Dark Memory

I am just here to remind you, future parallel Agnes player, that the ability on her says "reduce the cost to play that event by two, and you MAY shuffle that event back into your deck instead of discarding it" so just take the damage, lower the cost by two, and let the Dark Memories flush down the discard pile!

TomásAmi · 198
Eldritch Initiation

This card gets new life with the addition of Occult Reliquary to the game, becoming essentially a cheaper Preposterous Sketches that doesn't need a clue for those early turns when you're fishing for your spells to put down. Granted it does start to fall off when you're already in a good position but the card makes for good mitigation as a floor even before you consider the decks where you're playing Astral Mirror and want to be playing the many cards that can increase your slots.

Spamamdorf · 5
I think that's quite expensive life this one gets with Occult Reliquary. It's 3 exp, that's not cheap. Mystics already have a good draw with tabooed Scroll of Secrets which doesn't need any additional card to include (and to purchase for precious exp) to work. Yes, it does occupy hand slot but in Mystic you like always have a spare hand. This could be good in some decks but definitely not an auto include in most I think. — bugiel_marek · 23
Yes I suppose I neglected to mention that this is for decks that are buying occult reliquary anyways for their blessed and cursed assets, and not to spend 3 xp solely to improve this level 0 card. — Spamamdorf · 5
Pushed to the Limit

Obviously a good finisher with Sledgehammer, maybe even with the second copy already in play. William Yorick can utilize a boss stomper power turn with this card and the extra action from either Galvanize or Police Badge.

Overall, I thought this would be a great recursion card and tried it in my Bob Jenkins item deck, but I found that I want my items going from hand to play area to discard pile (and on and on and on), not into my deck, so it felt odd and eventually went out.

AlderSign · 309
Discard upgraded gravedigger shovel for a clue, then use this to get two clues, and sort shovel back into deck. — interneterik · 1

Another investigator in Alessandra Zorzis team with access to String of Curses can kill this guy with a single action after Alessandra Zorzi parlayed to add 1 doom to him. Depending on the doom threshold you could even wait a few turns to gain more than 1 resource. Remember that he gains only 1 doom per round from her parleys.

She can't parley with him, so she can't use this strategy herself to get rid of him. I think this is very helpful so she doesn't need to add non-parley cards to her deck just to deal with him.

Alternatively Handcuffing him is also very helpful to prevent him from coming again in the same scenario if she cycles her deck. Another investigator could even Power Word him after that because his stats are better than the average enemy (2/ 2/ 2).

Django · 5108
String of Curses

Another investigator in Alessandra Zorzis team with access to this card can kill her weakness Zamacona with a single action after Alessandra Zorzi parlayed to add 1 doom to him. Depending on the doom threshold you could even wait a few turns to gain more than 1 resource. Remember that he gains only 1 doom per round from her parleys and she can't parley with him, so she can't use this strategy herself to get rid of him. I think this is very helpful so she doesn't need to add non-parley cards to her deck just to deal with him.

Django · 5108