Vantage Point

Luke Robinson loves this card. In conjunction with his Gate Box/Dream-Gate, it functions essentially as a second version of Working a Hunch, except that it's one resource cheaper and can grab a clue from literally any revealed location.

ClownShoes · 148
I might be missing something here, and Luke's ability is kind of complex to think about, but I'm not sure I follow how this becomes Working a Hunch. Would you mine going through the process in depth? — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Nevermind, I see it now. Put Dream Gate in play, move a Clue to it from anywhere, it gets -1 Shroud so it's almost guaranteed to succeed if you investigate it. That's very neat. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
You'll still need an action to investigate, which Working a Hunch doesn't, but yes, this combo is neat. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
I think overall I'd rather have Working a Hunch. more expensive, but it doesn't require me to use a charge on the Gate Box if I don't want to and it's fast. However if I want more easy clues outside of Hunch and Drawn to the Flame, this could be the next item on the list. Definitely worth checking out. You'll retreat to Dream Gate at some point, so you might as well get a clue while you're at it. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Would it remain there if you're not at the Dream Gate ? — Sassenach · 179
@Sassenach: The Dream-Gate leaves play at the end of the investigation phase, taking the clue with it, and Luke is the only investigator who can enter the Dream-Gate. So you'll want to grab the clue with him as soon as you play Vantage Point. — ClownShoes · 148
Yeah, I thought so. I think I just misread what Styx was saying though and assumed he meant that you could move the clue there and then grab it whenever is convenient. — Sassenach · 179
Of course, the fact that the clue disappears along with the Dream Gate means that this tactic is not devoid of risk. If you have a particularly unlucky couple of pulls on your investigate checks you could be removing a clue entirely from the game. — Sassenach · 179
Yeah I meant investigate it on the same turn, which you would want to do anyway as Shroud is 0. But yes, let's not have a clue fizzle out of existence if we can avoid it. If you can get three pulls, it's a very high chance at least one of those isn't autofail. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
There are usually more clues, than you need in a scenario, so not to have to grab a clue for that Victory point is also neat — Adny · 1
There are also scenarios that only care about emptying locations but not where the clues go (e.g. Essex County Express), in which case you don't even need to spend an action to get the clue. — ak45 · 457
It's also quite good mitigation for Detached from Reality. If you play this to add a clue when you enter pointless reality, you not only make it easier to f — Simonandduncan · 1
-lip the location, buy you also make the investigation itself not pointless. — Simonandduncan · 1
It works best for Luke if he can set up a combo with Seeking Answers - lowering the shroud here to 0 to pick up this clue and then investigating any connecting location also at a 0 shroud. — Time4Tiddy · 245
Also if you have a Hawk-Eye Folding Camera out: go into your Gate Box, snag a clue, investigate on Shroud 0 (or hoover it up with Working a Hunch if you're feeling frisky), add 1 to your cringe compilation. — supertoasty · 39
Unlike what was stated above, Vantage Point does not work well to mitigate Luke's signature Weakness. Vantage Point can only be played on a locatation that is revealed or entered play during an investigator's turn. Detached from Reality will usually be drawn during the Upkeep phase, which means no player has a turn and Vantage Point can't be played. — WingedKagouti · 1
Tony Morgan

Tony Morgan is a very exciting Rogue. Not a single Rogue until now has has a higher than 3, which is strange when you consider than the class has had combat support since the core set (.41 Derringer, Hard Knocks). Before Tony, the most consistent way to build a combat Rogue was to take either "Skids" O'Toole or Jenny Barnes, upgrading into Chicago Typewriter and investing tons of resources into actions for the Typewriter or directly into Hard Knocks. Even more interestingly, Tony is the first Rogue with a stat of 5 in anything. This means the "succeed by X" suite of cards (Lucky Cigarette Case, Switchblade, "Watch this!", Quick Thinking) can trigger way more consistently in his Fight tests. And as if that weren't enough, Tony's an action economy Rogue. He gets a bonus action for fighting or engaging an enemy with a Bounty on it, which if you're conservative with your bounties will not be hard to keep up all game. Not only does that directly help with Chicago Typewriter, but it gives him the opportunity to run Colt Vest Pocket or Lupara even without holding Sleight of Hand all the time.

All of this is to say that Tony's suite of Rogue cards is fairly unique compared to his friends. There's a few Rogue staples that still work well with him, but you're not trying to turn your into damage. No Backstab, no Sneak Attack, no Ornate Bow, you get the idea. He might not be as versatile stat/test wise as Mark Harrigan, the other 5 investigator, but if you build him right, he can take incredibly long turns, fight really well, and get massively paid doing it. So with that, let me draw your attention to a few cards worth considering when building any version of Tony:

  • Switchblade, Mauser C96, Colt Vest Pocket, .41 Derringer, Knuckleduster - These are probably the top starting weapons for Tony. I generally find Tony prefers one-handed weapons because of his Long Colts. Switchblade has the advantage of being fast and cheap, and is a good way to kill something with low fight and high health while saving ammo for important fights. The blade also acts as a good sacrifice to Crypt Chill while you have another weapon out. Colt Vest Pocket is sort of like a half as expensive .45 Automatic, and even if you only get half as many shots out of it before it leaves, it'll still save you in a pinch. Knuckleduster is another solid melee option for more damage/action, but with higher risk of failure, so maybe go Survivor Tony for some extra luck. .41 Derringer can be used on enemies with only 1 Bounty on them that don't benefit as much from Tony's .38 Long Colt, or to set up damage for a final Long Colt shot. Mauser C96 is my top choice for him, as he can easily succeed by 2, and you can either take a resource and follow up with another weapon or just get another shot in. Not a great Sleight of Hand target, but otherwise an incredible choice at level 0.

  • Sleight of Hand - Not a requirement, but heavily recommended if you plan on taking Colt Vest Pocket, .41 Derringer 2, or Lupara. If you're not playing with Taboo then you can use this to fire off Tony's .38 Long Colt shots to net yourself an extra bounty, as well as level 4 and 5 guns like the Sawed-Off Shotgun.

  • .41 Derringer 2, Lupara, Chicago Typewriter, Switchblade 2, Timeworn Brand - These are the strongest weapon upgrades for Tony. The Derringer can lead to even more action economy, Lupara is great burst with Sleight of Hand, the Typewriter is the closest thing he has to Lightning Gun (hey, it gets one extra shot too!) while also being able to eat the extra actions for solid reliability, and Switchblade 2 is just a fast, cheap, ammo-less .41 Derringer. Timeworn Brand is also another solid choice for Tony, though the XP investment might be too much if you're opting for a heavy Action Economy. Be mindful of your hand slots, as Tony doesn't have Bandolier access.

  • Lola Santiago, Decoy, Intel Report, Small Favor - Clue getting with 3 isn't terrible, but Tony's in class clue getting is otherwise quite limited. Intel Report will get you some of the way there, but what you really need is a resource sink for all the bounties you'll be taking. Lola will let you turn kills into fast clues. The other Favor cards are also quite nice. Even Small Favor is a great way of dealing with Aloof enemies.

  • Quick Thinking, Borrowed Time, Ace in the Hole, Leo De Luca - Action economy in Tony is already pretty solid, but you can take Leo and Quick Thinking at level 0 for even crazier economy. And Borrowed Time is amazing with Pay Day, as once it's filled it'll count as 3 deferred actions every round (aka +3 resources easy).

  • Lucky Cigarette Case, Crystallizer of Dreams - If you're running Favors, the Crystallizer of Dreams can hold them once you play them, turning all of your dual icon favors into better fights, investigates, or evades (or encounter card tests). The associated weakness Guardian of the Crystallizer is also not hard for Tony to deal with as long as he has a spare Bounty. Otherwise, the Cigarette Case is a solid way to draw 2 cards a turn instead of just 1, as long as you keep up the fighting.

  • Lonnie Ritter, Smoking Pipe, Tennessee Sour Mash - It's up to you how to counter Tony's low sanity and low . Smoking Pipe is an easy way to turn horror, especially direct horror, into damage which can easily be placed on yourself or an ally. The Sour Mash is solid for "fail by X" treacheries like Rotting Remains, and the upgraded version gains fast and another . Of course, Lonnie is the best... tailor?... in town, and she can mend your fur coat and keep you sane in the process.

  • Another Day, Another Dollar - Fantastic upgrade if you're having trouble setting up expensive assets like Leo De Luca and Chicago Typewriter.

Phew! That's a lot to go through. But wait, there's more! Tony gets to pick between Guardian , Seeker , or Survivor as an off class, from which he can take up to 10 level 0-1 Skills or Events. The temptation of course is to go straight to Guardian and maximize his combat potential. Let's go through a few cards for each subclass that I think are worth looking at (note any double icon card also benefits well from Crystallizer of Dreams):

With so many choices, the hardest thing about Tony is pinning down a direction. If you're playing in a group, it'll be easier as you'll just take the path most open to you. One final tip: bring some way to track your remaining actions. You will very easily lose track otherwise.

StyxTBeuford · 13028
We finally get a Rogue who can viably run knuckle duster and no mention of it? I take it over switchblade easily as I’d much rather risk retaliate at his native 5 than use switchblade to functionally swing at 3 for the bonus damage. And I’m still fine with the knuckles taking a chill to spare my guns. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Knuckleduster is solid also, probably a stronger choice than Switchblade on higher difficulties. Thompson is also a solid choice, especially with Act of Desperation. I had to narrow in on a few options. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I was considering doing an analysis of Tony but this review hits all the key points. I really think that seeker Tony is the best build by quite a margin, between that and some Lola Santiago / The Skeleton Key and he can be useful in any scenario under any conditions. You should mention Drawing Thin in the survivor pool because its the best red card in the game and has synergy with Well Connected and Streetwise; plus you'd want Resourceful to fish back your skill redo cards. Even with the possibly of the Chicago Typwriter I still think that he is yet another investigator who just rushes straight for Timeworn Brand as his first upgrade. — The_Wall · 286
Ah yes I’ll update and mention Drawing Thin, you’re absolutely right. I forgot about it because of the recent taboo, but I should still call it out. Timeworn is also a great Tony upgrade, you’re right. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Please don’t update to mention Drawing Thin. It’s an asset. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Jeez, yes you are right. This is why I shouldn't react to comments right as I wake up. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I'm not expecting it to be an optimal build or anything, but I'm really excited to use the upgraded .41 Derringer with this guy. That is a pretty cool card that has been waiting a really long time for a suitable investigator. — CaiusDrewart · 3168
It's a fun time. Borrowed Time, Quick Thinking, Ace in the Hole, Leo de Luca, Derringer, and then Pay Day just because. You'll never have to worry about chasing your Quarry again! — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Yeah. As others have said don't knock Knuckleduster. IMO it's the #1 companion weapon to his own guns when you have no xp. His default fight value is so high that the retaliate represents fairly minimal risk. And you can use it to take care of or soften up pesky enemies before finishing them off with his own gun. And the ones really tough he can load up with bounties to take care of. — puert · 48
Easy Mark

This is an interesting one. Absent the reaction ability it’s already very close in function to Emergency Cache but with a draw ability in place of one card.

Now the set costs 1xp, the full set (which you will want) is 3 card slots and that reaction ability is pretty crucial. If you do not use the reaction it is effectively 2r for one action and a minor deck thinning. Begin to use the reaction and the card scales, 4r for an action as well as 2c thinning at two cards - 6r and 3c thinning at all three in hand.

Now the statistics are weighed against you if you’re trying to hold out for all three. Frankly you have even odds of even getting more than 1c in the first half of your deck, so that ability is quite unreliable. That’s mildly troublesome, as it means this is an economy card for the late game - generally when you want to be spending resources, not gaining them. The dream of getting all 3 is.... overly optimistic at best.

That being said a thin deck is a reliable deck. In addition this zero-cost economy card combos really well with certain recent additions to the Rogue pool. Double double makes even a single copy into a very potent card on its own, and crystallizer of dreams is happy to snap up extra icons for you.

I think it’s a good addition for an event rogue deck thats running double double and perhaps a bit sketchy outside. Probably pass on Sefina for whom it’s not a particularly high impact event, but slightly better for Tony, Skids, and Wendy.

Bonus points for anyone who get a Wendy deck to infinitely recur this for infinite cash.

Difrakt · 1304
How does Wendy infinitely recur this? Her Amulet puts it on the bottom of her deck (not discard) so it’s not a valid target for itself? That said, you could still play it three times from hand, drop Amulet, and play it three times from discard for a total 12 resources and 6 cards in three actions (minus Amulet cost). — Death by Chocolate · 1473
If you get to the condition where your deck contains 1-2 easy marks, have Wendy’s amulet equipped, and one copy of easy mark in hand you can keep playing the marks as you draw them. It’s actually not as hard to set this up as it sounds, if you get to 1 card in deck and three easy marks in hand it is almost guaranteed to happen. — Difrakt · 1304
Okay, that’s fair. Run enough card draw to rip through your deck and then loop it. Nice. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Building a deck where I can have Easy Marks, Swift Reflexes and some Lucky!(2)s on the bottom of the deck I can have infinite actions! With Drawing Thin, Pickpocketing(2), Take Heart, Guts, Perception and Manual Dexterity to accelerate the combo. Seems pretty broken! :) — Venti · 1
Oh, that wouldn't work as infinite actions because I can only play Lucky! if I am failing a test. Please disconsider. — Venti · 1

This is a very interesting card. You can't talk about this card without talking about this one here The Stars Are Right which gets shuffled into the encounter deck after it is played. Arkham Horror LCG now has various types of cancellation options to choose from within the game. It is almost getting to a point where I would restrict myself to the number of cancellation effects except when playing Diana Stanley. But, I wouldn't classify this as cancellation.

In all technical sense, this card doesn't "cancel" an effect. When it comes down to it though, you are not drawing an encounter card on the turn that this causes you to draw it's counter-point card The Stars Are Right.

Ward of Protection is the standard often referenced when discussions begin with cancellation effects. So, let's see what this does in comparison even though there are many others. By comparing these two cards we can see the differences and benefits of each.

Ward of Protection is actionless, whereas this card will cost you an action. Ward of Protection on the other hand costs you a resource and a sanity (offset often with other cards that protect you or help you with Agnes Baker, but it is still a cost) whereas Stargazing has no resource cost associated with it. In that sense, the action is somewhat offset by wards other costs. You also will get this action back later when you run across The Stars Are Right and gain a resource and card. So, you could argue that it is actually action efficient. It could be another investigator that decides to take these bonuses, so it has some flexibility there as well.

Ward is useful at almost any point in the game though, whereas this card is only useful when there is enough encounter cards left in the deck (you could get lucky of course and put it on top). So, you might draw this and find yourself not able to play it. In smaller player games such as solo, this could be the 10th card down for instance and there are only 9 turns left in the game. So your action would be wasted if you were to play it. In larger player games, if you see this early then great, you will likely see it being fruitful in your game. But in the larger player count, you also dig into the encounter deck and might find it unplayable for a couple turns mid to late game. So there are some dead-opportunities associated with this card in either situation. These cases that could happen are one of the draw-backs of this card.

It's icon is something that is nice to see here but ward also has this going for it.

Some might argue that you don't know what encounter card you would have drawn in its place with The Stars Are Right. This is where using the term 'cancel' associated with this card isn't appropriate. It is basically saying that in the future, you just don't draw an encounter card that phase and you will get your banked action you spent earlier back (or something will since it is targetable).

Ward of protection is there to keep you from that "Oh sheeet" moment. This doesn't protect you from the cards you know are in that deck waiting for you. It at best delays those cards one turn later into the game.

I think that this is a nice support card for mystics to slow the dangers that are ahead of you and I think I feel better about it in multiplayer scenarios rather than the solo play and just relying on lady luck.

Bronze · 186
It's not especially powerful I think, but it is great fun. You're going to want to include a copy for sure. Also, I wouldn't sleep on the fact that you get to choose which investigator gets the benefit. That could be huge if it gets drawn at the right time. — Sassenach · 179
If you can get it early it becomes solid action economy in solo (since you're seeing one less encounter card that game, you save roughly 1 action overall). I think it'll work best in off class Mystics who are either weak in combat or weak in will. Patrice might like it, as even if she gets it too late to be worthwhile it gives her a wild icon to pitch. Sefina I believe can copy it, though if I'm not mistaken you only get 1 copy of The Stars are Right per Stargazing in your deck, so you'll be making the original card a dead effect. Mandy's Will is just okay and she's quite afraid of enemies, so it could work for her as an early upgrade. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
There are two copies in the box, and it's a bonded card so it wouldn't go in the deck anyway. I do kinda wish this could be played 3 times though, it would be incredible with Dayana Esperance. — Sassenach · 179
Right but to have two copies of Stars are Right set aside, you need two copies of Stargazing in your deck, otherwise you'd only have 1 copy of Stars are Right set aside. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Has there been a ruling on that ? All that it says in the rules is "if your deck contains a card that summons one or more bonded cards, those bonded cards are set aside at the start of the game", which can be interpreted differently to the way you described it. I don't see that it would necessarily preclude one copy of Stargazing from being used twice. — Sassenach · 179
I think that's how I would play it for now. It makes sense that if you buy one Stargazing your bonded cards only include one copy of Stars are Right. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
The Stars Are Right has bonded to this, but not the other way around. If you had one copy of this and played it twice through various shenanigans, you would add two copies of The Stars Are Right to the top 10 cards of the encounter deck. — The_Wall · 286
If you would play it twice, second time you can bring another #The Stars Are Right. You don't need 2 copies, but it easier to pull out waiting to shuffle your deck otherwise. — Bany · 14
@StyxTBeuford that is not true. Check wordking. You are searching for 1 copy of The Stars Are Right only and exactly when you are playing this card. Not before. There is no preparation phase what so ever. The card is being brought from bonded pool and remove from the game when drawn for a Revelation trigger. Rest bounded cards are still for a use ;) whatever you will get same event to play or it is another copy if it. — Bany · 14
This card is kind of necessary for a thematic Norman deck! — Krysmopompas · 360
I play this in solo fairly often when I have access to mystic cards. I also like to play Parallel Fates (2) and these cards work pretty well together. Most of the time since you are only drawing one encounter a turn there are always plenty of cards in the encounter deck. What is far more frustrating is when you play this, and then a turn or two later you are instructed to shuffle the encounter deck. — RobertLefebvre · 1
`(Added in FAQ, section 'Game Play', point 1.19) If an investigator’s deck contains a card that summons one or more bonded cards, those bonded cards are set aside at the start of each game. The number of copies of each different bonded card that are set aside in this way is equal to the number of copies of that were included in the product in which that bonded card was introduced. The number of cards in your deck that summon the bonded card in question does not factor into this limit.` This comment was 5 years ago, but at some point clarification was added. 1 or 2 copies of Stargazing will result in the same number of cards being added, which is how many were included in the product. Thus, you would always add two The Stars Are Right, similar to how 1 hallowed mirror will give 3 Soothing Melodies. — NullDragon · 1

I love the design of this card. All the new basic weaknesses are great actually, I can't wait to play them. This is genius though. Arguably it's not even a weakness. Imagine having this in a group that includes Preston or Jenny. You can turn it into a resource engine. At the same time it opens up some serious grief tech combinations along with "You owe me one!", "You handle this one!" etc, if you want to have fun screwing over your friends. Probably not recommended, but it's great that this exists.

Sassenach · 179
Our Sefina Rousseau whose already got two of Another Day, Another Dollar drew this late in our campaign. The rich get richer. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
As its a weakness and thus a treachery card, I can use the action to steal from the kleptomaniac and shuffle the weakness into his deck? — Kael_Hate · 1
This is not a treachery, it's an asset. It's also not in the threat area, but in the play area. Those are 2 reasons why no one else can use it (unlike most other weaknesses that require actions to discard). — neescher · 316
I mean, real talk, this is an annoying weakness because it potentially deals you horror every turn, and gets shuffled back into your deck if you get rid of it, but it definitely has some good janky applications. Ursula can finally get those Track Shoes or Lockpicks that she's always wanted, Wendy can steal a Magnifying Glass, Agnes can get her hands on some Rogue Booze, the list goes on. — Zinjanthropus · 229