"Fool me once..."

The Guardian's answer to Ward of Protection. While this doesn't cancel the effect of the card drawn by the playing investigator, the ability to block the next copy can be very valuable, especially for treacheries that stack and build up or draw out a scenario enemy (such as Daemonic Piping) or generally annoying treacheries like Ancient Evils. In a 3 or 4 player group where you are cycling through the encounter deck fairly quickly, this is a strong addition for those who can take, and all for only 1 XP!

c-hung · 12
Daemonic Piping is actually a bad example here, since the treachery has to be discarded first. By the time Piper of Azathoth is discarded, it's generally already gone and summoned the Piper. — Abodmuthkat · 182
That said, an interesting note here is that the cancellation effect is optional. So if you did manage to discard it (maybe with Alter Fate), you can choose to keep it trapped instead of cancelling other copies of it. — Abodmuthkat · 182
Except Daemonic Piping would still be in play, and thus trigger the summoning if all three go up. That said, Terror in the Night is countered by this. — Abodmuthkat · 182
Ah, good catch. OK, so maybe can't tie up every treachery card, but still very handy to have to block a number of annoying treacheries at low cost. — c-hung · 12
Could Diana counter a treachery with ward of protection and then use this card to counter later versions of it? — crayne · 3
Only if you resolved any of its effects (which could include Surge I believe), otherwise no. So Warding an Ancient Evils doesn't let you FMO the next one. Personally I have a really low opinion on this card because of how reliant it is on being drawn early and how many high impact treacheries don't discard initially or at all in some cases, especially in TCU. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Like Terrot in the Night could be countered by this, sure, but that's only relevant in terms of reshuffles anyway- if you passed one Terror in the Night test to even trigger FMO in the first place, you're fairly unlikely to have to worry about all 3 copies ever being in play at once, so FMO's very unlikely to have any effect at all. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
It seems like a super niche card, for sure. Can it counter weaknesses? If so, Lola might have some use for it, maybe. Or in some campaigns, where everyone gains a copy of the same weakness at some point? Other than that , maybe it's a card for 'treacheries-drawn-in-weird-circumstances". Like you could use it to put a stop to "draw the top omen in the discard pile". Or for exploration treacheries? Like it seems like a decent answer to that one endlessly annoying card for the Boundary Beyond. Other than that, it seems expensive in xp and deck-slots for the amount of conditions you have to meet to use it effectively. — bee123 · 31
It does work on weaknesses, so a Mr. Rook deck could use it to kill a weakness permanently for deckcycling. Funny enough this works with Dirge of Reason but not with Cover Up, so the version of Roland you use matters. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I agree Explore makes sense to use this on. Timeline Destabilization seems like a bad target though since failing it doesnt cause it to discard. Works well with Window to Another Time however. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Yeah, that discard condition is far more obnoxious than it seems. So many important treacheries don't discard, and a lot of weaknesses don't either. But yeah, it seems like a Circle Undone card with the stacking treacheries but I think TFA is its campaign if anything is. Exploration, the poison treacheries, some City of archives stuff too, but even then it can't get at other people's peril cards , can it? It's sooooo situational :( — bee123 · 31
Yeah it only attaches on something you draw. Then it becomes useful towards anyone else drawing it, but that initial condition and timing is harsher than I think people seem to think it is. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I use this card with Diana and believe that " resolving any of its effects" includes no effect after being cancelled by ward of protection. This works well with daemonic piping also as you would discard it once the revelation effect is cancelled by a ward. — Head Rat · 1
Surge applies after the card's revelation effect and the card is discarded (unless otherwise stated), so if you cancel the revelation effect then when you discard the card you haven't resolved any of its effects yet. Then surge applies. — Yenreb · 15
I used this in a Diana deck in the back stretch of a 4-player Carcosa campaign followed by Blob, not expecting much out of it, and was pleasantly surprised. Assuming we correctly interpreted the card interactions btwn this + Diana's face ability + her dagger, it was a nice little engine in the tail end of our run. To me, it seems like this is a decent pick for Diana later if you have covered more important XP cards and have extra XP to burn. — KillerShrike · 1
I’m — Phoenixbadger · 198
Oops. I’m Phoenixbadger. But also i’m running Diana through TFA with Finn, he’s pretty rubbish at lots of encounters, so I’ve picked it straight away along with 2xp ward of protection, so maximum opportunities to cancel. In fact you can (I think) cancel a really horrible surge card revelation effect with Ward, but use “fool me once” because “surge” is one of the effects. — Phoenixbadger · 198
Brute Force

put this card in "Ashcan" Pete's deck

combo with duke ability

basically a super version of vicious blow (2)

more icon and more space for other class card

just one exp

so fucing op

now we dont have to chose between Inspiring Presence and vicious blow

This doesn't combo with Duke. A basic fight action is a fight action you take without activating any card. Activating Duke's ability is activating a card. — Yenreb · 15
Yeah, a basic fight action would be Ashcan fighting at base combat 2 (plus other constant boosts like Jessica Hyde if he has any). Using a weapon or any asset (including Duke) or event with the Fight keyword is no longer a basic fight action. Therefore Brute Force is a pretty bad Ashcan card. Silas and Tony on the other hand love it. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
but duke ability is only changing your base value,doesent that mean you are still perform a basic fight? — icanflysohigh · 1
No, it's a basic action only if you're not using another card to initiate it. Like a basic investigate action: Using Flashlight would not count as a basic investigate action. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
why duke ability isnt +2 attack and +1 damage ? — icanflysohigh · 1
like normal asset? — icanflysohigh · 1
When you use Duke you are using the action abilities on him. He has an Investigate action and a Fight action. Because these are actions written on a card, they are not basic. It's only basic if you initiate it yourself, aka without using a card action. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
@icanflysohigh Because Duke isn't a weapon Pete is using to enhance his abilities (bonus to base stat). Duke is doing the fighting himself (separate base stat). If you boost Pete's base stats directly (e.g. The Red Gloved Man, Trial by Fire) Duke's fighting ability doesn't change. — Yenreb · 15
This is basically a get out of jail card if you ,run out of baseball bats or lanterns to chuck and the monster still has one or two damage points left. Fisticuffs as the title suggests. — bern1106 · 2
Sefina Rousseau

If anyone is looking for a bigger version of Sefinas picture in 1024x1024.


Very clever, having a painter draw a painter. Maybe she's also...

crayne · 3

What do you do when you dont now if a card is any good? You flee in numbers.

First the obvious:

  1. Daredevil gives costs 2xp
  2. Gives a
  3. After the commitment, you can reveal another skill to commit to the

Of course the -token isnt good for 2xp, so the main-part is the other skill card, but what other skills are there? The fact is that -skills dont have so awesome icons (apart from Cunning), so I would consider to take a skill for its special effect. These skills are:

All of these Skills only give you 1-2 skill points, so there special abillity is there plus, wich means the effect of Daredevil is mesaured by the effect of this skill card. The last thing to talk about now is Cunning. If you have enough resources, this card gives 3/, in this case Daredevil could replace Cunning, if you have enough resources but not the card itself.

I dont think this card is very good, because it really needs a good other skill to be of use. I only would use it if I have a Double or Nothing & Quick Thinking combo running, in this case the card is very good. The problem I see here is the wrong faction, all other faction (Mystic excluded) have cards that offer 3 and does not have this kind of cards. Most of the 30 card decks have enough chance to have the right cards at the right time, but if you want these cards with a higher chance to the right time in your hand, it is also considerebale, but then you need a high skill card procentage.

Lord Triloth · 2021
Now, if the card allows you to DoN twice in one test (overriding the Max 1 limit), this could be pretty good. Question it, does it? — petercheungjr · 1
By my reckoning, no; "reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal a skill you can commit to this test. Commit it." Once we have commited one copy of DoN, the second is not 'a card you can commit to this test.' At least this saves you from accidently quadrupling the difficulty of your test. — Spritz · 69
Good point. I didn't RTFC. Now, I can't recur a card from the discard pile with this, can I? Say if there is no viable target in the deck (but one in the discard pile), I will just reveal cards in the whole deck and reshuffle all the cards revealed without committing any, right? — petercheungjr · 1
this card does thin your deck by one, so might have some application in trying to offset the extra cards from Versatile — Zinjanthropus · 229
What if you reveal a Daredevil from a Daredevil ? Obviously the second Daredevil would go back into your deck, but what about the first one ? Is it a revealed card during the same test so it goes back into your deck too; or because it is reavealed before the effect of the second, it goes to your discard pile ? — LeFricC'estChic · 86
@LeFricC'estChic They both go into your discard after the test like committed cards usually do. The card says other revealed cards (uncommitted ones) get shuffled back in. — flomu · 1
I think this might be really good for pulling out Opportunist (2) if you're a succeed by rogue. If those are your only rogue skills that could work. Since both this card and Opportunist (2) are rogue you could easily run this in an investigator with access to lvl 2 rogue and another core class. — Tacomental · 21
Tetsuo Mori

This card is just going to be crazy with Tommy Muldon!

Tetsuo gets defeated, Tommy gets 2 to 4 resources, Tetsuo gets reshuffled into Tomm'ys deck, and Tommy gets to pick an asset like his signature gun from his discard pile or deck with a bit of luck? And a level 0 card!?

Oh, and I should add that it's better than Something Worth Fighting For or True Grit as it can soak up to 4 damage/horror for a cost of 3 (dealt to other investigators as well).

Next taboo list?

Ezhaeu · 50
It’s a good card, not all good cards should be tabood. Tetsuo is great but his effect is slower than Prepared for the Worst and he doesn’t have built in boosts. I think he’s very good but not broken. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
He won't be in every deck. He might be an interesting option with anyone who has seeker access for a double dip of search with Mr Rook. — Myriad · 1223
Yeah, Tetsuo's biggest drawback is that he has to be defeated to get his full benefits, and that's not always feasible (or wise). He really needs other combo pieces to reach his true potential. — pneuma08 · 26
I played him in 1st TFA with skill based tommy. Testuo died like 4 times, reloading Becky and returning 2 items from discard thanks to Mandy — Django · 5093
@Django Mandy’s ability only helps when searching decks (“their deck or the encounter deck”). It doesn’t help you search your discard pile. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Definitely not taboo-worthy. Good but not broken. Honestly you'd have to taboo half the playable cards if you'd taboo this one. — flamebreak · 19