Heed the Dream

2 xp card for a fast Old Book of Lore use/Eureka effect for each player, but you can't always control when it happens because it's a dilemma. That sounds expensive, but possibly justifiable.

But, you also get all of the weaknesses you don't choose back for free! And you remove all of the non-weakness cards (which you put in your deck, so you probably want them, with the possible exception of a few signature cards if you don't build your deck to use them) from the game instead of discarding. And the card is Survivor, which is the class who can recur things.

The deck-thinning means you probably don't want to recur it, so it's a single-use event for 2 xp, with drawbacks.

Iduno · 4
Peter Sylvestre

He's a great partner for Agnes Baker, as someone noticed. Played whole Carcossa campaign and can't imagine it without that fella in, the value is just insane. Since he's the only ally I played in her deck, it kinda turned to a strong cougar feeling (here's my young boy), but no regrets there.

That +1 to running may seem insignificant, but it helps you against treacheries and since you also have access to Survival Instinct, you can take advantage of that.

Drego · 2
Dowsing Rod

4xp to get +2 once per turn and an option to remove all doom and not just 1 seems way too pricey. If it gave an additional clue then it could be good in doom decks, but this way it is too much xp for almost no payoff.

Blood&gore · 430
I agree. Pretty much all 4xp clue alternatives give you at least 2, sometimes 3 clues. The fact this card doesn't have a any more action compression compared to the level 0 one is a travesty! This looks more like the 2xp version of this card. — Nenananas · 257
Moreover, movement is not optional. I have no idea to use this Dowsing Rod.... — elkeinkrad · 492
Can I use the second option even if it's not the last clue? — Tharzax · 1
Yes, you can — Jota · 6
So let's compare it with the obvious alternative sixth sense (4): a slightly less contester slot compared to the arcane. You can choose the ability, which is only a possible option for Norman. You get a smaller bonus for usual tests and a bigger one for the prize of doom. Sixth sense gives you the chance for a second clue and some fancy scrying mechanic, while the rod give only some move action. I think the effect of sixt sense is in the worst case redundant and the rest of the time better. So I will take sixth sense every time except i don't know what to do with excess xp and I can pass it to someone who plays Monterey Jack or Ursula. — Tharzax · 1
Soothing Melody

Fun Fact, Soothing Melody has the Spell Keyword, meaning that somebody taking Hallowed Mirror (lvl 3 especially) and combining with an Arcane Initiate or some other way to search, can put out a lot of healing, especially towards the end of the scenario when the deck gets thin, without being too prevalent in the normal Card Draw. Also, because Soothing Melody can heal Allys, a few like Beat Cop, Grete Wagner or Agency Backup might get more uses than Expected if you mix them in with Charisma.

LatexWaifu · 1

Listen, don't get me wrong, it's a very bad card, there is no deck that will be improved by going in this direction, but I will evolve some sort of Finn deck into a Sharpshooter deck, and I'll have fun.

LordHamshire · 801
It should cost 1 exp or be a permanent. — LordHamshire · 801
I don't agree it's a bad card. I had a lot of fun with Wini deck where this card combos v well with Momentum. https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/28347/winifred-makes-a-mock-of-the-snakes-1.0 — acotgreave · 861
Agreed with Acotgreave. With Sharpshooter, Delilah gives +2, add Dirty Fighting and you have a great enemy manager. — Valentin1331 · 71061
How does Delilah gives +2? Sharpshooter replaces the test skill, does not add up fight+evade. Like mentioned on other reviews: Sharpshooter is bad, because it requires you to draw and play itself and a gun to do anything. — Susumu · 366
Delilah is +2 because Sharpshooter says "All modifiers to Fight modify Agility too" - so they both apply, even though agility is being tested? That's my interpretation. — acotgreave · 861
Also: "a card is bad because it requires you to draw it and play it"?? Huh? Doesn't that describe a huge amount of cards? Think of all the other weapon modifiers: they too require a gun, and the modifier to be drawn and played. Are those bad cards, too? — acotgreave · 861
I think the main critic is coming from the fact that it exhausts and therefore if you rely on it completely, you cannot shoot twice, in case of a beefier enemy or if you pull the autofail. Nevertheless, it can be alright in certain cases, including Expert, OP's favourite play style. — Valentin1331 · 71061
Thanks for the heads up on Delilah. Was not thinking about that, but it makes sense indeed. @ acotgreave: The issue is not, that you have to draw it and play it. It is, that it does nothing until you draw and played another card (namely a firearm). That makes it kind of expensive in actions, resources and card draw, similar to a Bandolier. Now Rogues get better around this than guardians, with extra actions, extra resources and LCC, but it is still questionable, if you want to take the extra efford for that effect. Taking it in a Rogue with low fight is kind of meh, because then you are relying of drawing your Sharpshooter, before your guns are of any use. And in a high fight Rogue there are other ways to push them. — Susumu · 366
I think Dirty Fighting is the perfect comparison. Tons of decks have already been made using that card, while Sharpshooter is left in the dust (or should I say binder). — Nenananas · 257
That's a bad comparison in my eyes since dirty fighting resolve around evading, while sharpshooter pushes fights. All in all if you need to fight and you play a Charakter with a high agility and low fight, it's a way you can spare hands lots compared to the bow. — Tharzax · 1
"Dirty Fighting" refunds you the evade action, if fighting is, what you want to do. AND makes you better in fighting on top of that. It is still a card for decks, that want to fight, not evade and leave the enemies behind. Hence, it's not called "Dirty Evading". — Susumu · 366
I’m using Wini in the Dream Eaters campaign with 3 other players. All characters need to draw and play cards to be “good” so everything here on a possibility scale and in truth it’s a main driver in why we the game to begin with. Having also been gifted a story asset that gives me a static boost to Strength and Speed I have looked very hard at Sharpshooter as a part of being the main fighter in the group. I’m using Hidden Pocket to hold a spare Mauser -yeah, more setup- so I can almost guarantee to get in two shots if I need. The large ammo capacity of the Mauser means I am not just holding onto the spare until the first gun is empty. Oh, and I have pulled Doomed as my weakness so why not try to have fun with it? Reckless and Arrogant are my normal style and I like not even worrying about something that I can’t mitigate. So the role that I am playing is really driven by some things that I have no control over. If Swarms weren’t susceptible to damage overflow I would have to rethink every choice I have regarding my Fight setup. — Staticalchemist · 1