Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
.25 Automatic Rogue 4 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 25
.25 Automatic (2) Rogue 4 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. Into the Maelstrom 305
.32 Colt Guardian 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. The Path to Carcosa 20
.32 Colt (2) Guardian 2 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Return to the Path to Carcosa 1
.35 Winchester Guardian 4 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Dark Side of the Moon 195
.45 Automatic Guardian 4 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Core Set 16
.45 Automatic Guardian 4 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Revised Core Set 16
.45 Automatic (2) Guardian 4 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. A Phantom of Truth 190
.45 Thompson 6 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. The Secret Name 115
.45 Thompson (3) Guardian 6 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. For the Greater Good 186
.45 Thompson (3) Rogue 5 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. For the Greater Good 187
Alchemical Transmutation (2) Mystic 0 Asset. Arcane Spell. Return to the Path to Carcosa 7
Ancient Ankh: Aegis of the Harbinger Neutral 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Guardians of the Abyss 56 Abyssal Tribute 2
Avery Claypool: Antarctic Guide Neutral Asset Ally. Wayfarer. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 218 Expedition Team 5
Azure Flame Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Jacqueline Fine 7
Azure Flame (3) Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Jacqueline Fine 25
Azure Flame (5) Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Jacqueline Fine 30
Beretta M1918 (4) Rogue 4 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. Winifred Habbamock 31
Bestow Resolve (2) Guardian 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 32
Blur (4) 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 111
Book of Psalms Guardian 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Blessed. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 17
Brand of Cthugha (1) 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 90
Chicago Typewriter (4) Rogue 5 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. Lost in Time and Space 304
Clarity of Mind (3) Mystic 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. Return to the Dunwich Legacy 8
Cloak of the Outer Realm: Interwoven Distortion Neutral 1 Asset. Body Item. Relic. Clothing. War of the Outer Gods 51 War of the Outer Gods 47
Collected Works of Poe Neutral 1 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 231 Memorials of the Lost 2
Colt Vest Pocket Rogue 2 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. The Depths of Yoth 268
Colt Vest Pocket (2) Rogue 2 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. Return to the Forgotten Age 6
Cookie's Custom .32 Neutral 2 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 232 Memorials of the Lost 3
Danforth: Brilliant Student Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Resolute. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 88 Fatal Mirage 46
Danforth: Brilliant Student Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 215 Expedition Team 2
Detective's Colt 1911s Neutral 4 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. The Circle Undone 9
Dial of Ancients: Signs of Cataclysm (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 46
Dial of Ancients: Signs of Aberration (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 47
Dial of Ancients: Signs of Revelation (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 48
Disguise Rogue 3 Asset Talent. Trick. Illicit. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 62
Divination (1) 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Augury. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 101
Divination (4) 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Augury. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 103
Dr. Amy Kensler: Professor of Biology Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Resolute. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 93 Fatal Mirage 51
Dr. Amy Kensler: Professor of Biology Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 220 Expedition Team 7
Dreaded End: Gift of the Void Neutral 1 Asset. Arcane Spell. War of the Outer Gods 53 War of the Outer Gods 49
Earthly Serenity (1) 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 117
Earthly Serenity (4) 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 119
Eldritch Tongue Neutral 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 128
Eliyah Ashevak: Dog Handler Neutral Asset Ally. Wayfarer. Resolute. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 89 Fatal Mirage 47
Eliyah Ashevak: Dog Handler Neutral Asset Ally. Wayfarer. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 216 Expedition Team 3
Enchanted Blade (3) Mystic 3 Asset. Hand. Arcane Item. Relic. Weapon. Melee. For the Greater Good 193
Encyclopedia Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Harvey Walters 8
Esoteric Atlas (1) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Union and Disillusion 232
Esoteric Atlas (2) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Harvey Walters 22
First Aid (3) Guardian 2 Asset Talent. Science. Revised Core Set 183
First Aid (3) Guardian 2 Asset Talent. Science. The Pallid Mask 230
Flamethrower (5) Guardian 4 Asset. Body. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Shattered Aeons 305
Flashlight (3) Neutral 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 122
Flesh Ward Guardian 3 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Nathaniel Cho 6
Forbidden Tome: Untranslated Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Tome. Harvey Walters 10
Forensic Kit Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Science. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 36
Gatling Gun (5) Rogue 5 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 64
Green Soapstone: Jinxed Idol Neutral 0 Asset Item. Expedition. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 114 To the Forbidden Peaks 28
Grim Memoir Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 44
Grimm's Fairy Tales Survivor 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Stella Clark 6
Grotesque Statue (4) Mystic 2 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Core Set 71
Grotesque Statue (4) Mystic 2 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Revised Core Set 71
Guided by the Unseen (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. A Light in the Fog 223
Healing Words (3) Mystic 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 68
Heretic Mythos Enemy Monster. Geist. Witch. Spectral. Elite. The Wages of Sin 178 The Wages of Sin 23
Hyperphysical Shotcaster: Theoretical Device Neutral 4 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Weapon. Firearm. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 119
James "Cookie" Fredericks: Dubious Choice Neutral Asset Ally. Veteran. Wayfarer. Resolute. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 92 Fatal Mirage 50
James "Cookie" Fredericks: Dubious Choice Neutral Asset Ally. Veteran. Wayfarer. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 219 Expedition Team 6
Jenny's Twin .45s: A Perfect Fit Neutral -2 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Pistols and Pearls 85
Kensler's Log Neutral 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 235 Memorials of the Lost 6
Lightning Gun (5) Guardian 6 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Lost in Time and Space 301
Liquid Courage Rogue 1 Asset Item. Illicit. The Dunwich Legacy 24
Liquid Courage (1) Rogue 1 Asset Item. Illicit. Winifred Habbamock 20
M1918 BAR (4) Guardian 5 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. The City of Archives 229
Mauser C96 Rogue 4 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. Winifred Habbamock 6
Mauser C96 (2) Rogue 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. Winifred Habbamock 21
Mauser Tankgewehr M1918 (5) Neutral 4 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 119
Mineral Specimen Neutral 0 Asset Item. Relic. Expedition. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 118 To the Forbidden Peaks 32
Mists of R'lyeh Mystic 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. The Forgotten Age 29
Mists of R'lyeh (4) Mystic 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. The Depths of Yoth 271
Mists of R'lyeh (2) Mystic 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. Return to the Forgotten Age 7
Mr. "Rook": Dealer in Secrets Seeker 3 Asset. Ally Ally. The Wages of Sin 153
On Their Heels (5) Neutral 2 Asset Talent. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 120
Orphic Theory (1) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 51
Prismatic Shard: Alien Meteorite Neutral 2 Asset Item. Relic. Colour. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 22 Written in Rock 36
Prudence Douglas: Pragmatic Occultist Mystic 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Guest. Sorcerer. Silver Twilight. The Midwinter Gala 35 The Midwinter Gala 35
Raymond Loggins: Mysterious Benefactor Mystic 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Guest. Sorcerer. Silver Twilight. The Midwinter Gala 37 The Midwinter Gala 37
Remington Model 1858 Guardian 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 22
Remington Model 1858 (4) Guardian 2 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 32
Roald Ellsworth: Intrepid Explorer Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Wayfarer. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 221 Expedition Team 8
Roland's .38 Special Neutral 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Core Set 6
Roland's .38 Special Neutral 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Revised Core Set 6
Roland's .38 Special Neutral 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. By the Book 30
Runic Axe Guardian 4 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Melee. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 22
Sawed-Off Shotgun (5) Rogue 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. Weaver of the Cosmos 327
Schoffner's Catalogue Survivor 2 Asset Item. Tome. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 72
Scroll of Prophecies Mystic 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. The Search for Kadath 116
Scroll of Secrets (3) Mystic 1 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. For the Greater Good 189
Scrying Mirror Mystic 3 Asset. Hand Item. Charm. Jacqueline Fine 6
Shotgun (4) Guardian 5 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Core Set 29
Shotgun (4) Guardian 5 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Revised Core Set 29
Shrine of the Moirai (3) Survivor 1 Event Fortune. Blessed. Cursed. Into the Maelstrom 310
Shrivelling Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Core Set 60
Shrivelling Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Revised Core Set 60
Shrivelling (3) Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. The Essex County Express 154
Shrivelling (5) Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Lost in Time and Space 306
Song of the Dead (2) Mystic 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. Song. The Miskatonic Museum 112
Speak to the Dead Mystic 1 Asset. Arcane Talent. Ritual. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 91
Strange Solution: Restorative Concoction (4) Seeker 1 Asset Item. Science. Where Doom Awaits 262
Strange Solution: Acidic Ichor (4) Seeker 1 Asset Item. Science. Where Doom Awaits 263
Strange Solution: Freezing Variant (4) Seeker 1 Asset Item. Science. Where Doom Awaits 264
Surgical Kit (3) Seeker 2 Asset Item. Tool. Science. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 56
The Necronomicon: Petrus de Dacia Translation (5) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Harvey Walters 33
Thieves' Kit Rogue 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Illicit. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 64
Thieves' Kit (3) Rogue 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Illicit. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 75
Universal Solvent Neutral 2 Asset Item. Science. The Blob That Ate Everything 29 Mi-Go Incursion 9