Tony's .38 Long Colt

So in combination with Bounty Contracts this pretty strong. Use this to either keep topping up your bounties; to give extra actions when you kill lots of relatively basic enemies (even a rat exterminating job isn’t beneath Tony!); or as a stronger weapon against a difficult enemy with up to +3 strength available. With Tony’s 5 strength line, an attack of 8 is a very strong option against even the most advanced elite enemies.

Better yet, with two chances of drawing it from your hand there is a good chance of drawing it near the beginning, giving the option of using your bounties more generously.

Realistically it is unlikely you’ll be in a position to activate that trigger and get two colts out for a single action.

(edit: thanks TheNameWasTaken for spotting that there is no synergy with Sleight of Hand, which doesn’t “play” but “puts into play”, so no trigger to allow both colts out on the cheap)

Regrettably few ammo for what you’ll want to use it for, so it’s a good bet that Contraband, Extra Ammunition (if you are a guardian) and Sleight of Hand will be pretty good options, likely to complement other cards you’ll have in Tony’s deck.

Phoenixbadger · 198
There is no interaction between the Long Colt and Sleight of Hand. Sleight of Hand puts the colt into play rather than playing it, but the colt's reaction triggers on it being played. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
Ooh, well noticed! good rules lawyering. :-) — Phoenixbadger · 198
I’d suggest Swift Reload over either Contraband or Extra Amunition. It’s fast, so I can always fit it in between attacks when needed. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
With the tabooed version of Sleight of Hand, you can't play Tony's .38 Long Colts. As a signature card, this doesn't have an XP cost, thus it isn't a level 0-3 item. — LeFricC'estChic · 86
Deeper Slumber

How does this card interact with Patrice Hathaway? I understand Patrice draws her hand all at once, but since it's being checked as she's drawing them, does this mean she would only draw 2 cards a turn, or does she draw 5 and then discard 3 of them every turn?

I assumed the latter last time I played so while the treachery is relatively harmless for a lot of characters, it was absolutely crippling for Patrice. I also had Self-Centered for my basic weakness, and drew Deeper Slumber not once, not twice, but three times. I literally felt like I played only half my allotted turns that game, all soaked up getting rid of these things. Where was Ward of Protection when you need it?

My strategy is to pick up Versatile and get Laboratory Assistant for my bonus class card. But if I have all that in play and draw this, would I be drawing 4 cards a turn, or drawing 5 and discarding 1? Might seem like a fluke, but the card was so debilitating, I'm making a fear purchase for next game. If it's drawing 4 a turn, that would actually work well with the build I'm going for as it slows down how fast I would go through the deck. The only downside would be only having 4 cards a turn instead of 5 (3 if I have the Watcher from Another Dimension but he's usually a one and done), but as I said, that might work in my favor and I'm curious to play a slower draw Patrice. It sounds like fun. More fun than grim ruling it anyways.

LaRoix · 1645
You're right, you draw until you've got 5 cards in hand, then discard until you're at your limit, as her ability does not care about your hand size limit. Same is true if you got other cards that reduce hand size like "drawing the sign". You discard all cards if you get both, btw. Another example, if you got deeper slumber but draw 2 weaknesses with a revelation, your hand is down to 3 cards, so you don't need to discard. Instead of Laboratory Assistent you could take William T. Maleson instead, Scrying or Alyssa (and be lead investigator). — Django · 5108
Just because you are self centered and can't help others doesn't mean others can't help you get rid of your Deeper Slumber. So while the action cost of this card remains, it doesn't always have to be you who's paying it. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
Copy that, thanks. Hmmm Maleson isn't a bad call. And right, I forgot about that. Next time I'll ask my Tony ally to spare two of his neigh infinite actions. Appreciate the comments! — LaRoix · 1645

One strike against this card is that it is a skill card with a single willpower pip. The effect is, conditionally, heal 1 horror, but mystics generally have more trouble with physical damage than with horror. You would generally want 2 pips from a skill card, like Guts or from assets like Arcane Studies(2).

You can get single pips from about half of the mystic assets or events, with the upside of having another use for the card when the current problem is not the next will power test. Better skip this one and invest in Fearless(2) later, or just play allies and Painkillers to soak horror.

Mataza · 19
Horror from Shriveling 5 can stack up quickly, especially when combined with Twila. But healing 1 horror isn't worth a card, i prefer the upgrade or soaks. — Django · 5108
I think it's pretty good with agnes, but other than that yeah. — SGPrometheus · 821
Its also really good for Caroline. More so if she has solemn vow. Actually If you play Agnes, always bring Caroline with you. — Django · 5108
Quick Learner

Correct me if I'm wrong: But does this give +1 at the skill tests done in the Mythos phase? Because if it is I can see this card entering my "none Stella Clark" decks, even if it is, to date, the most expensive Survivor card in the collection.

Lewcifer · 3
This would give your tests +1 difficulty during the Mythos phase (making them harder), as those occur before your first action. — Ten · 1
This is not true. Matt ruled that it does not activate during the mythos phase. However, whether it is still in effect for cards like "frozen in fear" is still uncertain. — YesThisIsDog · 4
The Forzen In Fear check is still part of your turn, do the buff would apply. — PanicMoon · 2
Just to add on the Mythos Buster Discord, Matt N weighed in. Apparently, the emphasis is on "turns" and that is only the investigator phase. — elosf · 103
How the turn tables — stephwhatever · 1
Blinding Light

I think this card is really underrated. The 1 damage is helpful, but not hugely relevant as any Mystic has a lot of ways to deal out damage. The true purpose of this card is to be able to evade with an event at level 0. Of course, there are competitors with this card for that exact role, but when you just need to evade something having this as an option is helpful.

While this card has largely been overlooked, this card might be seeing some new life in Jacqueline, who can pretty nimbly avoid the penalty on this card and who also has low base agility.

Soloclue · 2604
For a 2cost evade event for mystics, ethereal form is simply miles ahead — niklas1meyer · 1
2 cost evade with no boost is a hard sell, especially since the potential downside is huge- evades are almost always your first action if you're doing them because of AoO. For the same cost you get 4 evades out of Mists. For a one off, E-Form has a huge upside and is more likely to hit. Maybe if you're doing a super evade heavy Mystic deck, but I'm not sure how useful that is. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
The 1 damage also kills some vengeance enemies in FA which you don’t want. — Django · 5108