Déjà Vu

From a math standpoint you're going to need to have exiled 5 level 1 cards to break even with this card. Your gains lessen the higher the exile level is too. Basically then, this helps keep Flare and the upgraded coat/keepsake from leaving play. But again, you're going to have to get 5 total uses of those cards to even break even, and I'm just not sure thats a scenario you are realistically going to see often.

drjones87 · 188
It really rewards you for going 'all in' on an exile strategy where you fully intend to exile 2-3 cards a scenario. Assuming you got this after scenario 3 (Giving you time to get some key upgrades and some exile cards) you would make about 10 XP back. This is a LOT of XP if you are actually exiling a lot of cards per-scenario, which is not hard to do. The idea that it is 'worse' if the exiled cards are higher XP is also incorrect, you benefit from this just as much from a 1 XP card as a 5 XP card, it is just harder to 'keep up' the usage of high XP exiles, but survivors don't tend to care about that anyway. The main thing holding this card back is mainly the exile pool doesn't benefit a ton of survivors right now to spam (mostly just Patrice). — dezzmont · 209
Also, note that you can recover an exiled 2 xp card for free if you bought two of these, which is very expensive upfront but gives you some very nice options to play every scenario — Thatwasademo · 56
bu " — Thatwasademo · 56
by "an" I mean up to 3, of course — Thatwasademo · 56
I still have hopes for this card. At the moment I don't see a deck where this could be powerful enough to justify paying 5 XP for it. However, there is still a huge design space for exile cards and we might even see an investigator based around exiling cards at some point. Also it needs a certain campaign meta, preferably as many scenarios as possible where you can reliably get at least 6 XP in the first scenario. I think the ones where it might work are Carcosa, Forgotten Age and TCU. — PowLee · 20
Agreed, this card will get better the more Exile effects are printed. I'd not thought of doubling up, that's an interesting take, though very xp heavy. — fiatluxia · 65
2x burn after reading each with a 2xp card is 6 exile xp in total — Django · 5051
I probably wouldn't buy this unless I have already exiled at least 2 cards in the previous scenario, which means you should never really be spending more than 3 effective xp for it. — OrionJA · 1

I have played this card in Zoey Samaras decks lately has a "placeholder" for Cyclopean Hammer: at the start of the campaign I take In the Thick of It and with the 3 XP I purchase Enchant weapon and with the combination of the 2 cards I can once per round pay 1 action to attack at +3 for 3 damages or pay 2 actions to attack at +6 for 4 damages!

AlexP · 248
huh.... noting that one down, I like both those cards but never thought to use them together. — Zerogrim · 290
Zoey can live and learn in case the big attack autofails. — Django · 5051
Dexter Drake

Dexter is a great candidate for curse builds due to his access to Faustian Bargain. Not only does the bargain itself generate a ton of resources, but also curses which the bread and butter Mystic is lacking in options. His investigator specific ability isn't that great, but his weakness also isn't really an issue so that balances.

Overall a B tier Mystic.

drjones87 · 188
I would go the complete opposite direction: curse synergy isn't great, but his investigator specific ability is what makes him neat and good! — DjMiniboss · 44
Breaking and Entering

The thing that makes this card good is how frequently you want to play it. The central reason you want to evade enemies is so that you can clear clues off locations without having to deal with them, either leaving them to your Guardian or walking away from them entirely. This card does the thing that makes the game progress while effortlessly avoiding the things that stop the game from progressing and mitigating the risk that it all goes sour. Technically it's barely an extra action for 2 resources, but practically it's a stunningly powerful card for seeker rogues and will rarely not impress.

LocoPojo · 233
Best card to handle Trish's own weakness — BoomEzreal · 8
On the Hunt

There are so many things great about this card. It filters monsters from the encounter deck and redirects them to your mob handler. It spawns aloof enemies engaged with you, severely nerfing their revelation effeft. It saves the Guardian from drawing a bad card during mythos.

And finally, the upgraded version gives you an off global emergency cache when you kill whatever got stuck with it. Or, if you can't find an enemy, it gives you a pass on the encounter deck.

Use it, abuse it, don't look back.

Edit: Some folks say that forcing you to draw aloof enemies is a bad thing, but I couldn't disagree more. Even though aloof enemies won't be damaging you, they will be hindering you in other ways, especially in the newer scenarios. Generating doom, making objectives harder, etc. Clearing them out is a nice benefit. Even the older cards (wizard of the order, acolyte), forcing them to spawn engaged with you dramatically reduces their game effect.

Mandatory monster handling card imo.

drjones87 · 188