Hey Dr. Elli Horowitz, could you hold this for me? My hands are kinda full. Let me just put it on top of my deck first
Aside from the funny Norman Withers combo made easy with Research Librarian; Jim Culver, Gloria Goldberg, Luke Robinson, Marie Lambeau, Zoey Samaras, and Roland Banks are the only investigators who can use both this and Elli without picking up a rather dubious permanent. Some of these investigators are far more likely to be interested in this weapon and ally than others.
Even if they're not struggling for hand slots, considering people run things like Prepared for the Worst, Cyclopean Hammer having access to a similar tutor that cheats the thing directly into play is a pretty serious advantage over other alternatives. It's almost certain there are other relics you might have in your deck you would not mind finding instead.
If you're worried about encounter cards blowing up your hammer, I think you're just a coward. Just don't get hit.