Rita's RttDL Solo Run #2: The House Always Wins

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Rita's RttDL Solo Run #1: Extracurricular Activity 7 2 2 1.0
Inspiration for
Rita's RttDL Solo Run #3: The Miskatonic Museum 5 1 2 1.0

Magnificate · 1178

Opening Hand: Flashlight, Fine Clothes, Track Shoes, Lucky!. Perception

I have a good feeling about this scenario. It doesn't require much investigation and it rewards high mobility. More than that, Rita's deck includes Fine Clothes and "I'm outta here!", both of them perfect for saving Peter Clover.






Rita's Boardstate: 7 health, 5 sanity, 4 resources, 2 clues

In Play: Flashlight (2 supplies), Track Shoes

In Hand: Lucky!, Perception, Newspaper, 2x "I'm outta here!", "Look what I found!", Last Chance, Waylay

Rita can now resign whenever she pleases. Notice that in Return there are no Dissonant Voices in the encounter deck and playing "I'm outta here!" doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. So, is it worth it to save Peter Clover? I'd say that it still isn't. However, I'll have Rita attempt it for satisfaction alone. The next three scenarios are going to be challenging and we could use a morale boost beforehand.






Those were some excellent moves, Rita! Note the use of Track Shoes in conjunction with Swarm of Rats at the end. On the minus side, Rita missed out on Clover Club Pit Boss. This highlights an issue with Waylay, namely that it is useless in relation to elite enemies. As it happens the main monsters in the next two scenarios are elite. We'll see how it goes.

Campaign Log:

Extracurricular Activity: The students were rescued. Professor Warren Rice was kidnapped. 3 XP (Vassal of the Lurker, Orne Library, Dormitories).

The House Always Wins: Naomi has Rita’s back. Dr. Francis Morgan was kidnapped. Rita rescued Dr. Henry Armitage. 4 XP (Servant of the Lurker, Art Gallery, VIP Area, Back Alley).


Feb 05, 2019 PureFlight · 750

RE: Track Shoes - You make it sound as if you need an enemy to use the ability on Track Shoes. My reading of the card is that it merely specifies the timing of when the ability fires, not that you need an enemy as a prerequisite. So they might be better than you think they are!

Feb 06, 2019 Magnificate · 1178

I'm waiting for an official response to that question, but at the moment I'm operating under the assumption that one does need an engaging enemy to use the shoes.