Lucius the Protoinfluencer|TDC Blind Run|Deck Guide

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Valentin1331 · 75310

Lucius uses his nickname Tim Beige to String his fans Along and Filch from them.


Credit: Aleksander Karcz

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Continuing this series of 6 investigator decks (all but Gloria), released one week apart, to help people who have little time to deckbuild, or are still getting familiar with the new cards. May these serve as a base for you to build your own decks and adapt to any other campaign or group size.

Disclaimer These decks have been play-tested in 2 teams, yet not through The Drowned City Campaign since they are published before its release. Enjoy the reading, and I hope you'll have fun with these!

Today, we are looking at Lucius Galloway, the last investigator with a 5-2 deckbuilding! I didn't know what to expect after the preview season, but building and playing him has proven to be extremely fun, and it only gets better as we start adding Memories of Another Life.

So even though he seems to be the least hyped-up investigator in this expansion, according to Reddit, I hope this deck guide will make you want to try him because I swear you won't regret it!

Table of Contents
  • Overview

  • Main Strategy

  • Engage Your Community – Dodge Responsibility

  • Writing a Meticulous Line – For Deals that Shine

  • Other Cards

  • Upgrade Path

  • Final Thoughts

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Enemy Management: ★★★★☆
Clue-getting: ★★★★☆
Encounter protection: ★★★☆☆
Survivability: ★★★☆☆
Economy: ★★★★☆
Card Drawing: ★★★★☆

Main Strategy

Engage Your Community – Dodge Responsibility

The most important part of engaging your community is to Stringing them Along so you can continuously Rip them off.

Your ability wants you to evade. If you are engaged with an enemy, it is, in fact, the same as Rex, rewarding you for succeeding by 2 or more by giving you an extra clue. Of course Rex is better because he can let others deal with his enemy and focus on clues. To compensate for this, we need to see if there is a way to turn an evade action into more value than an investigation.

  • Using String Along every turn will give you an additional card to continue your dirty business.

    • While keeping enemies engaged usually sounds like a bad idea, it means that we can drag along our pet for the duration of the scenario, making it possible to evade it every turn.

    • If you String someone Along for too long, they will become more Alert to your lies. So you better choose your victim accordingly, either by choosing someone with a low Evade number or a low damage/horror attack. And well... you'll get a few inevitable attacks when you pull and push it too far.

  • The next payoff is the old trusty Pickpocketing (2). There is nothing easier than getting a few bucks from your groupies.

    • Since the deck is very asset-heavy, being fast to play is highly satisfying.

From there onward, every turn, your first evasion will give you a clue, 3 cards and 2 resources. Not bad, even compared to Rex.

Writing a Meticulous Line – For Deals that Shine

Deceiving fans is a Form of art. With your surgical Verse written with Sharp Calligraphy you and your shill Alton can sell dropshipped Antikytheras like hot cakes.

Your Precision Enablers

  • Book of Verse, Artistic Inspiration and Steady-Handed all modify your test value to help you achieve any desired skill number in a range of 5 token values with 2 on the table. Even though only one precision tool is often enough to have good results, we are packing more than one in the same deck for the following reasons:

    • Redundancy helps achieve your ideal board state with both precision enablers and payoffs.

    • When you have 2 enablers on the table, you can either achieve a target number on a higher range of tokens or use them during multiple tests, leading to more payoffs. I wouldn't recommend playing all 3 as it would be an overkill.

    • Artistic Inspiration does the same job as Steady-Handed and uses your second copies of your assets to fuel its ability. Because it also brings +1 Skill value to a test, it is better to discard a card with a single pip to Artistic Inspiration rather than committing it to a test, because it is reactive and can even save you from a failed test!

    • Note that due to the timing sequence of the replenishing on Book of Verse, you can use it to modify the value of your first evade/investigate, and if it leads to discovering your first clue, it will replenish on the same test.

  • The Book of Verse also offers the advantage of turning a fail by 1 into a succeed by 0. This is invaluable because it means that you can test at 4 above even if there is a -5 in the bag, decreasing the likelihood of needing more than 1 precision tool to achieve the expected outcome.

Succeed by 3 to win the game

  • The Antikythera and Alton O'Connell both reward you the most for succeeding by 3

    • The Antikythera will give you a clue, which is the equivalent of a Deduction each turn.

    • Since it is Science, it can be Fine Tuned for another trigger each turn!

    • Alton O'Connell will then reward you with another fraction of a clue. Note that you don't have to exhaust him for his so you can get more than one Evidence on him each turn.

  • Sometimes, because there are not enough clues on your location, you will prefer succeeding by 2 for the Antikythera to give you a card and a resource.

    • This will also allow you to heal 1 horror thanks to Steady-Handed, which is a fantastic way to offset Dreams of the Flood. Note that this only happens if you used Steady-Handed to change your skill value, leading to this result.
  • In any case, succeeding by 2 or more, you also trigger your other payoffs:

Other Cards
  • Hiking Boots and Alton O'Connell both help increase your base .

    • Because you will have an enemy engaged with you most of the scenario, it can be awkward to move because of Attacks of Opportunity. And evading it on a location with no clues can feel like a waste. Hiking Boots solves this situation rather elegantly by moving you fast as soon as you empty your current location.
  • Forensic Kit and Thieves' Kit are your investigation tools.

    • Thieves' Kit is great early in the scenario since it comes with a built-in Emergency Cache, allowing you to pay for your early asset surge.

    • Forensic Kit on the other hand is more helpful later in the scenario, once you have found your pet, and you need healing because of your Personal Weakness.

  • "I'll take that!", Crack the Case and "Watch this!" are your resource spike supplements. They all shine by being fast, speeding up your early game tremendously.

  • Higher Education is here to convert your fast resources into skill value, mainly to pass scenario tests. It kicks off in the second half of the scenario once you have achieved your desired setup.

  • Because of Dreams of the Flood, we cannot go insane (got it?) on card draw and go infinite, or cycle once or more every turn. Otherwise, we'd suffer 1 Horror for almost every clue we'd find. However, this deck achieves a satisfactory cruising speed with Pickpocketing (2), String Along and the Antikythera when you don't need the clue. And once you are fully set up, if your sanity becomes concerning, you can also choose not to trigger Pickpocketing (2) anymore. Eureka! is the cherry on the cake, helping you find your combo pieces earlier and dodge your weakness.

  • Transmogrify is an insane card, but it shines even more in this deck. Since you'll have an enemy engaged with you at all times, you are always taking the risk of being overwhelmed when drawing an enemy during the Mythos Phase. By using Transmogrify on the one you don't want to keep with you, you basically get rid of it in one action while getting 2 clues in the process plus potentially another one with the Antikythera.

    • If you empty the location, you trigger the Hiking Boots and move on. Otherwise, you'll easily get another 2 clues in one action in the next turn! If you are playing with a competent fighter, you could easily replace Backstab with a second copy of Transmogrify.
  • Finally, if you want a more flexy investigator that can also achieve a few kills, you could easily replace Transmogrify with a second copy of Backstab and Quick Thinking with 2 copies of British Bull Dog.

Early Deck

The deck is pretty similar in the way it functions.

Late Campaign

There are many ways this deck can go, though my favourite is probably Memories of Another Life.

Upgrade Path

Link to the 0xp deck

 Cost  Total
   In the Thick of It  →  Hiking Boots 1 XP 1 XP
   In the Thick of It  →  Hiking Boots 1 XP 2 XP
   In the Thick of It  →  Steady-Handed 1 XP 3 XP
Core Upgrades 3 XP
   Lucky Cigarette Case  →  Antikythera ••••• 5 XP 8 XP
   Lucky Cigarette Case  →  Antikythera ••••• 5 XP 13 XP
   Empirical Hypothesis  →  Pickpocketing •• 2 XP 15 XP
   Empirical Hypothesis  →  Pickpocketing •• 2 XP 17 XP
    +  Higher Education ••• 3 XP 20 XP
   Working a Hunch  →  Fine Tuning 1 XP 21 XP
   Working a Hunch  →  Fine Tuning 1 XP 22 XP
   "Watch this!"  →  Memories of Another Life ••••• 5 XP 27 XP
   "Watch this!"  →  Memories of Another Life ••••• 5 XP 32 XP
Consistency 32 XP
   Quick Thinking  →  Black Market •• 2 XP 34 XP
    +  Studious ••• 3 XP 37 XP
    +  Studious ••• 3 XP 40 XP
Ancestral Knowledge 40 XP
    +  Ancestral Knowledge ••• 6 XP 46 XP
    +  Quick Thinking 0 XP 46 XP
    +  "Watch this!" 0 XP 46 XP
    +  "Watch this!" 0 XP 46 XP
    +  True Understanding 0 XP 46 XP
    +  True Understanding 0 XP 46 XP

(View at

Link to the full xp deck

Final Thoughts

My thoughts have been fluctuating with Lucius Galloway.

First, this is the last 5-2 deckbuilding, and we've been waiting a long time to have it. I suppose that it has been hard to balance since there is outright broken stuff to do with it before you even read his ability. But I think the game designers have done a great job with a weakness that punishes cycling your deck too fast without being crippling, either.

Then, I got a bit unsure during the preview season because his ability is a bit too straightforward and didn't spark a lot of ideas. We already had some evasion focused investigators at least since Finn and it was unclear what new he was adding.
But when they revealed his very surprising Signature, which doesn't directly focus on evasion, I got hooked as it opens different avenues for deckbuilding. So I decided to go with what the designers seemed to want out of him and gave the precision archetype a try.

Finally, I ended up having a lot of fun with him, both building the deck and playing it. It was interesting to find the sweet spot between the different archetypes, precision (enablers and payoffs), evade-to-win, and for all, without bloating the deck with assets completely. I'm also happy that the deck is really good but without dipping into and 's most broken territories.

So, even though, according to Reddit, Lucius Galloway seems to be the least hyped investigator of the new set, I hope you find this guide a fun read and that it will make you want to play the Poet!

To create your own guides, find the template here.


Mar 28, 2025 Barley1188 · 1

There's no Steady Handed or In the Thick of It in your level 0 deck

Mar 28, 2025 Valentin1331 · 75310

@Barley1188 good catch, that is corrected!

Mar 28, 2025 samarkham · 3

Very nice deck, thank you! Some comments:

  • Have you considered Fox Mask? With String Along you are always exiting a location with an enemy, so it's constantly refilling, if I understand correctly.
  • At least in your level 0 deck, why not include Where's the Party? This would make sure you have an enemy early on, and moreover, the best enemy in the encounter deck for String Along.
  • You have 2 random weaknesses, which I imagine is a mistake.

Mar 28, 2025 SocialPsientist · 148

@samarkham A recent ruling for Fox Mask clarifies that it doesn't work with String Along or enemies engaged with you in general: "To replenish an offering on Fox Mask, there needs to be an enemy in the location you moved out of. An enemy moving with you would not allow you to replenish an offering." I agree that it was ambiguous prior to the ruling. :)

Mar 29, 2025 samarkham · 3

@SocialPsientist ohh I wasn't updated, thank you! It was too good to be true, I guess ;) Then it loses its appeal for this deck.

Mar 30, 2025 Thanee · 70

Looks fun! Lucius just seems extremely solid (though, a little boring, I guess, which probably explains the lack of hype for him).

I have only dabbled into the science cards a bit with Chemistry Set / Fine Tuning / Steady-Handed so far, definitely need to try a deck with the Antikythera at some point. That seems so good with Fine Tuning, and Seekers do not have a whole lot of great accessory slot items. :-)

Maybe one thing to think about... instead of 2x Antikythera, you could also include 1x Antikythera and 1x No Stone Unturned (5).

It's basically 50/50, which of them you draw first, so it either costs you 2 extra resources (which your economy can probably handle easy enough), or gives you a rather powerful search effect that you can also offer to your team-mates, instead of a spare copy of a unique asset.

Mar 30, 2025 Valentin1331 · 75310

@samarkham thanks for thinking along!

  1. As @SocialPsientist said, the Fox Mask doesn't actually work with String Along. Also in this current deck, skill value is not really an issue, especially since you are ideally not using your at all.
  2. I tried "Where's the party?" and Kicking the Hornet's Nest at first, but I found out that very often, the first turns without enemies were very valuable to play my suite of assets, and I never really felt like I would have wanted to draw an enemy, even in 2 . It's also that you only want to play such cards once you have found a few assets, like String Along, but before you find an acceptable pet, which is, in my opinion, a narrow window before it becomes a dead draw...
    However, these builds are made for people to build upon, customise according to your needs/playstyle, so if you feel like it's missing, go for it! And let us know how it went ;)
  3. For the 2nd Random Basic Weakness, it is because the deck is on a 19xp threshold, and so it automatically has the right number of weaknesses for anyone who would want to netdeck for a standalone.

@Thanee I love this idea. I will publish a hot fix for the deck mentioning it. It is far better because you also end up cycling your deck 2/3 times per scenario and this makes each cycle much more valuable!
Regarding Chemistry Set, I still have to use both this and the Antikythera in Kate Winthrop. I haven't put too much thinking into her since I played her quite a bit before TDC, but I imagine this is a huge boost to her already high ceiling.

Mar 30, 2025 danisnotonfire · 1

Worth popping in Charisma for Dr. Charles West III to get a potential free 1 damage while you're doing your succeed by 3 thing?

Mar 30, 2025 Valentin1331 · 75310

@danisnotonfire I considered him too, also because I was interested in the extra hand slot for Microscope, however I decided against it because Lucius Galloway ideally wants to lock in his pet all scenario, and chip damage would make it harder to trigger your every turn. And Microscope ended up being too slow to load, so I removed them entirely.