Circus Minh - Item Juggler

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

aramhorror · 685


Commit items during your skillchecks and scavenge them back. This way you will not be suspectible to cards that destroy you when you run out of cards, like other Minh Skillcard-Combo-decks.

The combination of Dark Horse and Fieldwork can bump your checks to a very high value, which you need in hard/expert mode or when you want to scavenge reliably. You can throw away your excess coins (from Milan and upkeep) with Higher Education to get that Dark Horse value at any time.

You need to keep 5 cards in hand to empower Higher Education and since most of your skillcards are oriented, you should be able to deal with The King in Yellow when it pops up. If you go over your handlimit in the upkeep phase you can discard some excess items that you dont plan to play/commit.


These 13 cards are all great to start with. So you are pretty much guaranteed a good start. They are ordered from amazing to start with to all the way to a little less amazing to start with.


Higher Education You should do your best to keep 5 or more cards in your hand with all the scavenging and the upgraded magnetic glass. The returning coins from Milan should be enough to keep this card going almost ad infinitum.

(2x) Upgrade Magnifying Glass to Magnifying Glass. Great for maintaining your +5 card limit. Also a soft counter to The King in Yellow, because it takes up a hand slot. When you scavenge back the Magnifying Glass you can reinstall it at no cost.

(2x) Upgrade Strange Solution into Strange Solution. One of the best weapons in the game. Combined with some Fieldwork and DarkHorse you get +9 , without adding a single skillcard. Its really hard to scavenge back though. So the uses are limited.

Edit: I am reconsidering the #Strange Solution card and would like to make a case for Strange Solution, which - on higher difficulties - doesnt have to pass a hard to upskill test, which you are probably saving up for end-of-the-scenario-boss-fights. The two are also very good versus encounter cards in the early game when you are trying to help other investigators (assuming you use Higher Education for your own checks. And Strange Solution is the best healing card out there. Which is particulary convenient for a character like Mark Harrigan.


Upgrade Deduction to Deduction More Clues. More icons. Cant go wrong here. Always good.

Accessory Slot Options

  • Disc of Itzamna. The Disc is pretty amazing when you get burried underneath enemies and the skill icons are just a small downgrade from the Rabbit's Foot. The Disc is pretty expensive to setup though. But should be worth it. It also saves you some precious Strange Solution supplies

  • Elder Sign Amulet is another contender, it has slightly better skill icons, and the +4 sanity that you can scavenge back is a big deal in some of the more scary places.

  • Relic Hunter If you invest in this one, you can even consider to ditch the Perception cards in favor of the Disc of Itzamna or Elder Sign Amulet

Shortcut into Pathfinder I am not sure if this card is worth its 3 coins expense. Its really strong in longer scenario's though, when you need to do alot of moving. It also combo's somewhat with Fieldwork

Leather Coat into Bulletproof Vest. Bulletproof vest has some really nice skill icons. The ? gives you the option to use it in any check. And even with the extra cost, it's still kinda cheap to equip, in case you need the extra armor.


Resourceful. Since Scavenging is such a core tool to this deck, it could be pretty painful when you have to discard it randomly due to an encounter card. Resourceful is a safeguard in order to get it back.

No Lucky! or Lucky!. Sure this card is amazing. But it has zero skill icons. It's also counterintuitive with Dark Horse, cause you are usually broke after every skillcheck.

No Laboratory Assistant. Your goal is to draw cards from your discard pile. Not from your deck. Also Dr. Milan Christopher is just plain better.

No mass skillcards? Because there are encounter cards out there that will punish this playstyle. Hard.


  • 3 or 4 Investigators. Her passive +1 on skill checks will get more value.
  • Another Scavenger-based cluesearcher, so you get max value from her passive.

Nov 12, 2017 aramhorror · 685

I am currently testing this deck in an expert run, through Night of the Zealot with 3 other investigators: Jim Culver, Mark Harrigan and Daisy Walker. In the first scenario this deck proved to be extremely consistent and we even managed to clean a shroud 4 location with 8 clues on it. After some consideration I am going to go against popular opinion and take the healing upgrade for Strange Solution, this one: Strange Solution. Going low on hp is very common on harder difficulties: two investigators ended the first scenario with 1 hp, and the 6 basevalue to hit from the Strange Solution, still needs a serious boost of at least +3 or +4 to have a good chance of hitting.

Also the Strange Solution needs to be equipped only halfway through a scenario, and can be used as a skill card against encounter cards for the first part of the mission, only to be scavenged back later. It still is the most effecient healing card out there, and that will come in handy for Mark Harrigan, who can take a little bit more direct damage with Sophie.

This decision being made, I see myself leaning closer towards Disc of Itzamna, in order to have at least some efficient monster cleaning.

Dec 01, 2017 aramhorror · 685

Okay. So we finished Night of the Zealot on expert and got the R2 ending, so thats pretty amazing. A few more thoughts:

Fieldwork: Because I no longer wanted to get Strange Solution as a weapon. The only skills I had to pass succesfully was and the occasional check. Those two get pretty much covered with Higher Education. And because moving around is more important for fighters or for soloplay, this card didnt prove to be all that usefull, and the skill icons are equally disappointing. So out it goes.

Possible replacement;

Charles Ross, Esq.: Well this deck is called Item Juggler. So Charles Ross, Esq., a brand new card, certainly fits in. It helps speed up setup and in the one game I played with him, (installed on turn 1) he got used every single turn! in our 4-player run. With Charles Ross, Esq. in your deck, there is no more reason to upgrade your Magnifying Glass, so you can use this xp to get Charisma. It also makes the Disc of Itzamna a tad cheaper, so it works really well with that. Although I must say that a Rex Murphy deck, with Scavenging, Burglary, Charles Ross, Esq. and Dr. Milan Christopher is possibly even stronger in 4 player, cause you will get a TON more coins.

Strange Solution: After seeing it in action, Strange Solution, is absolutely a very strong card. It saw use mid-battle against a massive enemy boss, when we casted some Blinding Light on it. Everyone was already low on skill cards, due to the fighting and low on coins, so the fact that this card always works is big, I was able to patch everyone up, and make them survive for one more turn! I am pretty sure it was more usefull than having the Strange Solution