"Skids" O'Toole



奥图尔的专属卡牌「在逃中」On the Lam 可以躲避一次非精英敌人的攻击,但是主要用途是可以提供1点知识、1点敏捷和2点任意能力的检定加成,可以应付一些难过的检定,或者从高隐藏值地点获取线索。


奥图尔的专属弱点为「医院债务」Hospital Debts, 类似于罗兰的「掩盖罪证」Cover Up,玩家不希望将资源花费在解决弱点上。

ybh2333 · 3
Hard disagree! — MrGoldbee · 1470
Hardly says anything useful — Horo · 43
What does 奥 mean? Also, what does 图 mean? Also, I have several more questions. — snacc · 995
睿智 — johns5 · 1
You done being such jokers? It's nice seeing a review from somewhere else beyond the anglosphere. I put this through google translate and I will say that I disagree on the fact you don't wanna spend effort to remove Hospital Debts: losing 2 exp, while not debilitating, slows your deck growth, so you definetly want to put effort removing the weakness if you can afford to, gets easier to do so in multiplayer, as it can be cleared safely in one round. Skids also has less of an issue with will in lower difficulties thanks to his guardian card pool: Brother Xavier, Holy Rosary and Well Prepared are all extremely excellent card to counter treacheries targetting his low will — HeroesOfTomorrow · 54
Dowsing Rod

I was the first one to be a bit low on this... until I really decided to check it seriously.

Let's compare it to its obvious rivals: Rite of Seeking and Clairvoyance:

Some will argue otherwise, but it seems to me that when looking at it from a bit closer, Dowsing Rod could be a solid contender for the investigation tool for future mystics, even without any doom management tools like Elle Rubash and Moonlight Ritual.
It is especially good in 2 and 3 player counts when it is as efficient as Clairvoyance without ever running out of charge. It also works especially well combined with Clairvoyance or with events like Read the Signs and Drawn to the Flame to get rid of the doom faster.

Valentin1331 · 73529
Sister Mary has high intellect? — MrGoldbee · 1470
I guess, that's a typo, and he meant Marie, not Mary, and the editor chimed in with auto-completing. — Susumu · 371
It would be otherwise odd, too, that he skiped the 4 willpower, 4 intellect investigator, who actually wants doom on at least one of her cards, too. — Susumu · 371
Well caught, I corrected it, thanks! — Valentin1331 · 73529
+1 for Marie Lambeau, it works very well for solo or flex. I tried it with most standalone scenarios, using hands to investigate and spells for fighting / evading. It's also a great (for Marie) source of doom that can be turned on / off quite easily. — DrOGM · 25
I don't really think move + investigate is as valuable compression as a two clue investigate. A two clue investigate is two tests for the price of one, while a move is almost always testless, so you're never saving a second test. Saving actions is good, but saving tests is considerably better. Maybe the potential infinite use swings it, but I wouldn't call them equal on compression. — SSW · 213
Pretty sure if you dowse into a location with an enemy you will trigger an AOO... isn't this the ruling with Duke? — dlikos · 160
Never mind... I am wrong about the above comment.... Another benefit of Dowsing Rod over the spells (at least with Amina) is that the Rods vibe with her Words of Woe — dlikos · 160
Does anyone know whether you can actually choose the second option even if you're not removing the last clue/there is no doom on dowsing rod? Meaning, can you use as simply a way to investigate using your head without putting doom on it? — brubsdormeles · 1
I find it worth mentioning that, yes, it adds a doom in solo on the location you move into, but something that Mystics in Solo really want is a way to repeatedly use their brain to investigate without charges, and this does allow for that. It only finds one clue most of the time, and sometimes it just lets you do cool stuff in the witching hour or when you're fishing the scenario with it. I think it's a lot better in Solo than it might initially read. — Fogshaper · 1
@dlikos: I am pretty certain this case is different from Duke's since the wording tells you to move before initiation of the ability affects the game state, i.e. before its cost is payed and the check for AoO occurs. — AlderSign · 309
^ this is due to the word "when"; you would FIRST move and only THEN effectively initiate the ability and pay it's cost, triggering AoOs. Duke's ability, on the other hand, lets you move AFTER initiation and paying costs, but before actually investigating. — AlderSign · 309
Isn't the more important comparison with Sixth Sense? — jmmeye3 · 629
Girish Kadakia

Girish is really good... but 4xp is a lot to ask. So why would you spend all that xp when you have Beat Cop (2), and Grete Wagner (3) in your class that both bring bonuses?

The answer is infinite health/horror.

Girish Kadakia will help you succeed in a test and heal himself in the process. Leave the Hallowed Mirror in the antique store, you don't need it anymore. Pack instead an Inspiring Presence for a second use each turn and some Trusted to turn it into an almost Carson Sinclair.

Who will want to pair with Girish Kadakia?

  • Vincent Lee, of course, use his ability to get +2 and receive an On the Mend at the end of the test. He will be the perfect soak for your Bonesaw. You will always want to leave a bit of damage/horror on him to trigger him and end your Bonesaw attack with a damage on him.
  • Carolyn Fern, who will make a good amount of resources out of Girish Kadakia if she finds a way to regularly deal horror to him. Forbidden Knowledge and Meat Cleaver are good options. The good thing with the latter is that you get the horror when you initiate the test so that you can heal it in the same action (and heal a horror on yourself at the end).
  • Guardians that would be interested in using more than 1 stat, like Roland Banks or Leo Anderson with a Blackmailed Damning Testimony, Sister Mary and Lily Chen who would want to use their .
  • Carson Sinclair to bring his statline to an acceptable number once a turn for a test and compensate for his lack of health/sanity.
Valentin1331 · 73529
I think GK is a third choice for Carolyn. Peter is automatic, and the field agent is free clues. Having Girish around with solemn vow is great though, for drip feeding horror from the party specifically onto Peter without risking other players. — MrGoldbee · 1470
I played him w/ Mark. Sophie got bored and almost went home. — tasman · 1
@MrGoldbee I get Peter with Carolyn (used that a lot), but never seemed thematic to me. Having Field Agent and GK makes a lot more thematic sense in my decks, and I play AH mainly for story and mood. — Krysmopompas · 360
Girish is working great with Zoey in a true solo run through Carcosa. The horror soak is key here, and the ability to add +2 to willpower tests is important for finding clues with Sixth Sense. Girish is a big improvement over Peter Sylvestre! — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1264
@Valentin1331 : What do you mean "Pack instead an Inspiring Presence for a second use each turn" ? Inspiring Presence is a skill. You will only get a 2nd use of Girish for ONE turn, not EACH turn. — Therion · 1

This card was printed exactly as designed during Arkham Nights 2020, and that is amazing news.

3 experience per copy is a steep cost, so let's see the reasons behind.

The obvious:

That is alright at best. Supporting evasion is good, but except for a few evade-focussed investigators like Finn Edwards, Rita Young or Kymani Jones, this is unlikely to find many homes.

The less obvious:


If you are planning to play the Difficulty 0 archetype, with Shed a Light and Exploit Weakness (reducing the evasion to 0), Flashlight (3) is going to be a must-have. As this archetype is mainly , this means that you'll probably use Scavenging (2) as well.

The other archetype that could use this card is if you plan to investigate/evade using the succeed by X cards and that has access to Scavenging (2) to replay it constantly.

Who will be playing this?:

Any investigator with Scavenging (2) and who would want to use Exploit Weakness can take Flashlight (3) and will get value out of it. Out of them all, the investigators that I see taking the best out of Flashlight (3) are:

Valentin1331 · 73529
I'm tinkering now a lot with the zero difficulty archtype in Rita, and I agree, this is the most important card here. For all the reasons, you say. — Susumu · 371
I would add Bob Jenkins to the list : he has access to most cards you mentioned, and as an Item it works with his ability and signature. — DrOGM · 25
One other difference is that the card no longer reduces the shroud, so you can freely use it in conjunction with The Skeleton Key (but not with Lola Santiago to get a cheaper clue) — dscarpac · 1146
That's not right. The shroud IS the test difficulty for investigate action. "Skeleton Key" set's it to 1, and this card also reduces the shroud for Lola, just like the level 0 version. The reason, tha card does not call it shroud is, because it also works on evade tests. — Susumu · 371
@Susumu is there an explicit official clarification for this somewhere? The default difficulty for an investigate test is equal to your location's shroud and shroud modifications therefore change the difficulty, but that's no reason to assume that changing the difficulty also changes the shroud. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
I stand corrected. Under "Difficulty (skill tests)" in the RR is written: "When investigating a location, the base difficulty of the skill test is the location's shroud value." Because of the "base" this should probably be possible to be altered. — Susumu · 371
Thanks, I will add this in the review! Also @Susumu feel free to share your Rita concept with Flashlight (3). I have just added a deck example but I am not fully sold yet... — Valentin1331 · 73529
My first attempt was more of a flex deck, 3 players "Return to TFA" on normal, forging our own path and winning "Turn Back Time". "Dirty Fighting" was very nice for the additional 1 damage punches to fill the Harbinger with resources, then for the last 2 scenarios, I packed a Chainsaw: https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/2484140 Now I'm currently playing her in the fan campaign "Return to TDE", also 3 players, but on hard, and this time the full cluever. The deck is quite similar to your's, but without Waylay, and with "Short Supply", mainly to increase the odds of at least one early Crafty (with Resourceful). Pilfering and Sheding a Light on it is something, any Rogue will shake their heads about, and any Seeker will envy: https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/2499997 I'm planning to publish a deck, or write a Rita review, or both, once I'm done with this campaign. My impression is, that Rita has been an underdog for the longest time, but became an amazing powerful investigators with her growing card pool, and can be build in many different ways now. — Susumu · 371
Weirdly enough, you can "zero" shroud 4 locations also with only one lvl 3 and one lvl 0 version out, activating the lvl 0 ability and then triggering the lvl 3 ability. — AlderSign · 309

With the permission of @Kelega from the Miskatonic Malcontent, I want to share this external link that breaks down in detail and with graphs on which traits to choose for every campaign up until TSK.

The author shows:

  • What traits appear the most in each campaign
  • What traits do enemies have in each scenario of each campaign
    • What is the best combination of 2 or 3 traits to cover most enemies in each scenario of each campaign
  • What traits do treacheries have in each scenario of each campaign
    • What is the best combination of 2 or 3 traits to cover most treacheries in each scenario of each campaign

Warning This is full of spoilers, of course, but as Grizzled is mechanically made for guessing what the most common trait used is, if you have already been to this campaign and want to tech your deck, then this is all you're looking for.

For 6xp (Always Prepared and an additional Trait), you can either build yourself a repeatable enemy management tech or a 2-card constant +3 against treacheries.

Valentin1331 · 73529
While it's useful to have statistics on Trait frequency, this shouldn't be the sole decision point whether to chose a trait or not. Some encounter cards are more impactful than others. So even if a trait is frequently represented, it might all be on relatively harmless cards. Furthermore some cards have a higher impact on certain investigators than others. Grasping Hands can be quite dangerous for Daisy with 2 Agility and 5 stamina, but Rita just laughs when drawing this card. So I'd rather take a look whether my investigator has a problem with a specific set of cards and take this into consideration when choosing traits for Grizzled. — PowLee · 15
I completely agree, and the author covered that by actually making a list of tests induced by each treachery trait. I will not say the campaign name to prevent spoilers, but there are charts and then a summary that sounds like this: "Many Terror test Willpower, but there are a lot of Hazards that test Agility or Combat as well. Some Terror test intellect" — Valentin1331 · 73529
Not only, what PowLee says. It also matters, if the encounter cards actually have some test applied, or just provide a testless effect, like "Ancient Evils" or "Dissonant Voices". Of course, once you are "Always Prepared", traits on testless cards can become relevant, to draw Grizzled from the discard pile, then be able to commit it on somebody elses encounter card. — Susumu · 371
@Valentin: Yes, but also the consequences of a failed test is not equally bad for all investigators. Grasping Hands Example: If Daisy autofails she takes damage equal to 60 % of her Stamina, Rita takes 33 %. So this is also something to consider. — PowLee · 15