Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
"As you wish" Neutral Skill Practiced. Expert. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 2
Analysis Seeker Skill Practiced. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 49
Crack Shot Rogue Skill Practiced. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 57
Daredevil (2) Rogue Skill Fortune. Practiced. Point of No Return 240
Daredevil Rogue Skill Fortune. Practiced. Winifred Habbamock 18
Deduction Seeker Skill Practiced. Core Set 39
Deduction Seeker Skill Practiced. Revised Core Set 39
Deduction (2) Seeker Skill Practiced. Expert. The Essex County Express 150
Deduction Seeker Skill Practiced. Harvey Walters 19
Defensive Stance (1) Guardian Skill Practiced. Expert. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 24
Enraptured Mystic Skill Practiced. The Boundary Beyond 157
Enraptured (2) Mystic Skill Practiced. Expert. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 77
Esoteric Method (1) Seeker Skill Practiced. Cursed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 55
Essence of the Dream Seeker Skill Practiced. Expert. The Search for Kadath 113
Fighting Lessons Guardian Skill Practiced. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 30
Hatchet Man Rogue Skill Practiced. The Boundary Beyond 155
Justify the Means (3) Rogue Skill Practiced. Cursed. Into the Maelstrom 306
Leadership Guardian Skill Practiced. Where Doom Awaits 260
Leadership (2) Guardian Skill Practiced. Point of No Return 235
Lightfooted Rogue Skill Practiced. Trick. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 76
Long Shot Survivor Skill Practiced. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 116
Mesmeric Influence (1) Mystic Skill Practiced. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 96
Momentum (1) Rogue Skill Practiced. The Search for Kadath 115
Occult Theory (1) Mystic Skill Practiced. Expert. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 65
Overpower Neutral Skill Practiced. Core Set 91
Overpower Neutral Skill Practiced. Revised Core Set 91
Overpower (2) Guardian Skill Practiced. Expert. Nathaniel Cho 26
Perception Neutral Skill Practiced. Core Set 90
Perception Neutral Skill Practiced. Revised Core Set 90
Perception (2) Seeker Skill Practiced. Expert. Harvey Walters 28
Plan of Action Seeker Skill Practiced. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 24
Prescient Mystic Skill Practiced. Augury. Jacqueline Fine 19
Promise of Power Mystic Skill Practiced. Cursed. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 32
Prophesy Mystic Skill Practiced. The Circle Undone 34
Signum Crucis (2) Survivor Skill Practiced. Blessed. Horror in High Gear 197
Skeptic (1) Rogue Skill Practiced. In Too Deep 115
Stunning Blow Survivor Skill Practiced. Threads of Fate 112
Survey the Area (1) Seeker Skill Practiced. Expert. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 37
Take the Initiative Guardian Skill Practiced. Bold. The Boundary Beyond 150
The Eye of Truth (5) Seeker Skill Spell. Practiced. Weaver of the Cosmos 325
The Home Front Neutral Skill Practiced. Expert. The Path to Carcosa 7
Three Aces (1) Rogue Skill Fortune. Practiced. Dark Side of the Moon 199
Torrent of Power Mystic Skill Practiced. The Pallid Mask 235
Unrelenting (1) Survivor Skill Practiced. Horror in High Gear 196
Vicious Blow Guardian Skill Practiced. Core Set 25
Vicious Blow Guardian Skill Practiced. Revised Core Set 25
Vicious Blow (2) Guardian Skill Practiced. Expert. Lost in Time and Space 299
Vicious Blow Guardian Skill Practiced. Nathaniel Cho 19
Well-Dressed Neutral Skill Practiced. Fortune. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 130