Stella delivers mail everywhere

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Metius · 12

Hello folks, first deck posting here! Disclaimer: This deck is not taboo compliant and is being run on easy, I am sure some of you have already stopped reading, but I am trying to see how many consecutive campaigns I can go through with Stella before she is killed or goes insane.

I am taking after Voltgloss and his play-by-play walkthroughs and this deck is designed after Stella - Blunder Woman from StartWithTheName. Hope you enjoy, let's see how Stella does with The Gathering!

Opening Hand: Live and Learn x2, Lucky!, .18 Derringer, Take Heart
Kept: All except 1 Live and Learn
Replacements: Rabbit's Foot
Starting Location: Study

A weapon and a lot of my fail tech, I’m ok with that start!

R1 (0D, 0H, 5$, 0C): 0/3 doom

-Encounter: None
- Play Rabbit's Foot [-1$]
- Investigate, 2 vs. 2 (+1): pass [+1C]
- Investigate, 2 vs. 2 (0): pass [+1C]
- Advance act [-2C]: Hallway, Attic, Cellar, Parlor enter play, move to Hallway, Study removed
-Draw Fire Axe [+1$]

Well, I didn’t get to use any of my fails, but I guess advancing the act on round 1 is acceptable!

R2 (0D, 0H, 5$, 0C): 1/3 doom

-Encounter: Ghoul Minion spawns and engages (...of course I get a monster when I didn’t play my weapons yet! I’ll come back for you later)
- Evade Ghoul Minion, 4 vs. 2 (-1): pass [evaded].
- Move to Attic [1H]
- Play .18 Derringer [-3$] (just in case more things come to play)
-Ghoul Minion readies
-Draw Old Keyring [+1$]

R3 (0D, 1H, 3$, 0C): 2/3 doom

-Encounter: Swarm of Rats spawns and engages
- Fight Swarm of Rats, 3 vs. 1 (-1): pass [+1D, defeated]
- Investigate, 2 vs. 1 (-1): pass [+1C]
- Investigate, 2 vs. 1 (-1): pass [+1C, +1 Victory]
-Draw Take Heart [+1$] (…because I’ve made so much use of the first one, for someone who has a bunch of fail tech in my hand, some actual failing would be great!!)

R4 (0D, 1H, 4$, 2C): 3/3 doom

-Agenda advances: [2H]
-Encounter: Obscuring Fog attaches to Attic (Oh darn…)
- Play Old Keyring [-1$]
- Move to Hallway, Ghoul Minion engages
- Use .18 Derringer (-1X): Fight Ghoul Minion 5 vs. 2 (-1): pass [+2D, defeated]
-Draw Live and Learn [+1$]

R5 (0D, 3H, 4$, 2C): 1/7 doom

-Encounter: Frozen in Fear [threatens]
- Move to Cellar [1D]
- Investigate, commit Take Heart, 2 vs. 4 (-1): fail [draw Drawing Thin, Resourceful +2$]
- Exhaust Rabbit's Foot: Draw Atychiphobia [threatens] (somehow that figures, I finally fail into something and get my anti-fail weakness out of it…)
- Stella Clark: Take an additional action this turn
- Use Old Keyring: Investigate, commit Resourceful 3 vs. 2 (-1): pass, [+1C, -1X]
-Test Frozen in Fear: 3 vs. 3 (): fail [1H], play Live and Learn: 5 vs. 3 (-2): pass, discarded
-Draw Meat Cleaver [+1$]

Finally got to fail with style!

R6 (1D, 4H, 7$, 3C): 2/7 doom

-Encounter: Ancient Evils [+1 doom]
- Discard Atychiphobia
- Use Old Keyring: Investigate 2 vs. 2 (+1): pass [+1C, +1 Victory, -1X, discarded]
-Draw "Look what I found!" [+1$] (Oh sure, now that I’m done discovering clues)

R7 (1D, 4H, 8$, 4C): 4/7 doom

-Encounter: Frozen in Fear [threatens] (…again?)
- Play Meat Cleaver [-3$]
- Move to Hallway
-Test Frozen in Fear: 3 vs. 3 (-1): fail
-Draw Lucky! [+1$]

Now I realized that I could’ve advanced the Act, but since I am moving along quite quickly, I decided to wait and try to find a Victory Point ghoul and stop freezing in fear

R8 (1D, 4H, 6$, 4C): 5/7 doom

-Encounter: Grasping Hands: 4 vs. 3 (-2): fail [1D]
- Exhaust Rabbit's Foot: Draw Neither Rain nor Snow
- Stella Clark: Take an additional action this turn
- Play Drawing Thin
- Investigate, exhaust Drawing Thin [+2$] 2 vs. 3 (0): fail
- Draw .18 Derringer
- Play .18 Derringer [-3$], discard .18 Derringer (most expensive refill of a gun ever, but I want to keep the cleaver to maybe heal some horror)
-Test Frozen in Fear: 3 vs. 3 (): fail [1H], play Live and Learn: 5 vs. 3 (+1): pass, discarded (getting tired of failing this check, so I decided to spend my last Live and Learn)
-Draw Called by the Mists [threatens] [+1$]

R9 (2D, 4H, 6$, 4C): 6/7 doom

-Encounter: Swarm of Rats spawns and engages
- Use Meat Cleaver: Fight Swarm of Rats, 4 vs. 1 (+1): pass [+1D, defeated, heal 1H]
- Discard Called by the Mists (since his priestliness is at 4 no matter if I fight or evade)
-Draw Winging It [+1$] (No it’s fine, keep giving me clue stuff…)

R10 (2D, 3H, 7$, 4C): 7/7 doom

-Agenda advances: encounters reshuffle, Flesh-Eater spawns in Attic (Woohoo, got a Victory ghoul!)
-Encounter: Ancient Evils [+1 doom]
- Move to Attic [1H], Flesh-Eater engages
- Use .18 Derringer (-1X): Fight Flesh-Eater, exhaust Drawing Thin [+2$], commit Take Heart x2, 5 vs. 6 ( is -1): fail, [draw Rabbit's Foot, Neither Rain nor Snow, Drawing Thin, Resourceful, +4$, +1X]
- Exhaust Rabbit's Foot: Draw Winging It
- Stella Clark: Take an additional action this turn
- Use .18 Derringer (-1X): Fight Flesh-Eater, commit Resourceful, 6 vs. 4 ( is -2): pass [+2D, return .18 Derringer to hand from discard]
- Use .18 Derringer (-1X): Fight Flesh-Eater, commit Fire Axe, 6 vs. 4 ( is -1): pass [+2D, defeated, +1 Victory]
-Draw Fire Axe, discard Fire Axe and Winging It x2 [+1$] (I overcommitted my Take Heart cards to fill my hand over capacity because I had plenty to discard, especially with me getting my .18 Derringer back means I don’t need the Fire Axe for the final showdown)

R11 (2D, 4H, 14$, 4C): 2/10 doom

-Encounter: Swarm of Rats spawns and engages
- Use Meat Cleaver: Fight Swarm of Rats, 4 vs. 1 (+1): pass [+1D, defeated, heal 1H]
- Play .18 Derringer [-3$, discard .18 Derringer]
- Move to Hallway
-Draw Madame Labranche [+1$]
-Advance act [-3C]: Parlor revealed with Lita Chantler, Ghoul Priest spawns in Hallway and engages.

Time to finish this, I don’t want to wait around and try to find that last Victory ghoul and I have plenty of cards to help me kill the priest in one round without Lita’s help.

R12 (2D, 3H, 12$, 1C): 3/10 doom

-Encounter: Frozen in Fear [threatens] (…for the THIRD time, that complicates my kill it in one round plan, fortunately I can take it’s attack once and kill it the round after)
- Use .18 Derringer (-1X): Fight Ghoul Priest, commit Neither Rain nor Snow, 8 vs. 4 (-2): pass [+2D]
- Use .18 Derringer (-1X): Fight Ghoul Priest, commit Neither Rain nor Snow, 8 vs. 4 (-2): pass [+2D]
-Test Frozen in Fear 3 vs. 3 (-1): fail
-Ghoul Priest attacks [2D, 2H]
-Draw "Look what I found!" [+1$]
-+1 doom

R13 (4D, 5H, 13$, 1C): 5/10 doom

-Encounter: Ghoul Minion spawns and engages
- Use Meat Cleaver: Fight Ghoul Priest, commit Rabbit's Foot, 6 vs. 4 (-2): pass [+1D, defeated, +2 Victory, heal 1H]
-Advance act: Resolution 2

Resolution 2:

-Stella’s house is still standing
-Stella earns 1 experience
-8 experience (5 Victory, 3 bonus)

Well, only missing one Victory ghoul isn’t bad (which was like 7 cards down along with an Ancient Evils, so I wouldn’t have had enough time), time to see how good Stella is at dealing with cultists!


Feb 22, 2021 Metius · 12

I seem to be having trouble with card names currently, Live and Learn shows fine in the preview but something gets lost when I save it.

Feb 22, 2021 eapfel · 5

Getting a Rabbit's Foot is mighty Lucky!.

[Trish Scarborough](/card/07003)

Feb 22, 2021 eapfel · 5

Feb 22, 2021 Metius · 12

Thanks for the help @eapfel!