8 on Hard and feel like taking the risk.

For testing, I ran this deck through "The Gathering" several times. Here were the outcomes from 8 attempts:




X2 no resolutions, [TL;DR: pure bad luck, both weaknesses first turn]

Both weaknesses back to back. With the way his ability works you can literally begin the game engaged, and my basic weakness was Mob Enforcer. I LITERALLY started 2 games this way, once with Vengeful Hound and once with Mob Enforcer. The first time I parleyed the Mob Enforcer and was out 4 resources, the set back plus unlucky draws had me ultimately killing myself trying to heal on Medical Texts, I had just used Storm of Spirits, succeeded through a skull but took a damage, and got a -5 on a heal action. The other I was overrun in the cellar and failed every attempt to evade even with Anatomical Diagrams and Mind over Matter, I just needed 1 draw better than -3, didn't happen.

x2 Resigns, [TL;DR: on my final play that would have won... both times]

Once was with Icy Ghoul in the display, Once with BOTH Icy Ghoul and Flesh-Eater in the display. Came down to the final turns in the parlor both times, Ghoul Priest easily killable. Once with a Knife throw at 9 and once with "I've got a plan!" at 9 . Tentacle on both these actions... My luck was absolute trash, but since I could survive the I went for the draw and resigned after in dismay. Survived, got some XP.

x4 Killed the Ghoul Priest, once with Flesh-Eater in the display as well.

The long explanation is at the end when I go over the specific 4 move strategy and preparations to tackle the Ghoul Priest with EASE... so long as... no... @#$% ... grumbles




Flashlight: Simple, it's on hard mode and shroud 4 is no joke, even without obscuring fog in the way, 5 against 4 isn't the best bet. But the deck is tight aaand I don't ever want two of them so I cut it to one.

Magnifying Glass: With Norman's ability the only difference between this and the 1xp version is you can't return it to your hand. I loved top decking this thing countless times for 0 cost on a fast play. Helps compensate for the 1 Flashlight and can synergize.

Medical Texts: Preliminary runs had me hurting badly, especially with Grasping Hands. I was never rushed by doom, in every attempt I from preliminary to the 8 runs here I never got closer than 2 turns left and always had 4 turns with resigning as an option. But too many times the damage was just too much and I wished I could have just spent actions to heal. Definitely worth the slot, also a clutch commitment for if it comes to it...

Knife: He needs the combat boost, there's really nothing else with his restrictions, I have every damage card 0XP has to offer included, still needed more oomf. Helps you get rid of Swarm of Rats easily without worrying about the skull and with Anatomical Diagrams it can make quick work of others as well. Plus, anything at cost 1 is amazing with Norman as you can top deck it at no expense.

Fine Clothes: Literally just in there for the parley needed for the ending, can also soak a clutch AOO as well, though. Ditch it in the first upgrade.

Holy Rosary: No brainer, although the reason I only run 1 is because I find Alyssa Graham too good to not run 2, and Storm of Spirits is both necessary for the end strategy here, and your only answer for being overrun which can easily happen at the end of agenda 2.

Alyssa Graham: With Split the Angle you can peak at the encounter deck for free and then discard your top card (if non essential) to get rid of it without incurring any doom. And, of course, you can always take the doom if you're in a position to manage it. Norman has the potential to pick through 2 encounter cards every turn, which is insane. She also provides a +1 boost which not only comes in handy for the investigating you have to do in every single scenario, but also sets you up for stronger Mind over Matter and "I've got a plan!" plays. And having a back up copy is a clumsy but not terrible way to deal with the doom. If you top deck her she only costs 3 as well.

Laboratory Assistant: The strategy involved here requires a lot of cards. And if things go well, you'll play a good number of them from the top of your deck rather than your hand. She helps keep you healthy on cards and hand size while being able to take a shot of Painkillers and an AOO. easily better than Preposterous Sketches or even No Stone Unturned which I tried in the prototype deck but never delivered a game winning card or ultimately got me to a good resolution.

Hyperawareness: When top decked for 1 it's amazing, which goes without saying for any card here, but taking off just that 1 resource really makes a huge difference when playing a skill test asset which you'll likely need very soon. I added it mostly because of Grasping Hands trouble I had with the original deck, very glad I did. I didn't use it much but it always had at least one clutch turn that saved the game when I did use it.

Painkillers: Again, the damage... it's so difficult to deal with. But this costs 0 with his ability and Alyssa Graham and Laboratory Assistant can each easily shoulder some horror for your pill addiction, empty Painkillers are great for Crypt Chill fails, and with his high sanity reserves and Logical Reasoning he can get a lot of mileage out of this card. It can also kill off Alyssa Graham before her 2-3 doom cost you dearly.

"I've got a plan!": Amazing damage via , can one-shot Icy Ghoul or Flesh-Eater with 3 clues. It's amazing. Must run. Period.

Anatomical Diagrams: Much like with Flashlight shining brightest when it reduced a shroud to 0, this card is an ace against anything with 2 combat/agility. Testing against 0 is the best you could hope for, and elsewise it can bring Ravenous Ghoul down to 1 or the VP ghouls down to 2 for very easy use of Storm of Spirits, Knife (thrown), and "I've got a plan!". When combining it with Mind over Matter it's a breeze, and you won't need to save either one for the Ghoul Priest so they are your go-to mid game clutch cards.

Logical Reasoning: with in the corner and the ability to either heal 2 horror or discard a pesky Frozen in Fear, potentially only for 1 resource, it's too good not to run at least one copy. But no real reason to two.

Mind over Matter: He has 1 ... and 2 ... just run it.

Shortcut: Generally awesome and absolutely mandatory for the strategy of the deck, explained later.

Storm of Spirits: Already explained in its relation to other cards, but, again, at 0 XP this rising star Mystic has limited damage. He needs all the damage he can get and the ability to wipe and entire room of ghouls and rats in one turn is clutch here.

Deduction: Mostly in here for the following scenario, but conserving an action and securing a better success on investigating is never bad, can always add to a Mind over Matter or "I've got a plan!" play later. I've also discarded it via Split the Angle twice I think, same with a late Flashlight or Magnifying Glass. This way I have 3 different cards exclusively for sleuthing and they can all be used together if I draw them at once.

Eureka!: Gave it a field test, wasn't in the prototype, but it's almost a lacking only and most of your attacking will be by special events away. Useful card for that extra edge and digging for one of those necessary cards for your final play.

Guts: Encounter cards and spells demand you run this on hard. And card replacement is critical.

Perception: Same as Guts, try to save it for Lita Chantler or an "I've got a plan!" at the end, but not necessary.

Unexpected Courage: Because of course.




Every card is in for a very specific purpose. While most of them were explained above, Shortcut is only to be used on your last turn when advancing to act 3 and the set up and cards in hand must be precise. I had no problem biding my time and spending spare actions on resource gathering. I had solid control of the encounter deck and did not have to waste more than 1-2 extra actions investigating in almost every run, so this final show down is easy to prepare for so long as you don't have everything go wrong at once along the way. Also, key timing in advancing act 1 can get rid of enemies you can't fight so playing around that I was able to ditch one tons of enemies and get out of a lot of unlucky 2nd/3rd turn weakness draws. But, here's what it all boils down to:

Standing in the Hallway With 7+ resources

Needed cards: Shortcut and 2 of the following: Storm of Spirits or "I've got a plan!" (preferably both) but at the very least a knife in play with an Unexpected Courage

Also, enough cards for committing, or extra resources for Hyperawareness so that you can fight at 9 or twice. (easier that it sounds, trust me).

The play will look something like one of these two examples:

Shortcut into the Parlor => Parley => "I've got a plan!" @ Ghoul Priest -> Storm of Spirits @ Ghoul Priest


Shortcut into the Parlor => Storm of Spirits @ Ghoul Minion / Swarm of Rats => Parley => "I've got a plan!"/ Knife / Storm of Spirits @ Ghoul Priest

Getting this set up was literally never a problem late game, all my woes were in bad lucking one of the VP ghouls while in their location or too many enemies at the start, including both my weaknesses on first turn and the second within the next 4... twice! my luck...

Anyway, you advance the act, with 1 clue left over, short cut into the parlor with all 3 actions left and no damage from any enemies tailing you. If you dragged in another ghoul/rat GREAT! use Storm of Spirits on it immediately. While Lita Chantler could give a damage boost you have an easier shot on the extra, and also won't take a retaliate attack from the ghoul If you miss on the rat.

So first action: Storm of Spirits stragglers, or if not proceed to Parley. With fine clothes still intact (was never a problem except where my luck clearly had this ending in the dirt anyway) you only need to test 5 against 2. A Perception up the sleeve brings this to the highest % chance, if not spend resources on Hyperawareness or make due, you have plenty of cards in tow.

Last action or 2 finish off the Ghoul Priest with your spare Storm of Spirits / "I've got a plan!" / Knife. With Lita Chantler you not only get the extra damage needed, but even the Knife can come through. One of the three attempts I commited Medical Texts, Mind over Matter, and Unexpected Courage to get me to 9 combat with the thrown Knife to get the kill.


Getting to at least 6 exp is not only possible, but I did it in 5/8 attempts, and got 7 once. So getting x2 Shrivelling as your first upgrades are easily possible and Spirit Athame with the 7th if you were lucky. On unluckier attempts I'd likely go with a Song of the Dead and a Shrivelling or x2 Song of the Dead and a Spirit Athame just to get consistency.


If you made it through all or most of this wall of text, thank you for taking the time! If you have any feedback or tried it out/have your own Norman experiences to share I would love to hear them! I almost exclusively play Seekers and Mystics so Daisy and now Norman are my favorites.


Feb 06, 2018 Fuzer · 1

Amazing write up! Sadly, I don't have Norman to test it.

Feb 06, 2018 DigitalAgeHermit · 24

Interesting write up, did you take Norman on to the Midnight Masks? What's your recommended upgrade path?

Feb 06, 2018 aleanjir · 152

That depends on your results, and no not quite yet, I just tested the deck with just 1 shriveling and cleared x5 in a row, 7xp and 8xp. Two runs got dire in using winning with 1 health 1 sanity left after my 9 willpower shriveling auto failed twice and I managed to land a 9 shriveling and 9 plan at the end and one that got close cuz I greedily farmed out both ghouls. But jist one shrivelling freed me up more on being able to farm the VP ghouls and not fret over losing all my storm's early from too many enemies. So I'm going to take that deck foward with 8 xp. Since it more reliably cleared and averaged 1 more exp each run it's a wash on spending an exp to add a new level 0 card.

As far as upgrades, song of the dead x1 shriveling x1 and 1-2 spirit Athame I think makes the most sense. Although x2 song of the dead, x1 scry lv 3, x2 spirit athame (9 xp if you don't take Lita) is tempting. Song can help you blow through the normal cultists without wasting shriveling and you can fight an odd numbered hp enemy with it first for potential skull draws and conserving shriveling. And if you go forward with the version that has the lv 0 shriveling in it you still have 2 copies even if one is less reliable. But 1 plan and x1 shriveling charge with the will power to back it up is all the Hunter needs so you can freely farm out.

The shriveling version will be posted in a couple hours after 1 more run.

Feb 06, 2018 CecilAlucardX · 10

It's a funny thing: On The Gathering, it's actually best to resign. Use as much time as you want killing stuff and clearing locations for exp, or D2D then pop the 3rd act and run away ASAP. Here's the thing... You only lose 2XP by not getting the Ghoul Priest. You get Lita by resigning. You also aren't forced to make a choice between 1 mental trauma for lead investigator to get Lita or starting without your house, which has extra clues and that nice action (plus the Ghoul Priest spawns THERE instead of on you, or your clue gatherer). Weird, right?

Feb 07, 2018 aleanjir · 152

While I've considered doing that, you could also kill him, ignore Lita, get 9 exp.

Overall though I just don't want a hunting elite with retaliate mucking things up for me. Plus you take very little horror in scenario two anyway, wings of darkness hits you with both, only 2 in deck though. The night gaunt does 1 of each as well. Overall, the following scenario is all about surviving physical damage, and honestly switching fine clothes to a bullet proof vest is not a bad idea at all. Plus all of your allies have 2 or more sanity and Lita has 3 of each. It's worth the exp.