Peterson Fairmont; Never alone

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

malkav3 · 28


Scrounge for Supplies & Resourceful work well with: Keep Faith, Take Heart

Take Heart + Predestined + fail test.

token with Beloved give +2 +2 +1 +1 and chance to auto win. ( by Predestined and Keep Faith)

Family Inheritance + Keep Faith + Scrounge for Supplies = 8 for 1

Family Inheritance + Trial by Fire, Dark Horse, Mariner's Compass, Fire Axe

Faustian Bargain help with Lodge "Debts" and its strong at erly game to help team.

Possible changes in deck:

(still the same deck)Schoffner's Catalogue its nice help to play Items to game like Eye of the Djinn, Mariner's Compass and it was nice help for team because its cose Preston Fairmont nothing. (add and help team to play item cheeper make Preston Fairmont good suport.)

(still the same deck)"You handle this one!" well Preston Fairmont at last have awaysome starting stats so its many think we dont like.

(still the same deck)Nimble 1x is more like usefull card then core. Because its +1, but can halp us move up to 3x after test. (or Scout Ahead but its 1 recorces 1 card 1 for 3 move when Nimble its just 1 card but need to pass test +3)

(little change)If u dont like generating u can swap for Quick Thinking (work awasome with Trial by Fire and Leo De Luca) and kick Predestined and Beloved. (keep Keep Faith its avasome for Preston Fairmont and still can use combo Ancient Covenant+Eye of the Djinn+Favor of the Sun)

(easyer is recreate deck but still work)U can even kick Dark Horse & even Fire Axe for "Watch this!", Money Talks, Cunning.

THIS CARD SHOULD STAY TO THE END: Intel Report, Keep Faith, Leo De Luca(dont even need to be upgrade) ,Mariner's Compass and maybe Lucky!.

I see just 2 way to upgrade deck:

  1. Rich man: Well Connected/Well Connected, Hot Streak, Money Talks, "Watch this!", Drawing Thin, Streetwise, Lola Santiago, Unscrupulous Loan

  2. Hybrid with add Favor of the Sun, Ancient Covenant and Eye of the Djinn

What cards kick and how to impreve:

Combo Ancient Covenant(Permanent) and Favor of the Sun x2 for Predestined x2 - starting to convert deck to Rich Boy, so we dont have in play to fail test just for . Its not Take Heart 2 cards and 2 resorces.

Preston Fairmont dont need to fight its not his work. Fire Axe => Eye of the Djinn is obvious chose (Prefer to use hands for Eye of the Djinn & Otherworldly Compass)

Streetwise(Permanent) for and test (2 resorce for 3 skills when Preston Fairmont got free 4 resorces every round and we dont need draw it. What help with shit hand sometimes.

With game progres we can add The Red Clock/The Red Clock for Flashlight. Because dose not use hand and work for much better.

(not necessary)After complite combo its time for Adaptable(permanent) and converting deck from Dark Hors to Rich Man. Trade 2 cards per game thx to Adaptable: Money Talks(work well most of the time) of corse u can buy it for exp Money Talks later if and dont use Adaptable. "Watch this!" work nice to getter more money for Well Connected - latare can be kicked for better card. for what cards: Beloved more and more chaos token from scenario go to chaos bag. Scrounge for Supplies lowe and lower 0 lvl card stay in dack (still Resourceful stay to use). We dont need to lose to keep clues, so next to kick is "Look what I found!". Nimble1x

Well Connected 2x for Dark Horse 2x

Backpack for better drow Eye of the Djinn and The Red Clock

Unscrupulous Loan for Well Connected and Lodge "Debts"

For card draw and more resorces Drawing Thin 2x

Charisma 1x + Lola Santiago 2x (buying clue) and +1 & .

Hot Streak 2x resorces for Well Connected at thys moment cards like Trial by Fire Preston Fairmont can not impreve them to Trial by Fire :( - so starting to be usless and Faustian Bargain should be kick.

Small card what can be added: Momentum work well weith COMBO and Well Connected. Sharp Vision for clues (cobinate with Resourceful)

In some moment in game we done like to faile test and deck was fat in solution to everything. Its moment to kick Take Heart, sometimes even lucky.

Late Game:

All In - very usefull for cards, especially for or after kick Take Heart

Ace in the Hole

Upgrade Leo Leo De Luca => Leo De Luca

How to pass test:

Trial by Fire, Momentum, Eye of the Djinn, Money Talks, Well Connected, The Red Clock/The Red Clock

Trial by Fire work best with Leo De Luca, Ace in the Hole, Quick Thinking

Eye of the Djinn + Favor of the Sun + Ancient Covenant its 5+2 skill test with our drawing from bag. But you can use it just for test Base Stat 5 with luck to draw from the bag, or boosting it with other bonus.