[Guide] Darrell has no clue

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Darrell Gets the Scoop with Research Notes - 19XP 2 1 0 1.0

Calprinicus · 5696


This deck focuses around the card Research Notes. This card provides Darrell Simmons with evidence to power his ability main ability. It also negates the worst aspect of "place a clue" cards, which is recollecting the dropped clue.

  • 4 - SETUP - It doesn't take many actions or resources before your deck is doing what it's supposed to do.
  • 5 - CLUES - You will collect a lot of clues (some clues you'll collect multiple times).
  • 3 - COMBAT - You have a few methods to deal damage or remove monsters.
  • 2 - MYTHOS - You have limited methods to deal with encounter cards.
    • 1 - SURVIVABILITY - You have limited methods to prevent or heal damage or horror.
  • 3 - ECONOMY - You're decent and getting resources and drawing cards.


Let's break this deck down card by card:

  • Research Notes: This deck is built around this card.

  • Newspaper (2):

    • It was cheap! perfect for setup. as soon as you collect 1 additional clue, it pays for itself. After that, it's only value and you'll collect 5+ extra clues if played early.
    • It doesn't exhaust meaning you can trigger this multiple times in the same turn.
    • You'll be hovering around 0-2 clues as you constantly drop clues. This allows you a quick way to recollect them.
  • Press Pass:

    • Everyone likes extra turns! Even triggers when not your turn.
    • If you have Quick Study you'll get it almost every turn.
    • It's an accessory, so you can only have one unless you invest in a Relic Hunter.
    • Even though I only run one in this deck, I have Captivating Discovery to help find it.
  • Research Librarian:

  • Quick Study:

    • Once out, you'll likely use this ability each turn. It has too much synergy with your other cards not to use.
    • It gives you an extra turn with Press Pass.
    • It gives you evidence with Research Notes.
    • It counteracts Darrell Simmons low and .
  • Darrell's Kodak

    • The best thing I can say about this card is that it's free and starts in play and gives you a few evidence at no real cost.
    • Definitely scenario specific. collecting evidence from treacheries is much easier than enemies.
    • The fact that it exhausts to put evidence on treacheries or enemies is pretty annoying and scales much better in larger player counts.
    • It's a lot of bookkeeping ( remember to place resources on enemies, and treacheries, then remembering to collect them if you find clues at their location).
  • Bizarre Diagnosis

    • 0 cost! You have significant healing if you have a clue.
    • commit icons is rather nice.
    • Triggering Research Notes and Press Pass.
    • Darrell Simmons is squishy with only 6 health.
    • I run one, but if you have 2+ physical trauma, I would likely find a way to run another.
  • Captivating Discovery

  • Exploit Weakness

    • This is one of Darrell's few tricks to deal with monsters.
    • Lots of enemies an evade or fight value of 2 or less. Darrell Simmons ability allows you to automatically discard them!
    • Since it discards, it prevents non-elite enemies from joining the victory display.
    • It deals 3 damage and evades elite monsters!! These foes rarely have low stats, so you'll need Gumption and/or Map the Area to help reduce higher values.
  • Shed a Light

    • Very similar to Exploit Weakness.
    • Low shroud locations net 2 extra clues!
    • The "... 1 additional clue from any location" allows you to collect evidence from far away evidence you placed with Darrell's Kodak.
    • Helps guarentee Deduction and Resourceful.
    • You can lower shrouds with Map the Area and Gumption, but less efficient as you're already a good clue finder.
  • Forewarned:

  • Knowledge is Power

    • This card is fast.
    • This card is free.
    • This card is absolutely BUSTED with Research Notes. Use the ability without having to pay any of the costs (spent evidence), which means you can find a BUNCH of clues with no actions.
    • Fast means you can find clues, when there is a monster with evidence (from Darrell's Kodak engaged with you. Find the clues, collect that evidence, then use that evidence to fight or evade that monster!
    • Working a Hunch eat your heart out!
  • Map the Area:

    • A very easy investigation test!
    • Reduce ALL tests by 1( You and your team). In some scenarios, one location becomes very important or you get stuck on at a location. Great for final boss fight preparation.
    • After I took it out for a scenario, I put it back in. It's a much better effect in practice even though the effect seems small on paper.
    • Reduces difficulty for Exploit Weakness and Shed a Light.
    • If you needed to cut any card, this is the one. Not ideal in some scenarios where you just move around a lot (edge of the earth, forgotten age).
  • Shrine of the Moirai

    • I don't know why I don't see this card in more decks, it's a late-game powerhouse. You (& your team!!) can recollect your most powerful cards from your discard pile.
    • It's a fast action to collect the cards.
    • Gumption and Exploit Weakness. This is a boss-killer strategy. You can play this combo 3 turns in a row.
    • If you need clues, two Knowledge is Power will do the trick!
    • You really only need 1 of these.
    • Bonus if Gloria Goldberg is a teammate!
  • Brute Force:

  • Deduction

    • Finds 3 clues in 1 test.
    • If you can reduce the shroud to 0, Shed a Light can guarantee the extra clues. aka, great for 2 shroud locations with lots of clues.
    • 3 clues > 2 clues with Sharp Vision which fights for a slot in this deck.
  • Resourceful









Oct 18, 2022 TablePlay · 1

I like that this deck steers away from the Scavenging and item combos. I think those require too many actions and cards to fully setup.

I forgot how good Fine Clothes would be for Darrell! I hope Scarlet keys is full of weird parley tests.

Apr 02, 2023 JosieBean · 1

This guide is well thought out, and well written. You’ve assembled 500 horsepower engine! Can’t wait to try this.