The Shadow Behind You

Q: With "The Shadow Befind You," can you "discard all of your resources" if you have no resources?

A: No-- whenever you are presented a choice with the word 'must' and only one of the options will affect the board state, you have to chose that option. (see rules reference: 'Must')

If the word 'must' was not there, you could choose an option that does not do anything.

And in the instance where you have no resources or cards, you won't have satisified either of the first parts, which means you won't do the 'then' part, discarding Shadow Behind You. (see rules reference: 'Then')

Basically, there's no way you get out of this without discarding a card or a resource at somepoint, unless you just stay at nothing forever.

-- Thanks to user 'legrac' on the ArkhamHorrorLCG for the above clarification!

DanBot · 8
Agency Backup

Leo Anderson has friends in high places.

  • A touch cheaper (same prices as the other Leo) and actionless if played with Leo's special ability.
  • Or pay in installments, with somebody else Leo hired cheap.
  • Leo's got the bankroll to afford them, thanks to dubious life choices, and a fondness for guns that shoot money.
  • Non-unique, so you can second them to your intern.
  • Versatile. Actionless AND Testless dmg & clues... clues in particular a nice add for Leo's meh booklearnin'.
  • After which they love to be Inspired, which Leo has a habit of doing with his other friends in medium places.

Obviously not showing up early in a campaign, and likely not among your first upgrades.

I roleplay Leo as a cross between Zap Brannigan & L. Ron Hubbard given his employment practices, so I like to think the feds aren't so much showing up as "backup" but rather because they'd "like to ask him a few questions."

HanoverFist · 737
The dream is the Flare into this. — brerlapine · 19
The new rookie cop Tommy Muldoon can flare his friends in now. — liwl0115 · 41
Zap/Hubbard. Genius. — mythosmeeple · 455
Great ideas! — Coach Pete · 1
Soothing Melody

Regarding Carolyn Ferns ability:

  • Playing this card to heal 1 horror from two different investigators, makes both gain 1 ressource (as with Clarity of Mind).
  • If she plays this card to heal 1 horror from two different assets from the same investigator, does he gain 1 or 2 ressources?
Django · 5093
I believe it's exactly like liquid courage; it heals horror twice, but there's only one effect. Her ability only cares about the number of effects that heal horror, so one effect having multiple instances of healing will still only count as one. — SGPrometheus · 821
Liquid courage says „additional“ so it’s clearly one instance of horror healing. But if melody targets two different assets I think it’s two separate effects, even if they belong to the same investigator. — Django · 5093
Its grey zone, but trying to interpret her ability i would say you only activate her ability once, as there is only one healing effect. But as with chaos tokens when there are multiple token pull her ability can still target multiple assets. Based on this with one investigator 2 assets i would say only 1 resource but 2 different investigators could get 1-1 resource. ("Te healed card's controller gains 1 resource") — vidinufi · 69
Hallowed Mirror

This card should see lots of use, since it is the first level 0 guardian accessory and healing is welcome in many guardian decks. After the first Soothing Melody, you have in effect played an Emergency Aid (but can heal horror!) plus an action to draw a card. Then the second and third melodies give great value! The total healing for all three is 6 damage/horror for 0 cards (each mirror/melody replaces itself), 2 resources and 4 actions. This is incredible value, comparable to the economy of the neutral upgrade armor and the upgraded Clarity of Mind.

Here are comments for each investigator who can use the mirror:

  1. "Ashcan" Pete. Healing is not quite as necessary for Pete so he will probably not take the mirror.
  2. William Yorick. William wouldn’t use the mirror, because when it leaves play he cannot use his power to play the melodies again. He would rather recur his Cherished Keepsake or Police Badge.
  3. Akachi Onyele. (Occult allows her to use it) Probably not worth using over Holy Rosary.
  4. Diana Stanley. A decent choice for her since many versions forgo the mystic accessories. It’s better if she uses Guard Dog.
  5. Jim Culver. Hard to compete with the mystic accessories, but a few versions may choose the mirror.
  6. Marie Lambeau (occult). Her power makes the melodies a free action. But again, hard to compete with the mystic accessories.
  7. Joe Diamond. He should use it since he doesn’t have another accessory and he wants extra healing for damage and horror resulting from his low willpower and agility.
  8. Rex Murphy. He could use it but it doesn’t help his investigate focused plan.
  9. Carolyn Fern. I think she loves the mirror enough to skip her other accessory options. Each melody can be split to activate her power and heal a damage too. She can protect the mirror using Ward of Protection.
  10. Leo Anderson. Big money versions may want Lucky Cigarette Case or Decorated Skull. But some versions may use the mirror.
  11. Mark Harrigan. Auto-include for him! The healing will undoubtably help balance his power sanity and activate his power. Funny to imagine him singing a soothing melody into the mirror while holding his tommy-gun though!
  12. Roland Banks. He likes the healing to balance low sanity, and doesn’t have any accessory clashes at level 0.
  13. Zoey Samaras. Clashes with her Zoey's Cross, so she probably wouldn’t use the mirror.
  14. "Skids" O'Toole. May choose the mirror unless he goes for Lucky Cigarette Case or Decorated Skull.
  15. Jenny Barnes. Probably doesn’t justify 1/5 slots for her, and she likes her cigarettes.
  16. Lola Hayes. You might think she would like this since she’s an actress. But whenever she draws her weakness on guardian she immediately smashes the mirror, so it isn’t good with her.
jmmeye3 · 628
I think solo or 2 player Carolyn will still prefer St. Hubert's Key over Mirror since she really doesn't need that much horror healing in her deck, however I could see her running both in multiplayer if she moves into Relic Hunter and has a backpack. At the very least it beats Logical Reasoning. — StyxTBeuford · 13026
The Hallowed Mirror has the "Blessed" trait so Father Mateo can use it, too! I don't know how effective it is for him to use it, though. — ArkhamInvestigator · 304
I don't know that it necessarily clashes with the other mystic accessories. This isn't a card that you'd want to rush into pay as soon as you draw it. Often you'll go through a scenario without needing too much healing capability, in which case you can just hold onto it in your hand. But in the event that you do need to do some healing then bumping out your rosary is not going to be a problem, esp since the later in the game you play this the greater your chances of drawing into the spells. It's only a 1-of so doesn't cost much deckspace and could be hugely useful at times. I definitely plan to run it in my next Akachi deck. — Sassenach · 179
Good point Sassenach, there is little harm in waiting to play the mirror. — jmmeye3 · 628
Regarding action costs, mirror and 2 melodies need to be drawn somehow, so it "costs" 3 more actions. Compared to other healing options it's also very inconsistent, needing to draw the mirror first. That aside, i've played this card and the flexibility is pretty good, as well as the card draw. Side note for carolyn, if you heal 1 horror on 2 different investigators, each gain 1 ressouce. — Django · 5093
Compared to First Aid 0, it only costs two actions to heal the first 2 (instead of 3). It costs a draw and action for each 2 after that but has a potential total 6 (instead of 3). That said, nobody has accused First Aid 0 of being an impressive card. — Death by Chocolate · 1467
Also in terms of favorable comparison to First Aid 0, this also works on allies which is amazing on certain Allies such as the Beat Cop or Dem Agency Boys who use their stats as a resource. — Death by Chocolate · 1467
Ursula Downs can also take this. Gives you a little bit more security against Charon's Obol, at least — Zinjanthropus · 229
Alter Fate

Oh my god this card is amazing.

Whenever I draw this card I swear I can hear Samuel L. Jackson somewhere in the background saying "Motherfucker" with an approving tone.

The sheer amount of garbage that may pile up in any given scenario is crazy, literally like an ever growing headache. Alter Fate is the pill that makes the headache go away, or perhaps cures the cancer outright! In many scenarios this is the card you save Resourceful for in particular.

Admittedly, I don't think a solo player draws persistent gunk at a speed fast enough to warrant Alter Fate, it's a liability when you dont need it and your deck probably requires other, important, level upped mechanics. In two player or three player the amount of gunk goes up and the sheer usefulness of making the gunk go away is stupid good. I did a little check and every single scenario from the release up to the conclusion of Path to Carcosa and start of Forgotten age had at least a couple perfectly viable targets. Every scenario!

One of these days, if you haven't already, once you've slotted your first 8 XP worth of important XP upgrades, try spending you next 6 on a couple of these. They are great.

Edit, campaign evaluation:

Dunwich and Circle unbound in particular reward playing with Alter Fate.

Forgotten age it can be clutch, but there are less "GOTCHA!" persistent treacheries in this one.

Carcosa has a few good targets, but also an occasional dud scenario. Definitely lower priority due to the deckslot.

Tsuruki23 · 2547
Well, you don't benefit from discarding Spires of Carcosa, due to its own wordings, so practically there is no valid target in Black Stars Rise. The card is definitely campaign-dependent. I find it great in Dunwich and TCU, ok in TFA, and not very good in Carcosa. — ak45 · 456
This card in The Circle Undone. I don't think I need to say anything more than that. — StyxTBeuford · 13026
I will concede that Carcosa has less targets — Tsuruki23 · 2547
I really liked it in TFA with Patrice, because she can play it quite a few times. It also forces you to play it even on minor annoyances, because if you don't you just have to discard it, which means that you end up not having a lot of persistent treacheries in play at all. I feel like when I've taken it in other investigators I just never play it because I'm waiting for the moment where it'll actually win me the game, or whatever. — Zinjanthropus · 229