Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
.25 Automatic Rogue 4 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 25
.25 Automatic (2) Rogue 4 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. Into the Maelstrom 305
"I'm done runnin'!" Neutral 0 Event Spirit. The Circle Undone 16
"Where's the party?" Rogue 0 Event Trick. Improvised. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 53
A Circle Unbroken Mythos Act Return to the Circle Undone 18 Return to The Witching Hour 2
A Familiar Pattern Mythos Act Return to the Forgotten Age 46 Return to Pillars of Judgment 2
A Moment's Rest Mythos Story Dim Carcosa 327 Dim Carcosa 14
Abbess Allegria Di Biase: Most Blessed Neutral 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Believer. Carnevale of Horrors 22 Carnevale of Horrors 24
Abducted Mythos Treachery Scheme. Machinations Through Time 49 Machinations Through Time 54-56
Abigail Foreman: Library Intern (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. Weaver of the Cosmos 324
Abyssal Tome (2) Mystic 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Devil Reef 159
Ad Hoc Neutral 2 Event Improvised. Upgrade. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 2
Aetheric Current: Yuggoth Neutral 0 Event Science. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 6
Agency Backup (5) Guardian 7 Asset. Ally Ally. Agency. In the Clutches of Chaos 274
Agent Ari Quinn: Foundation Researcher Neutral 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Agency. Detective. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 263 Globetrotting 2
Ajax: Faithful Steed Neutral 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Creature. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 142 The Longest Night 17
Alchemical Transmutation Mystic 1 Asset. Arcane Spell. The Path to Carcosa 32
Alchemical Transmutation (2) Mystic 0 Asset. Arcane Spell. Return to the Path to Carcosa 7
Alejandro Vela: Renowned Historian Neutral 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Wayfarer. The Forgotten Age 51 The Untamed Wilds 9
Alejandro's Plight Mythos Act Threads of Fate 132 Threads of Fate 20
Alice Luxley: Fearless Flatfoot Guardian 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Detective. Police. The Wages of Sin 151
Alice Luxley: Fearless Flatfoot (2) Guardian 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Detective. Police. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 27
Alien Instruments Neutral 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Science. The Blob That Ate Everything ELSE! 21 Mi-Go Incursion II 12
Aliki Zoni Uperetria: The Maid with the Scarlet Sash Neutral Asset Ally. Conspirator. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 193 Without a Trace 13
Alton O'Connell: Ghost Hunter Seeker 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Detective. Reporter. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 33
Alyssa Graham: Speaker to the Dead Mystic 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Sorcerer. Undimensioned and Unseen 232
Ample Supplies (2) Survivor 1 Asset Supply. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 89
Analytical Mind: Between the Lines Neutral 3 Asset Talent. The Path to Carcosa 10
Ancestral Knowledge (3) Seeker Asset Talent. Into the Maelstrom 303
Ancestral Token Guardian 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Charm. Blessed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 19
Anchor Chain Survivor 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 81
Ancient Covenant (2) Survivor Asset Covenant. Blessed. In Too Deep 122
Angered Spirits Neutral Treachery Task. The Path to Carcosa 15
Another Way Mythos Story Shattered Aeons 326 Shattered Aeons
Antikythera: Prophetic Timepiece (5) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Science. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 49
Anyu: Faithful Companion Neutral 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Creature. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 238 Memorials of the Lost 9
Aquinnah: The Forgotten Daughter (1) Survivor 5 Asset. Ally Ally. Core Set 82
Aquinnah: The Forgotten Daughter (1) Survivor 5 Asset. Ally Ally. Revised Core Set 82
Aquinnah: The Forgotten Daughter (3) Survivor 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Revised Core Set 191
Aquinnah: The Forgotten Daughter (3) Survivor 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Lost in Time and Space 308
Arbiter of Fates Mystic 3 Asset Talent. Jacqueline Fine 2
Arcane Initiate Mystic 1 Asset. Ally Ally. Sorcerer. Core Set 63
Arcane Initiate Mystic 1 Asset. Ally Ally. Sorcerer. Revised Core Set 63
Arcane Initiate (3) Mystic 0 Asset. Ally Ally. Sorcerer. Black Stars Rise 271
Archibald Hudson: Astute Agent Guardian 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Guest. Agency. The Midwinter Gala 17 The Midwinter Gala 17
Archive of Conduits: Unidentified Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Occult. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 33
Ariadne's Twine (3) Seeker 0 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Into the Maelstrom 304
Arkham Woods: Hidden Path Mythos Location Woods. Return to the Circle Undone 21 Return to The Witching Hour 5
Armor of Ardennes (5) Guardian 4 Asset. Body Item. Armor. Relic. Dim Carcosa 305
Arsène Renard: Gentleman Thief Rogue 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Guest. Syndicate. The Midwinter Gala 30 The Midwinter Gala 30
Artistic Inspiration Seeker 2 Asset Talent. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 34
Astronomical Atlas (3) Mystic 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 67
Atlach-Nacha: The Spider God Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Spider. Elite. Weaver of the Cosmos 346 Weaver of the Cosmos 23
Augur Survivor 1 Asset Ally. Creature. Dreamlands. The Dream-Eaters 33
Avery Claypool: Antarctic Guide Neutral Asset Ally. Wayfarer. Resolute. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 91 Fatal Mirage 49
Avery Claypool: Antarctic Guide Neutral Asset Ally. Wayfarer. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 218 Expedition Team 5
Awakened Mantle Neutral 1 Asset Item. Relic. Clothing. Devil Reef 180 Devil Reef 22
Back to the Vale! Mythos Agenda The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 109 The Twisted Hollow 5
Ballroom Mythos Location Manor. Ground Floor. The Midwinter Gala 10 The Midwinter Gala 10
Baron Samedi: Lord of the Cemetery Neutral Asset. Ally Avatar. The Circle Undone 19
Baron Samedi: Lord of the Cemetery Neutral Asset. Ally Avatar. Promo 3
Barriers, Decoys, and Traps Mythos Story The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 127 The Longest Night 2
Beat Cop (2) Guardian 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Police. Core Set 28
Beat Cop (2) Guardian 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Police. Revised Core Set 28
Bedeviled Mythos Treachery Hex. The Circle Undone 94 Witchcraft 6-7
Beretta M1918 (4) Rogue 4 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Firearm. Illicit. Winifred Habbamock 31
Bertie Musgrave: A True Aesthete Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Assistant. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 201 Residents 9
Bewitching (3) Rogue Asset Talent. Trick. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 79
Bianca "Die Katz": Singing Your Song Rogue 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Criminal. Socialite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 62
Blade of Ark'at: Shellblade Tribute Neutral 1 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Weapon. Melee. War of the Outer Gods 54 War of the Outer Gods 50
Blasphemous Covenant (2) Seeker Asset Covenant. Cursed. In Too Deep 113
Blessed Blade Guardian 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Melee. Blessed. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 18
Blessed Blade (4) Guardian 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Melee. Blessed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 34
Blessing of Isis (3) Guardian 2 Asset Ritual. Blessed. Horror in High Gear 190
Blood of Thoth: Law Incarnate Mystic 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 65
Bloodstained Dagger: The Murder Weapon Neutral 1 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Melee. Cursed. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 6 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 6
Boa Constrictor Mythos Enemy Creature. Serpent. The Forgotten Age 79 Serpents 4
Bolas Guardian 1 Event Tactic. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 25
Bonnie Walsh: Loyal Assistant Neutral 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Civic. Assistant. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 19
Book of Living Myths: Chronicle of Wonders Neutral 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Blessed. Cursed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 13
Book of Shadows (3) Mystic 4 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Core Set 70
Book of Shadows (3) Mystic 4 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Revised Core Set 70
Book of Shadows (1) Mystic 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. The Unspeakable Oath 154
Bound for the Horizon (2) Neutral 2 Asset Talent. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 102
Boxing Gloves Guardian 3 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Nathaniel Cho 5
Boxing Gloves (3) Guardian 2 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Nathaniel Cho 27
Brain Case Neutral Asset Item. Science. The Blob That Ate Everything ELSE! 16 Mi-Go Incursion II 6
Bridge Mythos Location Oozified. The Blob That Ate Everything 15 The Blob That Ate Everything 11
Bulwark (2) Guardian 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 28
Burden of Leadership Neutral Treachery Flaw. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 20
Burglary Rogue 1 Asset Talent. Illicit. Core Set 45
Burglary Rogue 1 Asset Talent. Illicit. Revised Core Set 45
Burglary (2) Rogue 1 Asset Talent. Illicit. Dark Side of the Moon 200
Buried Miner Mythos Enemy Monster. Geist. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 175 Shades of Suffering 17
Buried Miner Mythos Enemy Monster. Geist. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 175 Shades of Suffering 18
Butterfly Swords (2) Guardian 3 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Melee. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 25
Butterfly Swords (5) Guardian 3 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Melee. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 30
Caldwell Philips: Enthralled by Legends Seeker Asset Leader. Guest. Miskatonic. The Midwinter Gala 22 The Midwinter Gala 22
Canals of Tenochtitlán Mythos Location Ancient. Tenochtitlán. The Boundary Beyond 180 The Boundary Beyond 20
Captivating Performance (3) Neutral 3 Asset Ritual. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 108
Capture the Conspirators Mythos Act By the Book 35 By the Book 4
Carl Sanford: Lusting for Power Mystic Asset Leader. Guest. Silver Twilight. The Midwinter Gala 34 The Midwinter Gala 34
Cat Burglar (1) Rogue 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Criminal. Core Set 55
Cat Burglar (1) Rogue 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Criminal. Revised Core Set 55
Ceremonial Sickle Mystic 3 Asset. Hand Item. Charm. Weapon. Melee. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 82
Ceremonial Sickle (4) Mystic 3 Asset. Hand Item. Charm. Weapon. Melee. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 96
Charles Ross, Esq.: Acquisitions and Solicitation Seeker 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Patron. The Unspeakable Oath 149
Charlie Kane: The Politician Neutral Investigator Civic. Socialite. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 18
Chemistry Set Seeker 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Tool. Science. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 40
Chuck Fergus: O'Bannion Driver (2) Rogue 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Criminal. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 72
Chuck Fergus: O'Bannion Driver (5) Rogue 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Criminal. Winifred Habbamock 32
City of Gugs Mythos Location Point of No Return 255 Point of No Return 9
Claire Wilson: Entirely Unimpressed Survivor 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Guest. Kingsport. The Midwinter Gala 43 The Midwinter Gala 43
Clean Sneak (4) Rogue 0 Event Gambit. Trick. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 78
Cleaning Kit (3) Guardian 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Tool. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 33
Cloak of the Outer Realm: Interwoven Distortion Neutral 1 Asset. Body Item. Relic. Clothing. War of the Outer Gods 51 War of the Outer Gods 47
Close the Circle (1) Mystic 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Synergy. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 62
Clover Club Bouncer Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Criminal. All or Nothing 16 All or Nothing 6-9
Congress Chamber Mythos Location Sanctum. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 206 Congress of the Keys 13
Constance Dumaine: A Little Too Sociable Mythos Enemy Monster. Possessed. Elite. The Path to Carcosa 65 The Last King
Corn Husk Doll: Symbol of Innocence Neutral 1 Asset. Accessory Item. Charm. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 214 Heirlooms 2
Cosmic Emissary: The Abyss Mythos Enemy Emissary. Colour. Elite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 162 Fate of the Vale 15
Cosmic Emissary: The Phantasm Mythos Enemy Emissary. Colour. Elite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 163 Fate of the Vale 16
Cosmic Emissary: The Miasma Mythos Enemy Emissary. Colour. Elite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 164 Fate of the Vale 17
Cosmic Emissary: The Brilliance Mythos Enemy Emissary. Colour. Elite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 165 Fate of the Vale 18
Coterie Library Mythos Location Sanctum. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 208 Congress of the Keys 15
Cowl of Sekhmet: Cloak of the Pharaohs (3) Neutral 2 Asset. Body Item. Clothing. Relic. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 109
Crowbar Guardian 3 Asset. Hand Item. Weapon. Tool. Melee. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 21
Cryptographic Cipher Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 21
Crystal Pendulum Mystic 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Charm. Jacqueline Fine 11
Cubic Ooze Mythos Enemy Monster. Ooze. Manifold. The Blob That Ate Everything 41 The Blob That Ate Everything 26-27
Curse of Aeons (3) Mystic 2 Asset Ritual. Cursed. Horror in High Gear 195
Custom Modifications Guardian 3 Event Upgrade. Supply. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 23
Dagon: Deep in Slumber Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Elite. Into the Maelstrom 330 Into the Maelstrom 25
Daisy's Tote Bag Neutral 2 Asset Item. Read or Die 2
Dakota Garofalo: On the Hunt (3) Neutral 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Hunter. Wayfarer. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 110
Damning Testimony Rogue 4 Asset. Hand Item. Illicit. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 59
Danforth: Brilliant Student Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Resolute. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 88 Fatal Mirage 46
Danforth: Brilliant Student Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 215 Expedition Team 2
Daniel Chesterfield: …Or At Least, What's Left of Him Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. The Unspeakable Oath 182 The Unspeakable Oath 24
Dario El-Amin: Unscrupulous Investor Rogue 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Patron. The Unspeakable Oath 151
Darrell's Kodak: Proof in the Pudding Neutral 2 Asset Item. Tool. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 16
David Renfield: Esteemed Eschatologist Mystic 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Patron. Echoes of the Past 112
Dayana Esperence: Deals with "Devils" (3) Mystic 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Witch. In the Clutches of Chaos 279
De Vermis Mysteriis: Signs of the Black Stars (2) Mystic 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Union and Disillusion 235
Delilah O'Rourke: Syndicate Assassin (3) Rogue 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Criminal. Syndicate. Where the Gods Dwell 281
Desiderio Delgado Álvarez: The Man in the Blood-Soaked Suit Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Coterie. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 107 Dancing Mad 17
Despoiled Mythos Treachery Hex. Return to the Circle Undone 63 Hexcraft 4-5
Dhole Tunnel Mythos Treachery Hazard. Point of No Return 272 Terror of the Vale 2-4
Dial of Ancients: Signs of Cataclysm (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 46
Dial of Ancients: Signs of Revelation (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 48
Dimensional Beam Machine Neutral 1 Asset Item. Science. Tool. Future. Machinations Through Time 32 Machinations Through Time 31
Dimensional Vortex (5) Neutral 2 Event Spell. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 124
Directive: Due Diligence Neutral Asset By the Book 25
Directive: Red Tape Neutral Asset By the Book 26
Directive: Seek the Truth Neutral Asset By the Book 28
Dirty Fighting (2) Rogue 3 Asset Talent. Trick. Illicit. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 73
Discovery of a Lifetime Mythos Act The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 92 The Thing in the Depths 5
Double, Double (4) Rogue 4 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Before the Black Throne 320
Dowsing Rod Mystic 4 Asset. Hand Item. Charm. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 83
Dowsing Rod (4) Mystic 4 Asset. Hand Item. Charm. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 97
Dr. Amy Kensler: Professor of Biology Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Resolute. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 93 Fatal Mirage 51
Dr. Amy Kensler: Professor of Biology Neutral Asset Ally. Miskatonic. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 220 Expedition Team 7
Dr. Charles West III: Knows His Purpose Seeker 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Science. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 41
Dr. Dewi Irawan: "Cryptozoologist" Neutral 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Scholar. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 264 Globetrotting 3
Dr. Francis Morgan: Professor of Archaeology Neutral 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. The Dunwich Legacy 80 The House Always Wins 19
Dr. Henry Armitage: The Head Librarian Neutral 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. The Dunwich Legacy 40 Armitage's Fate 1
Dr. Mala Sinha: Daring Physician Neutral Asset Ally. Wayfarer. Resolute. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 90 Fatal Mirage 48
Dr. Mala Sinha: Daring Physician Neutral Asset Ally. Wayfarer. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 217 Expedition Team 4
Dr. Mya Badry: Medical Examiner Seeker 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Guest. Miskatonic. The Midwinter Gala 23 The Midwinter Gala 23
Dr. Shivani Maheswaran: Emergency Physician Neutral Asset Ally. Medic. The Dream-Eaters 80 Waking Nightmare 18
Dr. William T. Maleson: Working on Something Big Seeker 1 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. Lost in Time and Space 302
Dr. William T. Maleson: Working on Something Bigger (2) Seeker 1 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 54
Drawing Thin Survivor 0 Asset Talent. The Wages of Sin 159
Dream-Enhancing Serum Seeker 3 Asset. Arcane Item. Science. A Thousand Shapes of Horror 159
Duke: Loyal Hound Neutral 2 Asset Ally. Creature. The Dunwich Legacy 14
Dynamite Neutral 0 Asset Item. Expedition. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 116 To the Forbidden Peaks 30
Earl Sawyer: Smarter Than He Lets On Neutral 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Dunwich. Blood on the Altar 218 Blood On The Altar 24
Ece Şahin: The Vermillion-Veiled Lady Neutral Asset Ally. Conspirator. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 84 Dealings in the Dark 19
Edwin Bennet: Bitter Adversary Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Elite. Machinations Through Time 36 Single Group 2
Edwin Bennet: Envious Rival Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Elite. Machinations Through Time 37 Epic Multiplayer 2
Eldritch Sophist Seeker 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. In Too Deep 111
Eliyah Ashevak: Dog Handler Neutral Asset Ally. Wayfarer. Resolute. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 89 Fatal Mirage 47
Eliyah Ashevak: Dog Handler Neutral Asset Ally. Wayfarer. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 216 Expedition Team 3
Elizabeth Conrad: Completely Zozzled Seeker 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Guest. Miskatonic. The Midwinter Gala 25 The Midwinter Gala 25
Elle Rubash: Purifying Purpose (2) Mystic 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Witch. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 92
Ellsworth's Boots Neutral 2 Asset Item. Clothing. Footwear. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 234 Memorials of the Lost 5
Elspeth Baudin: Hyperborean Sorceress Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Sorcerer. Elite. Bad Blood 23 Bad Blood 4
Embezzled Treasure Rogue 0 Asset Item. Illicit. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 63
Emergent Monstrosity Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. The Essex County Express 183 The Essex County Express 35-36
Emerging Deep One Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Deep One. In Too Deep 146 In Too Deep 25-27
Empire of the Dead Mythos Agenda The Pallid Mask 241 The Pallid Mask 2
Empirical Hypothesis Seeker 2 Asset Talent. Science. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 41
Empower Self: Stamina (2) Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Point of No Return 241
Empower Self: Alacrity (2) Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Point of No Return 242
Empower Self: Acuity (2) Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Point of No Return 243
Enchant Weapon (3) Guardian 3 Event Spell. Upgrade. The Lair of Dagon 261
Enchanted Bow (2) 3 Asset. Hand x2. Arcane Spell. Blessed. Weapon. Ranged. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 118
Enchanted Skull: Mask of the Burning Pit Neutral 1 Asset. Arcane. Accessory Item. Relic. War of the Outer Gods 55 War of the Outer Gods 51
Encyclopedia (2) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Core Set 42
Encyclopedia (2) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Revised Core Set 42
Encyclopedia Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Harvey Walters 8
Endless Caverns Mythos Agenda The Depths of Yoth 280 The Depths of Yoth 4
Engineer Neutral Asset Ally. Bystander. Return to the Dunwich Legacy 31 Return to The Essex County Express 7
Eon Chart (1) 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 98
Eon Chart (4) 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 100
Erynn MacAoidh: Devoted Enchantress Neutral 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Witch. Return to the Circle Undone 41 Return to The Wages of Sin 9
Esoteric Atlas (1) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Union and Disillusion 232
Evanescent Ascension: The Morning Star Guardian Asset. Arcane Ritual. Pact. Blessed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 39
Exploring the Moon Mythos Act Dark Side of the Moon 211 Dark Side of the Moon 6
Eye of the Djinn: Vessel of Good and Evil (2) Rogue 2 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Blessed. Cursed. A Light in the Fog 225
Ezra Graves: Professor of the Arcane Neutral 3 Asset. Ally Scientist. Ally. Present. Machinations Through Time 23 Machinations Through Time 22
Fake Credentials Rogue 3 Asset. Hand Item. Illicit. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 66
False Covenant (2) Rogue Asset Covenant. Cursed. In Too Deep 116
Farsight (4) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Harvey Walters 31
Fate of the Vale (v.II) Mythos Act The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 158 Fate of the Vale 8
Favor of the Moon (1) Neutral 1 Asset Pact. Cursed. The Lair of Dagon 271
Favor of the Sun (1) Neutral 2 Asset Pact. Blessed. The Lair of Dagon 272
Feed the Mind (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. The Depths of Yoth 267
Feed the Mind Seeker 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Harvey Walters 9
Fence (1) Rogue 3 Asset Connection. Illicit. Threads of Fate 108
Field Agent (2) Guardian 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Agency. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 33
Fieldwork Seeker 2 Asset Talent. The Path to Carcosa 24
Fine Tuning (1) Seeker 2 Event Insight. Upgrade. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 54
Fingerprint Kit Seeker 4 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Circle Undone 24
Fingerprint Kit (4) Seeker 5 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 57
Finn Edwards: The Bootlegger Rogue Investigator Criminal. The Forgotten Age 3
Fishing Net Neutral Asset Trap. Curse of the Rougarou 21 The Bayou 21
Flesh Ward Guardian 3 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Nathaniel Cho 6
Flute of the Outer Gods (4) Mystic -2 Asset. Hand Item. Instrument. Relic. Cursed. The Lair of Dagon 268
Forbidden Knowledge Mystic 0 Asset Talent. Core Set 58
Forbidden Knowledge Mystic 0 Asset Talent. Revised Core Set 58
Forbidden Tome: Untranslated Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Tome. Harvey Walters 10
Forbidden Tome: Dark Knowledge (3) Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Tome. Harvey Walters 29
Forbidden Tome: Secrets Revealed (3) Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Tome. Harvey Walters 30
Forensic Kit Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Science. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 36
From All Angles Mythos Treachery Terror. Machinations Through Time 52 Machinations Through Time 62-64
Garrote Wire (2) Rogue 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Weapon. Where the Gods Dwell 280
Gate Box: Worlds within Worlds Neutral 3 Asset Item. Relic. The Dream-Eaters 13
Gavriella Mizrah: Not Going Down That Easily Neutral 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Veteran. Union and Disillusion 258 Union and Disillusion 21