Dexter Drake

Dexter, you're a boy, make a big noise

Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday

You got Molly in your face, you big disgrace

Discarding assets all over the place, singin'

We will, five Will shrivel you

We will, five Will shrivel you

Drake, you're a young man, soldier man

Fine clothes in the street, gonna take on the world someday

You got Molly in your face, you big disgrace

Waving your haste all over the place

Six Will, we will summon you, sing it!

Six Will, we will summon you, yeah

Great Drake, you're an old man, veteran

Pleading with Yaztaroth, gonna get you some peace someday

You got Molly in your face, big disgrace

Summoned hound put you back in your place, do it!

Seven Will, we will razor you, yeah, yeah, come on

Eight Will, we will wither you, alright, louder!

Nine Will we will shrivel V you, one more time

Ten Will, we will shrivel you


jimjamculver · 142
love it - nice one! — StartWithTheName · 70611
"Ashcan" Pete

Hey Duke, don't feel so bad

You take that Ashcan and make him better

Remember resetting you isn’t that hard,

It just costs a card , to make you better


Hey Duke, don’t be afraid,

Your so much bigger than an Irish Setter,

The minute you see the bad men start to grin,

Sink your teeth in , and they`ll regret-ya


You have space to take some pain

And two spare brain,

Protecting Ashcan’s poor fragile shoulders

Youve given him a second pool

Which is so cool

You’re making his world a little bolder

Na-na-na, na, na

Na-na-na, na


Hey Duke, don’t let Pete down

He needs clues found, so go and get ‘em (he’ll pet you out and pet you in)

Remember you get a move that is part, (hey Duke)

Of the start, of your clue getta


Pete pets you out and pets you in

Hey Duke, begin

You need no one else perform with

And don't you he`s shaggy too

Hey Dukey-doo

He`s all that you need to make you bolder

Na-na-na, na, na

Na-na-na, na, yeah


Hey Duke, its not that bad,

Pete`s got no cash-man but you know better

Remember to go look inside of those bins

Those old shoes within, taste so much better!

Better better Better better Better, ah!


Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom-Nom-Nom Nom (yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Nom-Nom-Nom Nom, hey Duke

Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom-Nom-Nom Nom

Nom-Nom-Nom Nom, hey Duke

Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom-Nom-Nom Nom

Nom-Nom-Nom Nom, hey Duke

Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom-Nom-Nom Nom

Nom-Nom-Nom Nom, hey Duke (Duke Duke, Dukey Dukey Dukey Dukey, ow wow!)

Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom-Nom-Nom Nom (my, my, my)

Nom-Nom-Nom Nom, hey Duke (Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke)

Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom-Nom-Nom Nom (yeah, yeah, yeah)

Nom Nom-Nom-Nom Nom, hey Duke (yeah, you know you can make it, Duke, Duke, you're not gonna break it)

Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom-Nom-Nom Nom (don't feel so bad, you, take a rad song and make it better)



StartWithTheName · 70611
Why tho — MrGoldbee · 1470
That's so touching — cbrcbr · 1
Keeper of the Oath

Note that the Passageway trait will trigger them too, and that they're hunting through passageways if at act 3. As such, it's recommended to have extra clues before going to the Hidden Library if you didn't get rid of them.

Finally, note they could have been much nastier though if the Halls shared a trait.

jd9000 · 73
Dexter Drake

I think Dexter is the strongest Mystic investigator yet. His power gives +2 economy (including saving an action, the most precious commodity in AH) every time it's used, and it isn't too hard to set it up. He makes cards that are already strong even stronger (e.g. Arcane Initiate, David Renfield and Scroll of Prophecies, as well as the typical suite of spell assets), brings decent cards into the strong contender range (e.g. Forbidden Knowledge), and even makes a few obscure cards worth playing (like Alchemical Transmutation). The reason his power is so strong is the same reason why fast effects and cards are so good: saving an action and breaking the normal restrictions on play windows can be incredibly useful, especially on harder difficulties.

jmmeye3 · 629
Being able to replace your spent spells with full ones while engaged is very very good. On top of that, you get to shout, "Presto, change-o!" every time you do. — SGPrometheus · 821
He also has access to rogue economy cards, mitigating high costs of many spells. — Django · 5108