One issue I have with this card is, that it does not seem that great for Tool-cards, that occupy double slots.
Let's say, Kymani has a Sledgehammer in the tool belt, and a Thieves' Kit and their Grappling Hook in play. If they want to use the hammer, they can swap one of the two assets in play into the belt, but have to discard the other one. Unless, they have somehow a way to gain a third hand slot. Currently, while not all "Scarlet Keys" cards have been spoiled yet, the only option for them for a third slot would be Quickdraw Holster, which clashes with the body slot of the belt, and would be of no use for Tool-assets anyway.
An interaction, that might be good, but I don't see that many applications, where it's amazing, could be Well Prepared. Cards attached are still in play, and their icons not blanked, so this should work. I doubt, you would want to use the icons from Chainsaw or Sledgehammer on other weapons, but the passive from a Lantern might be worth it, if you ever want to flex Yorick or (more likely) Tommy. Also, sometimes a single pip can make a difference.