
All the class specific weaknesses from this expansion have obvious links to strengths or specific archetypes of that class. Underprepared seems like the worst of them by far, because this is the most focused of the cycle and Survivor have diversified their archetypes.

Almost all Guardians can fight, all Seekers can draw cards, all Rogues can gain resources/actions, all Mystics use their arcane slots. But not every Survivor plays anything resembling the super low to the ground style required for this card.

Overall I really dislike the design of this card due to the variance in effect. If you are Patrice with double Cornered this card is a joke but for any midrange investigator this card is worse than Amnesia and Paranoia on a single card.

powerguy · 8
Wow, you ain't kiddin'. The deviation on this- both for ease of disposal, as well as severity of impact- is huge. Patrice can ditch it without thinking. Bob and Yorick are probably stuck with it, but they might not care. Silas would get butchered by it. — HanoverFist · 739
Is it really that bad? Survivors are wanting to fail skill tests anyway, so turning your icons into dead draws doesn't seem unplayable. — fiatluxia · 66
I mean, Cornered is an excellent card in any Survivor, not just Patrice, but I agree that having a specific XP card (from a different expansion) be the hard counter should not be the general solution for a weakness. I would compare this more to The Tower than either Amnesia or Paranoia. you don't have to resolve it immediately, and you can spend your cards/resources rather than losing them. Heck, you may be able to completely ignore it if you are built around stat boosting assets, or using event cards, such as Lucky to pass tests. It may be harder to clear than the other class specifics, but it isn't necessarily as punishing, and can easily be adjusted for without turning into a hellbent dark horse deck. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
Guard Dog

After six years, the guard dog finally got an upgrade, and it is a doozy. An additional hit point and sanity is great, making this even better to pair with cards that buff allies. But the new ability is the star of the show: a zero cost engage & an attack that triggers the dog’s ability. In single-player, that’s not very useful, But in multiplayer, it lets you change the order of operations. Grab an enemy off the seeker, letting them complete their full turn instead of flailing around with evades. Engage and chew up a whippoorwill.

Combo pieces worth considering: hunter’s armor, survival knife (0 and 2), The star 17, bandages, Aquinnah (either).

MrGoldbee · 1470
The free ability can be used outside your own turn so you can safeguard someone else and take enemies off of them for later disposal — Django · 5108
Since the enemy attacks you it also becomes exhausted. So it won't be attacking again in the enemy phase. — xtremebystander · 1
@xtremebystander This is not ture. Guard Dog attack does make the enemy exhausted. — elkeinkrad · 497
does not make.. sorry to miswrite. only attack during enemy phase causing exhaustion. — elkeinkrad · 497
The free ability says "That enemy attacks you". By 'you' does it mean the dog or the investigator? — TheCampaignGuy · 1
You the invest. You can assign damage to the dog. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Stylish Coat

Not a review, but a question: Does this card work with player effects like Lone Wolf? Seems like it has immense potential. Would love to include it in big money decks. Has anyone found a lot of success with it?

Malgox · 20
yes, it should work with Lone Wolf. There are many places to ask questions about this game. Better places to ask questions about this game are the Arkham Horror LCG subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/arkhamhorrorlcg/ or the Mythos Busters discord: https://discord.gg/mythosbusters — PowLee · 15
Or, if you are not on reddit or discord, the Rules forum on BGG for "Arkham Horror LCG" is also quite active. Just be sure to ask in the forum for the original core set. "Revised Core Set" forum or that of any of the expansions are dead as a dodo. Note, that signature cards are also player cards for card effects. So this would also work with Preston daddy's money. — Susumu · 371
There's a very detailed discussion about it here, that i don't really understand: https://www.reddit.com/r/arkhamhorrorlcg/comments/y6wudo/interaction_question/ — dotPeddy · 1
Then, you can get offical answer from FFG the rule question. It's quite a long time to reply, but I think it's a good place you have some arguable problem and want to solve. https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/contact/rules/ — elkeinkrad · 497
At a Crossroads

The "The chosen investigator loses 1 action during their next turn, then draws 3 cards" option works particularly well with Geared Up. If you have a Revelation effect in your opening hand, after mulliganing you resolve it immediately (before your turn begins). With Geared Up, your first turn has no actions anyways, so: 1) You to draw 3 cards before triggering your Geared Up, which makes it even easier to hit 3+ Item assets. 2) You don't even lose an Action on that turn, unless you somehow have 4 actions on your first turn.

It also works well with Lola Hayes. The Revelation trigger is not an activated/triggered ability so it does not require Lola to be a "Survivor" to benefit from it.

Question: When exactly does the card draw occur? Is it you lose 1 action next turn and 3 cards now? Or are the cards only drawn on your next turn?

Daerthalus · 16
You draw cards on your next turn, and only if you lost 1 action. If you have no actions to loose, you do not draw — Adny · 1
Adny is correct. The reason for that can be found in the RR for "then": If the effect of an ability includes the word "then," the text preceding the word "then" must be successfully resolved in full before the remainder of the effect described after the word "then" can be resolved. — Susumu · 371
So you draw the cards after you finish your next turn with one less action? — Tharzax · 1
No, you just can't choose the second option for an investigator on his or her "Geared Up" turn. You have to choose another investigator or the first option. If the choosen investigator cannot loose an action, the part of the ability after the "then" cannot resolve either. — Susumu · 371
Geared Up doesn't make you lose the actions until your turn begins, though, nor is the rest of Geared Up's effect conditional on successfully losing 3 actions. — Thatwasademo · 58
So if At a Crossroads is in an investigator's opening hand, they should be able to choose the investigator with Geared Up, causing them to draw 3 cards and lose one of the three actions they still have. When it gets to that investigator's turn, the forced effect on Geared Up triggers, and they play assets and lose their remaining two actions. — Thatwasademo · 58
I agree @Thatwasademo's opinion, but one problem remains. At a Crossroads states **during their next turn**, so it may generate "lasting effect" instead of delayed effect. If it generate lasting effect about "during next turn", the triggering timing of Geared Up has time priority and we cannot draw 3 cards. Notice that this rule interpretation implies we should draw 3 cards at the next turn. I want to say that this is just one possibility. — elkeinkrad · 497
You cannot combo this with Geared Up, because as Geared Up states, on your first turn you have "3 fewer actions to take" And if you do not have an action to lose, you cannot pay the cost. — Rolandironfist · 37
losing action is an effect, and not a cost. The good effect of Geared Up works well even if remaining action is less than 3. — elkeinkrad · 497
The format of forced ability has no cost unlike reaction ability, so forced ability has a cost only if it states the additional cost such as "as an additional cost ..." or "must ... to". — elkeinkrad · 497
Looks like the FAQ which causes the draw 3 to occur immediately, and not on the turn of the player who loses the action, means that this should combo with Geared Up. — Rapshade · 1
Captivating Discovery

I think this isnt too good (especially for regular use).

It costs 1, an action to play the card, the card itself and require you to drop a clue (approximately an action). For all that effort you get to look at 6 cards and draw 2. So 3 action and 1 resource to get 2 cards.

Even at it's best, for 4-5 actions worth of stuff and 1 resource you can draw 6. You're probably better off just drawing cards unless your deck need specific cards or can HEAVILY leverage the dropping clues.

fates · 54
You get to search the top 6 before placing any clues. You can elect to place 0 clues if you find junk. — fiatluxia · 66
Why do you have junk in your deck? That's the worst possible outcome, spend a card, 1 resource and an action to do nothing. — fates · 54