By itself it's not a particularly great or flexible card, an action to play, a test to succeed, resources to pay, for the solo it can be a silver bullet for objective or victory locations, but usually it's more like skill-icon fodder and an early cut for upgrades. it's the deckspace issue that REALLY treats this card harsly.
in multiplayer it's a whole other ballgame, the bigger the team the better. Usually in small teams you´ll cheese up the clues on hard locations with clue teck, so Breach the Door is wasted money and card-draw, but when you run into that 4 or 5 shroud location with 3 clues / investigator, even the cluevers are gonna go "uh, I need a minute". Enter: Breach the Door!
As a main fighter in a team, you might often get saddled with a dud turn, best spent regrouping, setting up, taking resources. Breach the Door gives you a neat trick to do to help the team burn down tough spots. A location with 2 clues / investigator and shroud 2 or 3? Turn it into a 0-shroud and watch as all the "flex" character and yourself suddently contribute an easy 8 clues in 9 actions, not bad i'dd say. Otherwise you might take a 4 or 5 shroud and turn it into a 1 or 2 shroud, all of a suddent the cluever does'nt need any setup at all to take care of the whole thing by themselves.
I really hope to see more stuff like this.