Daredevil (0) is Quantum Flux on Steroids

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Holy Outlaw · 258

Concept: This deck is inspired by a discussion that occurred on Boardgamegeek, wherein most players theorized that if a deck loops during a test in which Daredevil is committed, no weaknesses will be drawn after the resolution of the test. I was intrigued by the realization that the latest taboo had turned Daredevil into a much-improved Quantum Flux, and wondered which investigators would be interested in such a card. Probably the most obvious answers are Sefina Rousseau and Finn Edwards, whose recursive weaknesses get progressively annoying, but I wanted to design a decklist taking advantage of the principle with an investigator whose deckbuilding restrictions were straightforward, so I'm trying it out with Trish.

Strengths: near-constant access to good skill cards, regular replaying of bomb events like Ace in the Hole, strong clue-gathering potential, predictability and consistency after set-up

Weaknesses: little defense against mythos in this version--easily fixed

Mulligan: for Lucky Cigarette Case, Jeremiah Kirby, Practice Makes Perfect, and assets generally

Notes: The whole point of the deck is to get the cards you want from the deck via filtered draw for a couple rounds, then play a Daredevil in the same test as a Perception or Plan of Action--action 2 only--or just while succeeding by 2 to loop the deck and keep going. While this is by no means a broken combo, and it does not guarantee a weakness-free run, anyone who has played Daisy Walker knows the power of filtered draw and how common it is to get down to a deck of mostly weaknesses by drawing around them via filtering effects. The advantage of this build is that you will never have to bite the bullet and draw through them. When you're ready, you can just send the deck around and skip whatever weaknesses you managed to avoid.

Substitutions: Friends in Low Places would be an obvious complement to the strategy. Hit and Run and Calling in Favors fit with the filtering tricks, but because the current deck intends to name "even" with Kirby, they are left out. Black Market fits the weakness filtering and deck-emptying strategies, but it's odd-costed and could take skills instead. Counterespionage makes a lot of sense as a swap for "You handle this one!" since the deck should generate decent resources. Deep Knowledge or Faustian Bargain make sense. If they're added, there is an argument for False Covenant.

Solo: Occult Lexicon for enemy management. Hiking Boots for speed and enemy management. "I've got a plan!" for enemy management. Counterespionage as replacement for "You handle this one!"

Upgrades: Empirical Hypothesis could use the Irrefutable Proof and Field Research upgrades. Cryptic Writings, Deduction, and Perception could all use an upgrade. Charisma or Miskatonic Archaeology Funding would be nice, and maybe a Gabriel Carillo. Ancestral Knowledge could get you off to faster starts, as could Studious.

Conclusion: I believe this deck will be efficient and strong. It is not the ultimate exploitation of Daredevil as improved Quantum Flux, but it makes good use of it. I would expect it to be able to play Ace in the Hole much more frequently than it might appear at a casual glance. For now, I consider the deck mostly proof of concept, but I expect it to be highly playable and effective, at least.