Dayana Esperence

Edit 3/4/2020: Rewritten to represent a much changed selection of spell events.

Dayana Esperence is a crazy powerful card, but she is expensive to run. The trick is to have a strong money engine or cheap enough cards to keep her up and running.

  • First off, Dayana is beefy, 3 health will keep her alive through some ally-killing mythos cards and help you outlast the mythos deck in general.

More importantly than her health however is the tripled spell event ability. Many events are strong enough to warrant playing by themselves, Ward of Protection, Deny Existence and their upgrades are among the most useful cards in the game and getting triple the amount of cancelling from them is outrageously good, especially Ward of Protection which can blanket protect the team and Deny Existence which is, for obvious reasons, incredible. Be mindful about using a tripled Ward of Protection though, that's 3 horror on top of whatever the scenario throws at you.

Because Dayana and the repeat casting of a spell will often be very expensive, absolutely make sure to bring methods to fund the combos, cards/combos like Forbidden Knowledge+Peter or Alchemical Transmutation might be needed to keep this build rolling. Absolutely make sure to pick up whatever out of faction resource cards are available to you, including Crack the Case, Easy Mark or Take Heart as appropriate.

Aside from the cancels, many other spells are good enough to want to play them repeatedly and there's a few spells that start off weak but being able to play them 3 times makes the mechanics much more interesting. Here is a list of every spell Dayana can triple:

  • Astral Travel is simply too expensive to use in this manner, there is a small handful of scenarios where being a master of movement can be very useful but usually the benefit of multiple Astral Travels is marginal and unnecessary.

  • Evade spells like Banish, Ethereal Form, Blinding Light and the upgrade are weird options because cards like Mists of R'lyeh and Ineffable Truth exist. Using Dayana for this is a way to have a routine spell for all three major actions but frankly, you probably dont need to play these spells more then once or twice per scenario, especially given their cost.

  • Counterspell gets expensive fast but undeniably powerful. Good combo if you've got money generation.

  • Eldritch Inspiration is great with an asset in play that you want the token trigger on repeatedly. A workhorse combo if your deck is using the upgraded Sixth Sense and/or Wither cards to clue and/or fight.

  • Read the Signs and Spectral Razor are very powerful cards because of their often huge skill bonuses. You do need to be able to fund them, but the end result is most likely worthwhile.

  • Hypnotic Gaze, just too expensive, the mechanic is nice but the card is already so expensive that people arent playing it -once-, much less three times!

  • Mind Wipe, this one actually takes flight on Dayana. Playing the spell just once to negathe the threat of one enemy for a round is useful but, MEH. Playing it 3 times to completely ignore something for a good while, THAT is a very cool mechanic. Campaign conditional but absolutely useful most of the time, especially for a clue-focused .

  • Moonlight Ritual is very specific but having it around for repeated use can unlock a lot of extra actions via doom on Blood Pact for Marie or enable the use of De Vermis Mysteriis or David Renfield.

  • Recharge and Recharge on Dayana basically gives you endless use of a good spell asset (if your token pulls are lucky). Rather good actually, especially with the upgrade.

  • Using Storm of Spirits in this manner is just too expensive, by all means go ahead though if you want to pretend you're this anime character

  • Repeat rewinding via Time Warp can be very, very useful. It's not overly strong but being able to play it three times makes you a lot less stingy with it.

  • Word of Command is a spell you really only need to play the one time, tripling it is overkill.

  • As of the yet only characters capable of this are Marie and Lola but Blood Eclipse is cheap enough to repeat-play, it's a surefire way to get yourself killed though.

  • Alter Fate is probably one of the best spells to repeat-play, especially in the right campaigns where persistent treacheries are common. A top-notch use of Dayanas abilities.

Tsuruki23 · 2547
Moonlight Ritual is potentially huge as well. It allows mystics to heavily rock the doom effects. — Sassenach · 179
Some good points. Putting a counter on her with Diana is pretty cool, gaining a ressource and drawing a card each time, while not losing the counter. Moonlight ritual is also pretty cool, if you go crazy with 1 or 2 blood pacts. — Django · 5093
Why wouldn’t you lose the counter? Diana’s ability would still put the card under her, so it will no longer be attached to Dayana, and be pretty wasteful unless you did it only on the third use. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Question about her and Time warp - Time warp's text say to return the game state to how it was before the event, including it's cost. Normally what prevents you from playing it over and over is having to discard it, but she doesn't discard it. And the secret spent is part of the cost. If even seems timewarp would have you un-exhaust her. So it seems that you could just play time warp over and over, unlimited. I feel like I must be missing something. — khoshekh · 5
You don't rollback the cost of Time Warp. Exhausting Dayana and spending a secret becomes part of the cost. — Yenreb · 15
With Diana you might move your card from Dayana under Diana because you drew into a card you really wanted on Dayana after having settled for a card you kinda wanted on her. Or just because your weakness hit and you really need to refuel your will. — Yenreb · 15
According to the comments on Time Warp,, you do roll back the cost on her. — khoshekh · 5
More specifically, it says the cost of playing timewarp is reset. Timewarp itself is not returned to your hand because it's in an 'inbetween state' while the reset is happening. But the cost you paid happened before the reversal, so it's reset. In normal use, as long as you have the resources to play it, you get them back, so it's essentially free. Now, when attached to Diana, this really seems to me that it'd make her exhaust/secret reset too. — khoshekh · 5
To avoid confusing players who may stumble across this, khoshekh is incorrect. The comments there predate the FAQ erratum that came out over a year ago. Any costs to pay for Time Warp are not reset. — eapfel · 6
Dayana + Alter Fate in TCU is pretty amazing — Zinjanthropus · 229
This review mentions Dayana and Alter Fate (level 3) as a good combo. But correct me if I'm wrong - aren't there zero investigators who can take both level 3 mystic and survivor cards? — snacc · 994
I think Marie Lambeau could do it because Altere Fate is a Spell. — GWItheUltimate · 1
Ah, good point, thanks :) I guess also Father Mateo because Alter Fate is a blessed card! — snacc · 994
Is it possible to change the spell on #Dayana? I understand that she only has 3 secrets. — VanyelAshke · 180
Robes of Endless Night seem pretty good with Dayana. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Segment of Onyx

Fun card that requires a little help.

Segment of Onyx is fun and powerful, but not without the right tech. You need drawpower to find it, or tutors, and you need deckspace. It's actually quite costly at 3 resources to "complete".

For a full on this card will probably pull it's weight, Preposterous Sketches, Cryptic Research, Mr. "Rook" and Glimpse the Unthinkable make actually finding the things relatively easy, Feed the Mind will find it in a jiffy! For a full-seeker there is one problem though, 3 slots might be very hard to come by! Segment of Onyx competes HARD with the classic "research" cards, Strange Solution and Archaic Glyphs, if it's not pushing those out then it's competing with powerful mechanics like "I've got a plan!", Pathfinder or Connect the Dots. Don't forget that Segment of Onyx also needs support to find them with.

For a non the prerequisite for card support is harder, there are no Glimpse the Unthinkable, Cryptic Research for them and Mr. "Rook" charges might very well be better spent on other things (finding weapons, useful skill cards in the moment). If you get Segment of Onyx then you should probably also be getting Preposterous Sketches ASAP. Feeling like you HAVE to tutor fragments can actually get in your way and until you complete the damn thing the early shards will feel like duds.

I dont think I really need to talk about how powerful this thing is when you complete it, crazy movement efficiency, evasion and unstoppable clue gathering make it rather awesome, Pendant of the Queen is perhaps one of the single strongest items in the game. It's particularly interesting to multi-role characters like Roland Banks and Joe Diamond since they can make full use of every facet of the card, it's also rather attractive for Daisy Walker who can assemble it with Old Book of Lore and she can use Recharge and Enraptured to get extra uses from it. Minh Thi Phan will be a natural fit, she runs through a deck at rapid speed and the flexible uses are of particular interest to her.

Tsuruki23 · 2547
Allow me to speculate rampantly with you before the card is even released! (Which I mean with love :-) ) *** I think you are correct that Segment of Onyx will require significant support from other cards/mechanics given that each segment is individually meaningless and all three are required for value. That said, many cards have a similar constraint. For example, Guardian Big Guns(tm) often require support to find them, reload them, etc. *** One card I would add to your list of searching cards is Backpack. I can easily imagine a deck with 3x Segments of Onyx, 2x Emergency Cache, 2-4x hand slot items (even if just 2x Mag Lens), and 2x miscellaneous item/supply cards. Backpack could work quite well for finding segments and generally thinning the deck. *** I respectfully disagree with your statement of "it's actually quite costly at 3 resources to 'complete'." I think three resources is really cheap for what you get! Working a Hunch, Connect the Dots, Intel Report, and other cards are 2-for-1 with resources-for-clues while this is 1-for-1. Elusive is an amazing card and is 2-for-1 for a teleport (though you also get free disengagement) while this is 1-for-1. Decoy is 2-for-1 for an evade while this is 1-for-1, and this can affect Elite enemies. *** Lastly, something I think is very important about the Pendant is that it recycles itself. When then Pendant runs out of charges it goes out of play and shuffles the Segments back into your deck. This means you can find it again, and hopefully easier the second (third?) time because your deck is smaller. I would design my deck with the expectation that I'm going to build the Pendant at least twice in cycling through my deck for the first time. — SocialPsientist · 145
I agree with Social, the value you get from 3 resources and the card set up seems pretty worth. — applejuice4spill · 1
Abusing this card has been loads of fun. On it's own it has a pretty useful effect and is worth 1 experience. — Vultureneck · 74
David Renfield

After trying out this card with Diana Stanley and Daisy Walker, I have to say I 've had mixed experiences with it.

David Renfield is a swingy card from which you 'll get mixed mileage depending entirely on the scenario layout. While the resource generation, the Willpower boost and the damage soak make David Renfield valuable, you can't always guarrantee you 'll get as much profit out of him as you 'd wish. There are those cases where David Renfield shines, giving you a constant Willpower boost for several turns, while making you rich in the process, but there are also those cases where he 's sitting idle in your hand, waiting for an opportune moment to be played and be exploited, possibly leaving you at an awkward spot or a bad situation. Your mileage with Renfield also depends on how many doom-removing cards you have in your deck. Both times, I had 4; 2 Moonlight Rituals and 2 Calling in Favors. Both times, all of these 4 cards were useful in some way, but they didn't necessarily make David Renfield better. They certainly allowed me to use Renfield more often, but I didn't always get the value I wanted. There were those times that the benefit I was getting was a +1 Willpower boost for a couple of turns and a net-gain of 2-3 resources using 2-3 actions. That's not great value at all. Sometimes I also misinterpreted the situation, which inevitably lead to misplays, making David Renfield even worse. But the worst mistake I did the second time I used him was that I depended almost entirely for my economy on him. And guess what? I was in trouble. Even with 4 cards to remove doom, David Renfield still didn't cut it to guarrantee utility. There were scenarios where my economy was rolling fantastic, but there were also others that I couldn't get as much resources as I needed, thereby severely hindering my ability to be effective. I warn you: Don't make that mistake! But, overall, it was a good experience, mostly finding out Renfield's capabilities and how much you can push your limits.

So, after using David Renfield in 2 campaigns, I have acquired enough experience to point out some tips you can use:

  • Never use Renfield unless you have a way to remove doom from him! Probably obvious, but worth pointing out. It's too dangerous.

  • You can use Renfield's ability in 2 different ways: Either you stack doom to profit from his moneymaking ability in order to become a hell-of-a-rich guy over the course of a few turns, or keep the doom count on 1 for the constant Willpower boost. Depends on what you need most at a given time and how much the current agenda allows you to go crazy with doom. I was usually abusing the money-making ability, but going the other way is also useful if you don't need as much cash.

  • Try to have a lot of doom-clearing cards in your deck. A good Renfield-using deck should have at least 4. The doom-removing cards that exist up until this time are Moonlight Ritual, Calling in Favors and Sacrifice. Having a lot of those gives you options. Besides, if you run Moonlight Ritual, you would also probably go for Blood Pact, so there's kind of some competition for doom-clearing targets. Calling in Favors is usually better than Sacrifice if you also run other allies in your deck, especially if they like to be recalled (like Beat Cop and Mr. "Rook").

  • Be aware of scenario cards and mechanics that interact with doom. Cards like Ancient Evils or a badly-timed Mysterious Chanting can ruin your day. Be prepared to face them and run cards that can deal with them, like Ward of Protection.

  • Removing doom from Renfield costs an action. You should bear that in mind if you 're playing with fire. If, for example a strong enemy spawns at your location during the turn you were planning to remove the doom and you need all 3 actions to deal with it, you will be in trouble. That is why it may be good to pack some actionless way to remove doom from David Renfield like Forbidden Knowledge.

I would also like to point out a few investigators who can make good use of David Renfield:

  • Marie Lambeau is probably no 1 candidate to use Renfield due to her ability. In my opinion, David Renfield is the best card that uses the doom element she can use, probably even better than Blood Pact. Even though Blood Pact is a permanent, it's not as solid as using Renfield for her, as she needs to first find a target for it, while David Renfield gives her solid access to her special ability so that she can start using it whenever she wants.

  • Mutated Dr. Christopher also makes Renfield a good candidate for Daisy Walker as an alternative way to make resources, especially if she wants to use spells from the faction. The constant Willpower boost from him along with other boosters like Holy Rosary or St. Hubert's Key will make her a decent fighter and she can use Arcane Studies or Higher Education to help her land those hits.

  • Diana Stanley can use the extra Willpower boost and the resources gained from Renfield, especially early game. In my experience, she's been a rather resource-hungry investigator and she wants an alternative way to generate resources until she upgrades to "I've had worse…" (2).

  • I can also see this card in a spell-heavy Jim Culver/Father Mateo build. Spells are expensive in the first place and none of these investigators is known for their expceptional Willpower. Father Mateo also has the additional benefit of being able to toy with doom in more interesting ways.

  • As pointed out by another reviewer, this card makes for an interesting case in "Ashcan" Pete. He can use his ability to trigger Renfield twice a round, possibly being able to make huge piles of resources. The main issue here is whether he needs that Willpower boost and somewhere to put all those resources into, but I can see a spell-oriented deck for him with Renfield + Peter Sylvestre (2) for the Willpower boosts plus Shrivellings/Withers/Sixth Senses/Rite of Seekings and Pluckys to put all those resources into, protected by Peter Sylvestre's infinite horror soak. It 's somewhat janky, but someone might make it work. Also note that the upcoming Versitile card will allow him to take 1 additional Mystic card, possibly giving more (?) consistency to this build. Just saying...

In the end, I think David Renfield is a good card. He 's generally good for investigators who need the Willpower boost and can use the extra resources. His value varies from scenario to scenario, but in the end, you will (almost) always find some room to make some value out of him. He 's probably not as good to investigators with innately high Willpower (Agnes and Akachi) and whoever is running him has to bear in mind that he can not fully rely on Renfield for the hard stuff.

matt88 · 3178
I disagree with your idea that you need doom removal in a deck with Renfield. You can kill him off in a variety of ways if built-up doom is a threat, Ward of protection and Shrivelling come to mind, Forbidden knowledge if youre Agnes. I think hes a geat ally, but those games where you only get the one resource trigger from him is a feelsbad moment. If you're really worried, just slot some more allies and play them over his slot if you gotta get rid of him. Other then that I rather agree, he´s a good card, just not the most consistent. Some scenarios he's an ally that pays back his cost and them some extra and perpetually buffs willpower by +1, othertimes he's a 2 damage soak. — Tsuruki23 · 2547
I usually kill Renfield as well, as Moonlight Ritual is not a card I ever run unless I'm using Blood Pact. Forbidden Knowledge, Painkillers, Ward of Protection, Shrivelling, Forbidden Knowledge, Calling in Favors, or just playing another Ally to me are more than enough ways to clear the doom from Renfield. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
These all are some options, but, for me, the main problem with killing Renfield is that you can't use him again. If you re running David Renfield it means that you want the +1 Willpower and the extra resources at times. If you kill him you lose the ability to exploit him again later in the scenario (except if you find your second copy), so I'd rather run Moonlight Ritual and Calling in Favors and pair him with another ally + Charisma. All these options @Styx mentioned for actionless removal of doom are still good but I would consider them as plan B. — matt88 · 3178
Pay Day

I'm thinking Tony Morgan should strongly consider this card as an early upgrade. First off, he's already motivated to fight enemies with Bounties on them with an upgraded .41 Derringer. With his native 5 you can already see that, just by doing what Tony already wants to do, you can easily achieve 5+ action turns. Then you factor in all the ways you'd normally try to get big action turns with Rogues: Leo De Luca, Ace in the Hole, Borrowed Time, an easily activated Quick Thinking on, say, a Derringer Fight test, and maybe couple that with Double or Nothing if you're feeling extra cheeky.

Also I think this was overlooked in the other review, but I think it's interesting that Borrowed Time lets you defer actions by spending actions. This means technically if you have 3 charges on Borrowed Time, you can continually defer those actions all game and you'd technically be taking 6 action turns. This means that, if you choose to defer those actions over and over again, you can play Pay Day for 6 resources whenever it comes up. Not bad.

Now it's unrealistic to say you'd be able to achieve the maximum number of potential actions in one turn because it's so heavily dependent on oversuccess and having the right cards all at once, but just for fun let's see what's possible. Start with your default 3. You gain +1 from doing at least one Bounty Fight and +1 from Leo. Use Quick Thinking and Double or Nothing on a Derringer test (without Taboo you could commit 2 Quick Thinking) to net +4 actions (or +6 without Taboo). Gain +3 from Borrowed Time and another +3 from Ace in the Hole. You're looking at 15 or 17 actions depending on Taboo. Will you ever get that many? Probably not, but you can easily get 5 or so between Tony's ability and Leo, and 6 or 7 won't be hard to pull off thanks to Quick Thinking and Derringer. If you have the Borrowed Time loop happening, you can bump all those numbers up by 3 easily.

StyxTBeuford · 13028
Is the Borrowed Time loop worth it though ? Sounds like spending an action for a resource to me. — LeFricC'estChic · 86
It's not one resource, it's 3. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I know, but Borrowed Time cost 1 card, 1 action, 1 resource to play. So even if you got 3 resources from the DELAYED action (you'll have a starting blank turn - at least 3 "dead" actions over a few turns), you've had spent more or less the "value" of 3 actions (card+action+resource) to earn 3 resources. — LeFricC'estChic · 86
Monterey Jack with Leo, pathfinder, quick thinking and Eon Chart would love to be able to take this card.....oh well. — tasman · 1
This card is trash. It takes a lot of work to make it decent for a 1XP economy card that is overshadowed by the likes of Easy Mark or Faustian Bargain. — CHA · 8
Does it? Easy Mark, by itself, is equal to E Cache, granting +1 tempo. Playing all 3 easy marks at once adds 1 more tempo to the second two, so Easy Mark maxes out at +2. And Faustian Bargain is +3 tempo, at the price of 2 curse tokens. For Pay Day, Finn, Tony, and Bob each have a built in free action, so Pay Day is a reliable +2 tempo minimum, matching Easy Mark. Get a single extra action from any number of Rogue sources- Quick Thinking, .41 Derringer, Leo De Luca, Haste, Blur, Eon Chart- and they've hit +3, same as Faustian, without the curses. Sure, pulling off the absurd 15-action turns is unfeasible, but it's also unnecessary; several Rogues can match Faustian's efficiency just by doing what they were gonna do anyway, and without generating curses, and with the potential to do more if they can eek out more actions within a turn. — HanoverFist · 737
Can someone clarify whether "Call for backup" synergy card in neutral would grant multiple triggers in pay day. As in reading it, and the rules write up above, and it seems should work, as there's a bunch of different actions taken or being performed. Thanks for any and all help to the community. — Quantallar · 8
Harold Walsted

Spoilers for Miskatonic Museum abound, but you probably knew that already!

I've been considering the two different helpers in Miskatonic (Adam Lynch) being the other) as I consider an optimal playthrough type run.

I think that Adam is pretty much inferior across the board, with a couple caveats:

  1. If you're trying to get through the scenario as fast as possible.
  2. If your primary clue gathering mechanic is not based on investigating using .

In either of those cases, Adam will be marginally more useful - he'll allow you to skip over most of the exhibit halls other than doing the bare minimum to get clues, saving you 1 per (using the Security Office as a single rather than , or as compared to just sending your clue-sweeper in to each Exhibit Hall, with the possible consequences of revealing them.

Here's my thoughts:

Both Allies have the same 1/1 statline and the same "Oops, I let an innocent die, take a bad token" penalty. So you're looking at the bonuses they give.

Harold Walsted is a +2 investigate in all Miskatonic locations (which is going to be every location in the scenario). Whoever you're playing, a +2 investigate boost is going to be useful. For Rex Murphy you're significantly more likely to double up on clues. For anyone else, the ability to forgo throwing cards or resources or actions at your investigate checks (The majority of the locations are Shroud 2 or 3, so a +2 on top of the 4 or 5 you're bringing puts you easily at +2 or +3 for your tests), especially in a scenario like MM, that is often timed by the number of cards remaining before you take 10 damage, is huge! And for most seasoned players, clearing clues off all the locations is going to be key, because that's where the sweet XP lives!

On top of that, Harold comes from the Breaking and Entering side of the Act, rather than the Night at the Museum side. For investigators that are trying to maximize clue gathering, breaking down the door is going to be the method of choice anyway, to keep those 2 starting clues for immediate use in the Museum Halls.

The Security Office has two possible options - to search your deck and draw or to look at Exhibit Halls. If you're clearing all the halls, knowing which is which is helpful, but not worth the actions it would take. So if you get the right Security Office, Adam lets you spend 1 less action to search and draw. Which, to be clear, is pretty neat! But he costs you two clues, which are the key resource to discovering what's going on! So 50% of the time he'll save you 1-3 actions, depending on what you're digging for in your deck.

Harold, on the other hand, is going to trigger repeatedly during the game, since you're looking to clear 5-6 clues to open all the halls, and then clear out the Exhibit Hall

The only real upside Adam has is that's the most trope-y of individuals, being the completely new security guard at the haunted museum who is definitely going to get eaten by the monstrous horror at some point in time!

The two things I think you are failing to consider is (1) timing and (2) diminishing returns. 1) While Harold May be mechanically stronger, you don’t get him until the END of Act 2, while you get Adam at the START of Act 2, so while you CAN use Harold on all of the exhibit halls, you’ve likely already cleared many of them. 2) Most teams will be designed to already have sufficient clue gathering. Yes, you can put Harold on your mediocre or flex investigator who was at 3 or 4 to put them afely +2 above most shrouds, your cluevor at 5 or 6 native is going to get very little value from the additional +2. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
My group usually clears all locations of clues for victory X. Harold was mostly useles because the seeker had her int boosts in play already and didn't need anymore. — Django · 5093
Honestly they both kind of suck. They're meant to be liabilities. — StyxTBeuford · 13028