Monterey Jack (Relics of the Past) - This Belongs in my Hand

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Crunckus · 71

Level 0 Strategy:

You will be functioning mainly as a cluever. Use your high to evade or Backstab enemies, while gathering clues. You don't need to spend time or money to set up because your main ways to buff your are skills like Deduction and Perception. You will want to keep getting clues off of locations so that you can make use of your ability to cheat out relics and charms. Without Relic Hunter, you only have 1 accessory slot, but Disc of Itzamna and St. Hubert's Key discard themselves. Hand slots are less limited, but you also have a Trusty Bullwhip that you want to hold in one hand if possible. Obsidian Bracelet soaks up treachery damage since we are probably going to fail every test, and Scrying Mirror works great with our skills based strategy. "I'll take that!" gives us action compression and and a discount on playing our items from hand when we do the two things we're best at: evading and investigating. Double or Nothing and Quick Thinking give us more action compression, but are somewhat inconsistent unless we have a Scrying Mirror.


The Skeleton Key does everything we want for the fair price of 4XP. It is a relic that does not take up any slots, and helps us investigate. Turning a location to 1 shroud means our base 4 should make getting clues pretty easy even without any buffs. I would suggest taking out an Eavesdrop.

2 Ornate Bows gives us some much lacking combat potential. The downside is it takes up both of our hand slots, but the best part is, it is a relic, so we can find it with our ability or better yet, find it with Dr. Elli Horowitz so it doesn't take up any slots. Take out the 2 Backstabs to make room for it.

Pick up Relic Hunter for obvious reasons. We like Relics and Charms, and most of those are accessories.

2 Hemispheric Maps give us a passive bonus to , which is great for clues, and brings our up to something a little more useable. Also, it's a Relic. I would say take out the second Eavesdrop and a Disc of Itzamna or The Chthonian Stone for the maps.

Lola Santiago gives us two stats we love, and lets us spend 1 resource to get a clue as a fast action if we have The Skeleton Key. Replace Whitton Greene with Lola.

Add Charisma so we can have both Lola Santiago and Dr. Elli Horowitz. Sadly, Dr. Elli Horowitz is unique, so we can't have two of her regardless.

3 Segment of Onyx only cost 1 XP and are slotless relics. If we are clearing off clues, assembling the Pendant of the Queen should be no problem. Do be aware though that the finished pendant does take up an accessory slot. We have to take out 3 cards to fit all of them in, and at this point, we will start taking out the skills package, starting with 2 Perception and a Grisly Totem.

The Moon • XVIII is another 1XP upgrade we can throw in whenever we have an extra XP lying around. Replace Trench Coat. You lose the health soak, but can get this out for free if you start with it, and helps with all of our checks instead of just evasion.

2 Otherworldly Compass are relics that help us get clues more consistently. They do have anti-synergy with The Skeleton Key, but we can use these without using an action to set up if these are already out, and can some high level shroud locations into 0 shroud locations. Also have great synergy with Lola Santiago and Double or Nothing. Replace 1 Scrying Mirror and 1 Grisly Totem with the compasses.

2 Grotesque Statue is a very useful relic that uses hand slots instead of accessory slots. And will discard after its charges are gone, freeing the hand slot back up. You can opt for The Chthonian Stone instead, but I think Grotesque Statue is better.

The Red Clock and 2 Eon Chart, Disc of Itzamna are good relics to upgrade into, but they all use accessory slots. Either drop assets that already use accessory slots, or pick up another Relic Hunter.

If you find yourself running low on resources, Cheat the System can reliably hit 3+ resources, making this a fast Emergency Cache. Also only 1 XP so can easily fill some extra XP gaps.

Pickpocketing is a better Pickpocketing. Easy upgrade if you have the XP to spend, but not a high priority.


I have not had the chance to play this deck yet. It is designed for 1-2 players, as if you go more than that, the number of clues and monsters goes up even more, which might be difficult to deal with and if another seeker is also getting clues, you might miss out on triggering your ability. Let me know what you think of the deck :)


Jan 20, 2024 Django · 5032

Did you consider Gené Beauregard and Vantage Point so can move clues to empty locations and trigger the ability more often?

Also Underworld Market with Hidden Pocket, Lockpicks and Thieves' Kit could help make more use of jacks stats?

Jan 22, 2024 Crunckus · 71

@Django Great suggestions. I think what you mentioned is definitely viable, but I think Lola Santiago synergizes too well with The Skeleton Key and Otherworldly Compass to replace with Gené Beauregard. I would rather get a fast clue for 1 resource than potentially an extra trigger of our ability (especially since it is only once per round). Vantage Point is definitely worth considering, but I would have to play with it to see how often it actually makes a difference.

Lockpicks obviously are made for jacks stats, but exhaust, take up a hand slot, and are not a relic. Personal preference I guess. Of course you can go Underworld Market, especially as the only cost is XP, but again, no relics, which is the main focus of the build. Could be a good late game consideration but I think getting more good relics in the deck is important. Thieves' Kit change to , which is only +1 (plus one more from the kit itself), so there are better investigation tools I think.

Jan 28, 2024 Django · 5032

I didn't mean to replace Lola with Gené, maybe whitton? Whittons search isn't that helpful because you want to find as many charm/relics with Montereys ability for the free play and discount. Also Lola and Gené are +2 for Lockpicks 1.

I misremembered Vantage Point. I thought it moves a clue to an existing location, but moving a clue to a new location is only helpful if it doesn't have clues, so too situational in my opinion.

2x hidden pocket give you 2 extra illicit handslots which could hold the lockpicks. Underworld Market guarantees you get all those cards by turn 5. These cards dont count against your decksize so they don't interfere with your deck and montereys ability (except resources and needing clothing/armor asset for the pockets). Lucky cigarette 3 case is also a charm that searches up to 13 cards with lock picks + lola and gené. Thieves kit is more of a filler (but comboes with stylish coat).

Raven Quill is also a relic that could give you an additional hand slot and bonus XP.

We played Montereys challenge scenario yesterday with (other than him) Mark, Vincent and Carson. I played this deck, which was inspired by yours:

MVP cards were Milan, Dowsing rod and Huberts key for +3 int total so i could investigate without commiting and their secondary effects (milans resource, rods move and hubert saved from from your worst nightmare when resigning).

But that scenario deals out lots of damage... Vincent and Carson used 4 soothing melodys each, Mark and Carson used up 2 hunters armor, Vincent used up 3 bandages and we didnt count how much damage Jessica healed with solemn vow. Still most were at 1 HP and 1-2 sanity when we resigned (only missing 1 VP location). It was very satisfying that we got such a good result.

Jan 29, 2024 Crunckus · 71

Lola is already replacing whitton. I see your point and decided to swap out whitton for Milan. Still not sure if Gene fits in though.

Hidden Pockets is great with Lockpicks and even better with "I'll take that!", I had it in originally but took it out because I thought it would be too often you have pockets but no clothes to put them on. Maybe Stylish Coat could be a worthwhile addition. With Underworld Market, I think it's worth it and the more I think about it, the more I like Lockpicks. Especially with LCC(3). The question is just when to get these upgrades, as there are also some great relics to grab.

The Raven Quill is very interesting but I don't have any Tomes or Spells. There are some worthwhile ones to run, but I did not include any in my version.

I appreciate the feedback and made some changes to my deck to match yours a little closer, and I think it looks much better and more consistent.

Jan 30, 2024 Django · 5032

I mean it's fine if you disagree, many things in this game depends on external factors like campaign, group size, other characters...

Something i realized: Search effects are better for Monterey than draw so you can leave charm/relics in the deck and don't accidentally draw into them.

I personally wouldn't use pickpocketing unless you're evading nearly every round. But in a 4 player team with 2 fighters that's hardly an issue. I think i evaded 3-4 times during Montereys scenario to avoid dying to autofail on an allies miss. But if you evade more often, did you consider Onyx Pentacle? It can save a few actions for enemies not engaged with you. But i know hand slots are tight.

Regarding The Raven Quill how can you pass free XP???? Jokes aside, i'm using it with Dream Diary to upgrade it to the shroud 4 version. If you got 2 Lockpicks in play it could be a 3rd investigate action at +4 or allow Lucky Cigarette Case to search deeper or support your team. Also they're both charm/relics and the upgrade of quill removes the hand slot and searches your deck for the diary (or other tomes if take that upgrade).

I'd be careful with Ittoi for monterey because of his low unless you pack some healing or soak. His challenge scenario deals out lots of damage. I mainly took it because Vincent in my team has healing anyway and can hand out more On the Mend. But i've seen the new version of your deck so you're prepared.

Jan 31, 2024 Crunckus · 71

Yes that is true. I only really play with 2 people (including me) so my deck will be different than someone who plays with 4, where I can't rely on a fighter to come save me as often.

You do make fair points about Pickpocketing and card draw. Maybe Pickpocketing belongs in the Underworld Market.

Do note that The Raven Quill is an event, and Jack's ability says play a Relic or Charm Asset, so that does not work sadly, if I am not mistaken.

Feb 01, 2024 Django · 5032

I also play with 1 other person but we each play 2 characters. There are so many characters and i want to play them all!

What cards would you take for UM? I'm planning Lockpicks, "I'll take that!", Hidden Pocket, Embezzled Treasure and Burglary? The last card is a filler, could be Fence or Pay Day. But i currently don't have enough cards for Fence to be worth it and not enough extra actions for Pay Day.

I missed that about The Raven Quill and charm/relic assets from Montereys ability, thank you! Still i think it's good for the extra hand slot and other upgrades it provides. Monterey can spend up to 8 xp on it (it's a relic), which means 9 or more extra xp if you play 10 scenarios and upgrade 1 or more cards that attach to it. For example if you play 11 scenarios and upgrade both Dream Diaries separately, that's 10 extra xp. Or if you buy Endless Inkwell you could add more spells/tomes it attaches to... not that there many that are worth it for him. Blur is possible if you need more evade, also comboes with Pickpocketing and gives you back the evade actions for more clues.