This is very nice for every 3 Roguish Investigators out there (Finn, Winifred, Skids, Rita and maybe Jenny) ! It could also be very good for Kymani to deal with Elite enemies...
- Now you fight with a pretty comfortable 5 (maybe 6 or more with Lonnie Ritter and any gun).
- It comboes very well with Stealth (3) and Kymani's ability to "kill by evading".
- It comboes very well with .25 Automatic (2) to deal 4 damages in 1 action (and 3 tests). Just Swift Reload afterward !
- This is a better Sharpshooter but hey, you could also run both so you Fight with super high numbers if you want to oversucceed ! ;)
- Finally, don't forget the Parley action, sometimes relevant if it's not a test and/or if you bought some Fine Clothes !