
So, the 0 Exp version of the card allows us to discard our whole deck except weakness cards in case it's the only rogue skill card we play. To what purpose? Live fast and die young? Probably. But we can think about some shenanigans like playing improvised stuff that will replenish our now very thin deck afterwards: Improvised Weapon, Winging It, Impromptu Barrier. Other interesting options are A Glimmer of Hope and Miss Doyle's cat's (Augur, Hope, Zeal). Of course reaching 1 lonely card in the deck is extremely difficult. Daredevil has the right trait for Practice Makes Perfect, and of course is good target for No Stone Unturned. Mixing so many classes seems impossible, so maybe if we want to play Daredevil in this evil way we should look at Versatile. Another option is to play Survivor/Rogue, bring enough beers to our boardgame afternoon and ask for help to our fellow seeker player. Just promise eternal friendship to our drunk teacher in exchange for his No Stone Unturned.

Matamagos · 4
This could be a good way for Wendy to get into Amulet-recursion-shenanigans-range. More efficient than trying to draw through your deck with Lucky Cigarette Case and Pickpocketing. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Could also be interesting as a form of pseudo-draw for Parallel Skids if he's planning on playing A Chance Encounter (2) and Double Double + Scrounge. Also his Elder Sign. — Zinjanthropus · 229
I believe the drawing cards rules state that "When a player draws two or more cards as the result of a single ability or game step, those cards are drawn simultaneously. If a deck empties middraw, reset the deck and complete the draw." So actually- you just keep drawing until you die from sanity damage — masterearth · 1
Playing this card as your only rogue card:Instant death because in theory you will discard forever :D — Makaramus · 5
that would be true if it were drawing cards, but discard doesn't work that way. when the deck runs out of cards you stop discarding. if you haven't found a target it just whiffs — Zinjanthropus · 229
if committed when Wendy's Amulet is in play, do you have an opportunity to play each _Fast_ event as they are discarded? — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1265
Rita Young

Rita is not the 'best' survivor. She lacks Wendy and Yorick’s ability to continually reuse cards they like. (She has access to Resourceful and scavenging, so she’ll get them back, but it often takes an action to replay them.) She doesn’t have the deck manipulation of Patrice, and she doesn’t have Duke to help her sniff out clues.

But she’s my favorite, because she has something no other character has: the complete ability to avoid her problems. Luke might be able to hide in his gate box, but he has to explore new locations before he can access them.

Solo Rita is an exercise in Benny Hill comedy. While her iconic card is "I'm done runnin'!", It should really be Track Shoes. With it, she can turn her first action from evade into a jaunt through an enemy-controlled zone, and to a third location. Nonhunter enemies take one action from you, max. That keeps your hands free from weapons, and while a meat cleaver will be helpful to deal with your low sanity, a newspaper and an Old Keyring mean that you can get all the clues you need. (If you’re going for a cleaver, team up with the other student athlete.)

In multiplayer, you’ll probably want to add more damage, locking down enemies for guardians and basically removing the “retaliate” keyword from the deck. And as you go, you’ll gain access to high-level survivor cards that benefit the entire team. But you haven’t lived until you’ve run around the mad planes of Carcosa, with three enemies and two weakness cards chasing you.

All the “return to“ campaigns seem to have extra special spaces for the characters that come with the set. By that means, RTTCU has boatloads of agility tests and sprawling maps that are designed for Rita. Pack some guts and go for it! And some sanity soak, it comes fast and furious.

MrGoldbee · 1470
I think Rita is my favorite Survivor as well. While I haven't tried it, I can't see Scavenging working for her (because it requires succeeding by 2). My experience with solo Rita was that she was pretty much barely succeeding investigates when she did succeed. She is really good at using Belly of the Beast though (which also requires succeeding by two). I think the biggest issue I found was that she doesn't have very good card draw. She doesn't require a ton of set up, though, at least, so what this really meant is that it's a good idea to bring a backup horror sink other than Peter (Keepsake at L0, Guiding Spirit with xp (it also helps a little with getting clues)). Cleaver probably also helps. I usually did eventually draw Peter. It was pretty fun in any case, and I should really try it again. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Dream-Enhancing Serum

Printing this card was a mistake, it's very overpowered. By itself, this card theoretically allows a player to have about half of a 30 card deck in their hand, and that's without looking at Laboratory Assistant (multiples with Charisma), Arcane Enlightenment, or myriad cards.

So what's wrong with that? Well, once a huge chunk of an investigator's deck is either in their hand or played on the table in the form of assets, there are few remaining cards in the deck, allowing powerful card draw tools like Mr. "Rook", Cryptic Research, or The Necronomicon to quickly cycle through what's left and play power cards repeatedly. The 1 horror penalty for reshuffling the deck can be dealt with by soaking on an ally and replaying it (Laboratory Assistant or Mr. "Rook" are perfect for this).

The ridiculously overpowered The Necronomicon is a prime candidate for this type of abuse, but there are many other cards that become overpowered when played repeatedly, 3x Three Aces which also fuels the draw/cycle engine with resources and cards while auto-passing any test, Segment of Onyx/Pendant of the Queen, Extensive Research (0 cost with this strategy), or Ancient Stone are other possible examples of strategies that subvert the chaos bag by being testless ways of solving problems presented in Arkham Horror. Even merely good level 0 cards such as Shortcut (take repeated extra move actions), Mind over Matter (make any Fight or Agility test an Intellect test) or Deduction (pick up clues twice as fast or three times as fast with Deduction) become degenerate.

On the other hand it’s impractical to hold your entire deck in your hand without incurring tons of horror and having to continually deal with weaknesses. DES seems fine to me- Pendant and Necro however should probably be looked at, as should Mr Rook who assembles these combos too easily. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
We've already seen decks in the past that cycled repeatedly, pre-Taboo there were infinite action decks using either Ace in the Hole or Quick Thinking + Double or Nothing and horror didn't prevent those decks from working. All those cards are on the Taboo list now, I definitely think Dream-Enhancing Serum is a problem. — republiclifehuman · 60
Third on it not being OP. Sure in concept I guess you could intentionally build a deck where you hold 20 cards in hand so you can sprint through the remaining 10, but that’s a minimum of 7 actions *just* drawing cards you don’t intend to use, and that’s assuming you have this card down turn-1. In practice this card is fun but honestly underwhelming, the draw is less likely to trigger than you’d think, and otherwise larger hand size is not really a practical benefit. This card subtly rewards you for keeping cards in hand, but hoarding resources is just not a practical way to win at Arkham unless it has secondary benefits — Difrakt · 1304
I think it feels OP because there's a bunch of other cards right now that enable this thing to be set up so easily. Again, let the next round of taboos hit and then we can revisit this thing. Until then, if it feels problematic, don't run it. It also sounds like you used it in Three Aces Mandy, which is about the most broken deck that exists right now and definitely does not require DES to get there. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I'm not sure I see how this breaks the game. I mean, I hear you on the theoretical nature of it, but doesn't this mean it needs to be tested? Build a deck with this card in it and see if you can break the game. Then come back and let us know. I'm curious. — LaRoix · 1645
There are some videos at https://www.twitch.tv/cuherdirah/ that show how degenerate holding most of your deck in your hand can be. — republiclifehuman · 60
So, I watched one of those videos (Threads of Fate), and the player actually ended most of his turns with like 8-10 cards in hand maybe. You can already do that with Lab Assistant. I think the most broken-seeming card being used there was actually the Necronomicon. Combined with Sleight of Hand and KiP you can accomplish a ton of stuff actionlessly. It did convince me that Rogue Mandy is the most OP character though. Pre-taboo Rex doesn't even come close (though to be fair, he was probably never much good in true solo). — Zinjanthropus · 229
I also dont think this card is OP. Its a combo piece, but doesn't do a lot alone and costs 3 ressources which is much of a seeker. Combined with rook it gets much better, porentially drawing a card each time you use his ability, but rook alone is already pretty OP. I also played rogue Mandy through the dreamers campaign and she's totally nuts with these 2 cards. I think i got 3-4 times though my deck each scenario, including the first. — Django · 5108
Yeah, like I said originally. Three Aces Mandy, and really Mandy in general, is beyond broken right now. DES might help maintain her, but it certainly isn’t the most problematic card there- Rook, Necro, 3 Aces, Pendant all should be looked at. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
@StyxTBeauford: Sucks if they nerf Three Aces, though, as it's really only crazy good with Mandy. I've used it in Winifred, and it's okay because she can usually assemble it on her second go through the deck pretty reliably, but it really did not feel broken at all. Can't really argue on those other cards, though. — Zinjanthropus · 229
I rescind my original judgment- DES is ridiculous even without search support and makes any deck dedicated to drawing cards- eg any potentially degenerate Seeker deck- just way too strong. The rate of recycling is so high with the big hand size. I fully agree DES needs a taboo target if not a straight up ban. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Yes and because ffg thinks this is a big problem, they are releasing a full suite of cards dedicated to support or profit of a big hand size in the Seeker Investigatir Starter... They want this to be a thing! They will not be tabooing DES anytime soon. — Skeith · 2437
I think its strong in fair way — Makaramus · 5
I think its strong in a fair way considering it can never benefit to itself but if you get 1 you get the synergy much harder.Also this is forcing you to play in specific way to benefit too. To benefit from this card you need to play in certain pattern or you wont benefit from it. Currently I am using it in my dunwich campaign with daisy I am playing bunch of unique allies that I wont benefit from it and everything else stays in my hand to make it look bigger for my hand size depending cards — Makaramus · 5
Honestly hope this isn't taboo'd to cost xp or put on a forbidden list or smth. It only becomes op in these dEgEnErAtE decks that look to break the game to begin with. I'm already annoyed Knowledge is Power is on the forbidden list just because Necronomicon exists — flamebreak · 22
I’m just going to add one comment from across the table. When someone else is playing all of these things to break the game it takes its toll on the other players. Who wants to watch another player search and draw half their deck every turn and then reshuffle and reshuffle again after every action? — Staticalchemist · 1
Double, Double

We discovered a nifty little combo with this and Scrounge for Supplies. If you can draw both copies of Scrounge, you can double-play one to bring back the other Scrounge plus another card from your discard pile. Then you can repeat this every 1-2 turns to bring back cards from the discard at will. Of note, this combo costs no resources once the Double, Double is in play, and only one action each time you bring back the card (the same one action it would take to draw a card from your deck), although it uses up your Double, Double effect for the turn. The effect is potentially very strong, especially in the late game, but can only get back level 0 cards. Since Scrounge is a pretty good card anyways, it is a no-brainer for any investigator who will be taking Double, Double.

Finn Edwards, Jenny Barnes, Preston Fairmont and Tony Morgan can use this combo, and other Rogues can use Versatile to get the 2 scrounges.

jmmeye3 · 629
This seems particularly strong for Preston recurring lots of powerful level 0 events, such as "Look what I found!", Intel Report, and Trial By Fire. — Trinity_ · 203
"Dynamite Jenny"? — mogwen · 254
Agreed that this is great with Preston. Recurring dynamite blast would be fun, though expensive even for Jenny! — jmmeye3 · 629
Do you really need both Scrounge for supplies? When you play it, you resolve the first event, you take your 0 lvl card from discard and you put scrounge in discard (point 4th of appendice 1 - reference guide). You active Double, Double (reaction + after means that you have to resolve completely the activation element - so going throw the point 4 of appendice 1 )- you play the copy and scrounge is already in the discard pile. — eldiran · 8
According to the most recent FAQ the altered game state of "as if" effects while being resolved are valid for any other card. So while you are playing scroung for supplies a second time due to double double, you are playing it "as if" it were in your hand, so during this whole resolution it's not considered in your discard pile and it can't target itself. — Killbray · 12021
You can get Scrounge for Supplies back from the initial, 'legit' playing, no? You play it, it goes immediately to discard, and then you take it back with Scrounge's effect? Then with the 'doubled' playing take the other card you wanted. — BlankedyBlank · 23
Sadly, Finn Edwards cannot take Double, Double. — elkeinkrad · 499
Quite a powerful card, perhaps a game changer. However, so far my favourite combo is with backpack and emergency cache..... both the basic card and the upgrades. Also good with burning the midnight oil and crack the case. — gitty · 7
Quick Thinking

It's been three years since Undimensioned and Unseen came out, and Quick Thinking has had plenty of time to cement itself as a strong piece in the Rogue suite of action efficiency. Let's look at why this card is so great, and where it truly shines.

Assuming the relevant skill test succeeds by 2 or more, you trade one card (Quick Thinking) for an extra action. This is at minimum a fair trade because you can always spend an action to draw a card, and plenty of card effects allow a better rate of card draw, and you get one free every upkeep too. This trade can be powerful though because there are some turns where actions are more valuable than others. Some turns (hopefully not too many!) you idly draw cards waiting for something you can contribute to the Act, and others every single action counts. The extra action can also be literally anything you want. Seekers might not have to risk a skill test to get a free move out of Shortcut, but with Quick Thinking you can also get in an extra attack against an enemy that needs to be defeated before it can hit back, or investigate again to clear a key location before time runs out - literally whatever you need! Quick Thinking is therefore a great way to put yourself one more step ahead of the game.

So far so good, but now we need a skill test we can succeed by 2 or more, and Quick Thinking itself unfortunately doesn't help much with that with only one wild icon; accounting for that, we need a skill test we were already likely to succeed at by at least 1. Notably it can be another investigator's skill test, but you'll probably want ways to reliably produce these skill tests by yourself. Some investigators do great at this already by having high stat values, such as Tony Morgan with 5 combat and the newly spoiled Winifred Habbamock with 5 agility, but the Rogue card pool is also full of cards to grant opportunities for this.

Suggestion and Lockpicks are both low level assets that repeatedly grant you opportunities to take skill tests at very high values, and not only do they make it easier to succeed by 2 but they reward you for doing so by not depleting uses when you do. Events such as Cheap Shot and Slip Away also allow you to add your stats together and reward you with powerful additional effects should you succeed by at least 2. If any of these cards was already likely to be a part of your deck (particularly the assets for their repeatability), Quick Thinking is likely a great inclusion to grant you increased action output.

Notably, there are plenty more Rogue cards that reward success by an large amounts, and as the synergy stacks up the potential value of Quick Thinking increases too. We already mentioned the value of trading cards for actions; if you want your actions to generate extra cards, Lucky Cigarette Case and Pickpocketing both do exactly that repeatedly, and again incentivise over-succeeding. With enough incentive, you can more than make up for the difficulty of overcomitting resources to pass skill tests by wider margins, turning Quick Thinking's fair trade of a conditional card for an action into a powerful piece in a deck's engine that generates extra actions seemingly for free.

Finally, no Quick Thinking review would be complete without mentioning Double or Nothing, which turns many of the "succeed by" effects from great tempo plays into crazy combo madness. With current taboos Double or Nothing is more expensive and you can't double two Quick Thinkings at once, making this not quite as powerful as it once was (but this is really a good thing - infinite actions is definitely kind of unfair). Still, Quick Thinking is one of the more powerful and readily available enablers for Double or Nothing duplicating multiple success rewards at once, allowing for explosive 5+ action turns that let you close out objectives in lightning speed, provided you can set this up. The new Daredevil is clearly a fantastic way to do so, provided you're okay risking flipping a Double or Nothing when you might not want to!

So: you may want Quick Thinking in your deck any time your investigator is prone to clearing skill tests by wide margins, either from a large base stat or due to deckbuilding specifically for the "succeed by" archetype. You can probably skip it if your investigator is a generalist looking to pass lots of different skill tests; with your resources divided among multiple stats it is less likely you will reliably have what you need to invest to oversucceed.

Trinity_ · 203
A few other points: Silas can take Quick Thinking, because it's an innate skill, and can conserve it on an unlucky token draw. There are a few cards that grant easy tests that you could play Quick Thinking on, such as Liquid Courage (though most Rogues need to get a high wp team mate to do this test), Stealth, and Feed the Mind (though the last is not in many card pools with QT). I think Stealth (3) deserves particular mention, because it's a fast triggered ability, so you can net an action from it. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Ooh! — Zinjanthropus · 229
Ack! I was going to say you can recur quick thinking with Silas' Elder Sign, very nice! — Zinjanthropus · 229
Just realized that the Daredevil combo actually makes Quick Thinking BETTER when playing with Taboo, as Daredevil is more effective at putting together combos from "Max 1 commit" cards by ignoring dupes of cards you already have for the combo. — HanoverFist · 739
Great with Rex Murphy, who wants to succeed by 2 anyway. — shenaniganz11 · 40