Dirty Fighting

This is very nice for every 3 Roguish Investigators out there (Finn, Winifred, Skids, Rita and maybe Jenny) ! It could also be very good for Kymani to deal with Elite enemies...

  • Now you fight with a pretty comfortable 5 (maybe 6 or more with Lonnie Ritter and any gun).
  • It comboes very well with Stealth (3) and Kymani's ability to "kill by evading".
  • It comboes very well with .25 Automatic (2) to deal 4 damages in 1 action (and 3 tests). Just Swift Reload afterward !
  • This is a better Sharpshooter but hey, you could also run both so you Fight with super high numbers if you want to oversucceed ! ;)
  • Finally, don't forget the Parley action, sometimes relevant if it's not a test and/or if you bought some Fine Clothes !
captainfire · 258
I don't understand the usefulness of evading an unengaged enemy. Also, to evade an unengaged enemy I would first have to spend an action to engage it. Doesn't seem like a great card to me. — yuna1979 · 1
Good review, but I think this review will be more good if you talk more clearly about Stealth(3). I think what you want to talk is that "use Stealth(3) to evade as fast speed, and then react Dirty Fighting to fight action"; this gives one free fight action (although we cannot get +2 skill value). — elkeinkrad · 497
@ yuna1979: the "evade an exhausted enemy" is there on the card, just for the new Rogue Kymani, who can engage exhausted enemies fast and then re-evade them for discarding them. It's not the only card with very specific extra text. "Lab Coat" has printed "or less" on the card, just in case, you are the bearer of the "13th Vision" RBW. — Susumu · 371
Ignoring the aloof keyword on the free action is nice, otherwise the reaction wouldn’t work on aloof enemies because you’d need to reengage them. — Django · 5108
Does it really combo with .25 Automatic ? Both are reactions to you evading, but can you trigger one (or the other) after the first one, because if you triggered the first one, aren't you in a "after you attack" window rather than a "after you evade" ? — Galdanor · 1
@Galdanor pretty sure when multiple "after" triggers are met you can choose the order in which they resolve, but they all will resolve — dlikos · 160
Predator or Prey

This is fake Dilemma card, I think. It seems we can choose one of two choices as the meaning of Dilemma. In practice, one choice commonly make no game change state, so we're compelled to resolve one effect due to "must" rule.

Predator or Prey, however, has really high potential. It is the first player card that forces massive elite enemy moving to desired location. Now we can play Extracurricular Activity infinitely. Note that it's not hard to do, since we can easily draw Predator or Prey via Resource or Katja when we want.

elkeinkrad · 497
Bob Jenkins

Has anyone tried pairing up Bob and Mandy? I'm thinking that Bob's ability to get Mandy (and other players) choice Survivor and Rogue items (The Red Clock to power an infinite Pendant of the Queen or Archaic Glyphs anyone?), plus Mandy's ability to help Bob find those key things in his deck more quickly would make for a pretty potent pairing. I know she's been nerfed fairly hard by the latest taboo (50 card deck only--oof), but it seems like at minimum they would make a pretty killer support team.

He's awesome with Sef! — MrGoldbee · 1470
One thing to consider: he needs to find his signature card to actually play items under other investigators control. And as a neutral Talent of no level, it's not easy to tutor or recurse. That makes it of course a good target for "No Stone Unturned", but aiming at deck building to give specific items to others is trickier, than it seems. — Susumu · 371
Hallowed Chalice

So this card is actually not bad in true solo. It is expensive, yes, but the unlimited heals on it can really be helpful at times. You can always make use of the doom heal during witching hour turns. Agnes can get some good use out of this, but so can any low health mystic.

There are some neat synergies with the new cards in TSK as well. Amina can use Word of Woe to get herself some extra healing without using an action (and also possibly clear the doom by healing the last point with her next action); Sin-Eater can also get extra healing juice as well, if you really need it (and in true solo, sometimes you do).

Amina can also pay for it easily too, either with her ability, or even with Sleuth, which may see new life in Amina decks. The chalice is also not a bad pick to slot in with the new Astral Mirror.

Obviously, one must be wary of the agenda clock when using the chalice, but that's the cost for dealing with doom!

Qn why is this illegal on Vincent Lee? Isn't he's supposed to be able to equip all items that can heal? — aronjrjr · 1
I think ArkhamDB hasn't updated the deck restriction cards regarding healing for some of the new cards. This card doesn't count as a heal horror card for Carolyn Fern atm, so ArkhamDB registers it as taking up slots from her 15 other seeker/mystic cards. Hope this gets fixed soon, but I also realise ArkhamDB is a fan project with limited resources. — Arkabon · 1
Predator or Prey

EDIT: Ignore all of the following, apart from maybe the bit about Dunwich Legacy... after not playing for several months, I completely forgot how SttP worked. It can't work w/ Predator Or Prey, so everything I wrote is irrelevant.


A lovely Guardian card! Guardians have relied on their teammates to push them around for months; finally they can give a nudge back.

The obvious combo is with that staple of all sensible Guardian decks: Stick To The Plan. Since drawing this card at random from your deck literally turns it into a signature weakness, you just need to put it where you can see it 100% of the time.

So, Zoey/Tommy/Marky likey! Other Guardians too, tho they sort of need 1 more combo piece.

Once it's Stuck, your Guardian now has a 0-cost party-wide Elusive-lite, a map-wide Get Over Here-lite, or in some rare circumstances, (DUNWICH LEGACY SPOILERS) a straight-up scenario breaker. (Serves him right. He knows what he did.).

Lastly- and this is just sort of an esoteric novelty for the sake of being thorough- Survivors can take it too.

HanoverFist · 739
We cannot play dilemma card since no cost is defined. Thus, we cannot resolve the dilemma attached into the Stick to the Plan. — elkeinkrad · 497
Wow, I've been out of it. My memory was telling me that SttP's ability was to draw an attached card; I forgot that it was play-as-if-in-hand. So yes! Scratch that idea. — HanoverFist · 739