Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
"Fool me once..." (1) Guardian 1 Event Insight. Tactic. A Thousand Shapes of Horror 156
"I've got a plan!" Seeker 3 Event Insight. Tactic. The Miskatonic Museum 107
"I've got a plan!" (2) Seeker 2 Event Insight. Tactic. Harvey Walters 25
"Throw the Book at Them!" Seeker 1 Event Gambit. Improvised. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 49
Abigail Foreman: Library Intern (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. Weaver of the Cosmos 324
Accursed Mystic Skill Innate. Cursed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 95
Ace of Rods: The Fateful Step (1) Neutral 3 Asset. Tarot Tarot. The Circle Undone 40
Alchemical Distillation Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Science. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 40
Alchemical Transmutation Mystic 1 Asset. Arcane Spell. The Path to Carcosa 32
Alyssa Graham: Speaker to the Dead Mystic 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Sorcerer. Undimensioned and Unseen 232
Analysis Seeker Skill Practiced. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 49
Anatomical Diagrams Seeker 1 Event Insight. Echoes of the Past 108
Ancestral Knowledge (3) Seeker Asset Talent. Into the Maelstrom 303
Ancient Stone: Unidentified (1) Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. The Forgotten Age 22
Ancient Stone: Knowledge of the Elders (4) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. The City of Archives 230
Ancient Stone: Minds in Harmony (4) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. The City of Archives 231
Ancient Stone: Transient Thoughts (4) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Return to the Forgotten Age 4
Anna Kaslow: Mysterious Soothsayer (4) Neutral 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Clairvoyant. In the Clutches of Chaos 283
Antediluvian Hymn Mystic 2 Event Augury. Double. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 93
Antiquary (3) 3 Asset Talent. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 124
Arcane Enlightenment Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Harvey Walters 5
Arcane Initiate Mystic 1 Asset. Ally Ally. Sorcerer. Core Set 63
Arcane Initiate Mystic 1 Asset. Ally Ally. Sorcerer. Revised Core Set 63
Arcane Insight (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Black Stars Rise 266
Arcane Research Mystic Asset Talent. Threads of Fate 109
Arcane Studies Mystic 2 Asset Talent. Core Set 62
Arcane Studies Mystic 2 Asset Talent. Revised Core Set 62
Archaic Glyphs: Untranslated Seeker 0 Asset. Hand Item. Occult. Tome. The Path to Carcosa 25
Archaic Glyphs: Guiding Stones (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. A Phantom of Truth 192
Archaic Glyphs: Prophecy Foretold (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. A Phantom of Truth 193
Archaic Glyphs: Markings of Isis (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. Return to the Path to Carcosa 4
Archibald MacVeigh: Beleaguered Lecturer (5) Neutral 4 Asset. Ally Ally. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 117
Archive of Conduits: Unidentified Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Occult. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 33
Archive of Conduits: Gateway to Tindalos (4) Seeker 4 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 41
Archive of Conduits: Gateway to Acheron (4) Seeker 4 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 42
Archive of Conduits: Gateway to Aldebaran (4) Seeker 4 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 43
Archive of Conduits: Gateway to Paradise (4) Seeker 4 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 44
Ariadne's Twine (3) Seeker 0 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Into the Maelstrom 304
Armageddon Mystic 4 Asset. Arcane Spell. Cursed. In Too Deep 117
Art Student Seeker 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. The Essex County Express 149
Artistic Inspiration Seeker 2 Asset Talent. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 34
Astounding Revelation Seeker Event Research. The Dream-Eaters 23
Astral Travel Mystic 3 Event Spell. The Path to Carcosa 34
Astral Travel Mystic 3 Event Spell. Jacqueline Fine 13
At a Crossroads (1) Survivor Event Dilemma. Insight. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 109
Azure Flame Mystic 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Jacqueline Fine 7
Backpack Neutral 2 Asset. Body Item. The Forgotten Age 37
Backpack (2) Neutral 1 Asset. Body Item. Return to the Forgotten Age 11
Barricade Seeker 0 Event Insight. Tactic. Core Set 38
Barricade Seeker 0 Event Insight. Tactic. Revised Core Set 38
Barricade (3) Seeker 0 Event Insight. Tactic. Return to the Night of the Zealot 4
Bide Your Time Neutral 0 Event Double. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 129
Bizarre Diagnosis Seeker 0 Event Insight. Science. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 46
Blasphemous Covenant (2) Seeker Asset Covenant. Cursed. In Too Deep 113
Blinding Light Mystic 2 Event Spell. Core Set 66
Blinding Light Mystic 2 Event Spell. Revised Core Set 66
Blood of Thoth: Law Incarnate Mystic 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 65
Blood Pact Mystic 2 Asset Spell. Pact. Devil Reef 158
Breach the Door Guardian 2 Event Insight. Tactic. Police. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 26
Broken Diadem: Crown of Dying Light (5) Neutral 1 Asset Item. Charm. Mask. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 133
Bulletproof Vest (3) Neutral 2 Asset. Body Item. Armor. Core Set 94
Bulletproof Vest (3) Neutral 2 Asset. Body Item. Armor. Revised Core Set 94
Burn After Reading (1) Survivor 1 Event Insight. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 76
Burning the Midnight Oil Seeker 0 Event Insight. Harvey Walters 14
Call for Backup (2) Neutral 1 Event Favor. Synergy. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 129
Calling in Favors Neutral 1 Event Favor. The Unspeakable Oath 158
Captivating Discovery Seeker 1 Event Insight. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 47
Captivating Performance (3) Neutral 3 Asset Ritual. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 108
Cat Mask: The Capricious Meddler Mystic 1 Asset Item. Charm. Mask. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 84
Celaeno Fragments: Book of Books Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Harvey Walters 6
Ceremonial Sickle Mystic 3 Asset. Hand Item. Charm. Weapon. Melee. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 82
Charisma (3) Neutral Asset Talent. Revised Core Set 194
Charisma (3) Neutral Asset Talent. The Essex County Express 158
Charles Ross, Esq.: Acquisitions and Solicitation Seeker 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Patron. The Unspeakable Oath 149
Chemistry Set Seeker 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Tool. Science. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 40
Clairvoyance Mystic 4 Asset. Arcane Spell. Jacqueline Fine 8
Clarity of Mind Mystic 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. The Dunwich Legacy 30
Confound (3) Seeker 2 Event Insight. Trick. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 57
Connect the Dots Seeker 4 Event Insight. The Circle Undone 25
Control Variable Seeker 1 Event Insight. Science. Cursed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 46
Correlate All Its Contents Seeker 1 Event Insight. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 40
Cosmic Revelation (1) Seeker 0 Event Insight. Spell. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 41
Crack the Case Seeker 0 Event Insight. The Secret Name 110
Crafty (3) 3 Asset Talent. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 123
Cryptic Grimoire: Untranslated Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Occult. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 22
Cryptic Grimoire: Text of the Elder Herald (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Cursed. Horror in High Gear 191
Cryptic Grimoire: Text of the Elder Guardian (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Blessed. Horror in High Gear 192
Cryptic Research (4) Seeker 0 Event Insight. Core Set 43
Cryptic Research (4) Seeker 0 Event Insight. Revised Core Set 43
Cryptic Writings Seeker 0 Event Insight. Harvey Walters 15
Cryptic Writings (2) Seeker 0 Event Insight. Harvey Walters 24
Cryptographic Cipher Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 21
Crystal Pendulum Mystic 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Charm. Jacqueline Fine 11
Curiosity Seeker Skill Innate. The Circle Undone 26
Dakota Garofalo: On the Hunt (3) Neutral 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Hunter. Wayfarer. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 110
Dark Prophecy Mystic 1 Event Augury. The Forgotten Age 32
Dark Prophecy Mystic 1 Event Augury. Jacqueline Fine 17
David Renfield: Esteemed Eschatologist Mystic 2 Asset. Ally Ally. Patron. Echoes of the Past 112
Dawn Star (1) Neutral 1 Event Ritual. Blessed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 131
Death • XIII: Free from the Past (1) Seeker 3 Asset. Tarot Tarot. The Circle Undone 27
Deciphered Reality (5) Seeker 4 Event Insight. Lost in Time and Space 303
Deduction Seeker Skill Practiced. Core Set 39
Deduction Seeker Skill Practiced. Revised Core Set 39
Deduction (2) Seeker Skill Practiced. Expert. The Essex County Express 150
Deduction Seeker Skill Practiced. Harvey Walters 19
Deep Knowledge Seeker 0 Event Insight. Cursed. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 23
Defiance Mystic Skill Innate. Blood on the Altar 190
Defiance Mystic Skill Innate. Jacqueline Fine 18
Delay the Inevitable Guardian 2 Event Insight. Spirit. Tactic. The Circle Undone 21
Delve Too Deep Mystic 1 Event Insight. The Miskatonic Museum 111
Deny Existence Mystic 0 Event Spell. Paradox. The Circle Undone 32
Desperate Search Neutral Skill Desperate. Echoes of the Past 117
Dial of Ancients: Unidentified Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 35
Dial of Ancients: Signs of Cataclysm (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 46
Dial of Ancients: Signs of Aberration (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 47
Dial of Ancients: Signs of Revelation (4) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 48
Disc of Itzamna: Protective Amulet (2) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Core Set 41
Disc of Itzamna: Protective Amulet (2) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Revised Core Set 41
Disc of Itzamna: Protective Amulet Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Harvey Walters 7
Dissection Tools Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Science. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 43
Divination (1) 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Augury. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 101
Divination (4) 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Augury. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 103
Double Down (2) Neutral Skill Innate. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 107
Down the Rabbit Hole Mystic Asset Talent. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 59
Dowsing Rod Mystic 4 Asset. Hand Item. Charm. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 83
Dr. Charles West III: Knows His Purpose Seeker 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Science. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 41
Dr. Elli Horowitz: Assistant Curator Seeker 3 Asset. Ally Ally. Assistant. The Forgotten Age 21
Dr. Milan Christopher: Professor of Entomology Seeker 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. Core Set 33
Dr. Milan Christopher: Professor of Entomology Seeker 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. Revised Core Set 33
Dr. William T. Maleson: Working on Something Big Seeker 1 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. Lost in Time and Space 302
Dr. William T. Maleson: Working on Something Bigger (2) Seeker 1 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 54
Dragon Pole Mystic 3 Asset. Hand x2 Item. Weapon. Melee. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 60
Drain Essence Mystic 2 Event Spell. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 94
Drawn to the Flame Mystic 0 Event Insight. Core Set 64
Drawn to the Flame Mystic 0 Event Insight. Revised Core Set 64
Dream Diary: Untranslated Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Charm. The Search for Kadath 112
Dream Diary: Dreams of an Explorer (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Charm. Point of No Return 236
Dream Diary: Dreams of a Madman (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Charm. Point of No Return 237
Dream Diary: Dreams of a Child (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Charm. Point of No Return 238
Dream-Enhancing Serum Seeker 3 Asset. Arcane Item. Science. A Thousand Shapes of Horror 159
Eavesdrop Rogue 1 Event Insight. Trick. The Forgotten Age 27
Eidetic Memory (3) Seeker Event Spirit. Dim Carcosa 306
Elder Sign Amulet (3) Neutral 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Core Set 95
Elder Sign Amulet (3) Neutral 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Revised Core Set 95
Eldritch Initiation Mystic 1 Event Ritual. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 86
Eldritch Inspiration Mystic 0 Event Spell. Spirit. The Circle Undone 33
Eldritch Sophist Seeker 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Miskatonic. In Too Deep 111
Eldritch Tongue Neutral 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 128
Emergency Aid Guardian 2 Event Insight. Science. The Miskatonic Museum 105
Emergency Cache Neutral 0 Event Supply. Core Set 88
Emergency Cache Neutral 0 Event Supply. Revised Core Set 88
Emergency Cache (2) Neutral 0 Event Supply. Revised Core Set 193
Emergency Cache (2) Neutral 0 Event Supply. Blood on the Altar 194
Emergency Cache (3) Neutral 0 Event Supply. The Pallid Mask 239
Empirical Hypothesis Seeker 2 Asset Talent. Science. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 41
Enchanted Blade 3 Asset. Hand. Arcane Item. Relic. Weapon. Melee. The Secret Name 118
Encyclopedia (2) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Core Set 42
Encyclopedia (2) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Revised Core Set 42
Encyclopedia Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Harvey Walters 8
End of the Road Survivor 0 Event Insight. Spirit. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 104
Enraptured Mystic Skill Practiced. The Boundary Beyond 157
Eon Chart (1) 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 98
Eon Chart (4) 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 100
Esoteric Atlas (1) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Union and Disillusion 232
Esoteric Atlas (2) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Harvey Walters 22
Esoteric Method (1) Seeker Skill Practiced. Cursed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 55
Ethereal Form Mystic 2 Event Spell. A Thousand Shapes of Horror 164
Ethereal Slip 2 Event Spell. Trick. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 108
Eureka! Seeker Skill Innate. The Pallid Mask 231
Evidence! Guardian 1 Event Insight. Core Set 22
Evidence! Guardian 1 Event Insight. Revised Core Set 22
Evidence! (1) Guardian 1 Event Insight. Nathaniel Cho 20
Existential Riddle (1) Seeker 1 Event Insight. Paradox. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 52
Explosive Ward Mystic -2 Event Spell. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 87
Expose Weakness (1) Seeker 0 Event Insight. Undimensioned and Unseen 228
Expose Weakness (3) Seeker 0 Event Insight. Heart of the Elders 195
Extensive Research (1) Seeker 10 Event Insight. Dark Side of the Moon 198
Extensive Research Seeker 12 Event Insight. Harvey Walters 16
Eye of Chaos Mystic 5 Asset. Arcane Spell. Cursed. In Too Deep 118
Familiar Spirit Mystic 1 Asset. Ally Ally. Creature. Summon. Jacqueline Fine 10
Farsight (4) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. Harvey Walters 31
Favor of the Moon (1) Neutral 1 Asset Pact. Cursed. The Lair of Dagon 271
Favor of the Sun (1) Neutral 2 Asset Pact. Blessed. The Lair of Dagon 272
Fearless Mystic Skill Innate. Core Set 67
Fearless Mystic Skill Innate. Revised Core Set 67
Feed the Mind (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. The Depths of Yoth 267
Feed the Mind Seeker 3 Asset. Arcane Spell. Harvey Walters 9
Fey (1) Seeker Skill Innate. Cursed. A Light in the Fog 222
Fieldwork Seeker 2 Asset Talent. The Path to Carcosa 24
Fine Clothes Neutral 1 Asset. Body Item. Clothing. Where Doom Awaits 272
Fine Tuning (1) Seeker 2 Event Insight. Upgrade. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 54
Fingerprint Kit Seeker 4 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Circle Undone 24
Fingerprint Kit (4) Seeker 5 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 57
Flashlight Neutral 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Core Set 87
Flashlight Neutral 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Revised Core Set 87
Flashlight (3) Neutral 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 122
Forbidden Knowledge Mystic 0 Asset Talent. Core Set 58
Forbidden Knowledge Mystic 0 Asset Talent. Revised Core Set 58
Forbidden Sutra (2) Neutral 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Blessed. Cursed. The Drowned City Investigator Expansion 103
Forbidden Tome: Untranslated Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Tome. Harvey Walters 10
Forbidden Tome: Dark Knowledge (3) Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Tome. Harvey Walters 29
Forbidden Tome: Secrets Revealed (3) Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Tome. Harvey Walters 30
Forced Learning Seeker Asset Talent. Ritual. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 31
Forewarned (1) Seeker 0 Event Insight. The Unspeakable Oath 150
Fortuitous Discovery Survivor -2 Event Fortune. Insight. The Dream-Eaters 34
Gabriel Carillo: Trusted Confidante (1) Seeker 4 Asset. Ally Ally. Scholar. Cursed. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 52
Gaze of Ouraxsh (2) Seeker 2 Event Spell. Cursed. Devil Reef 155
Gené Beauregard: Intrepid Explorer (3) 5 Asset. Ally Ally. Wayfarer. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 99
Ghastly Revelation Seeker 0 Event Spirit. In the Clutches of Chaos 275
Glimpse the Unthinkable (5) Seeker 1 Event Insight. Before the Black Throne 318
Glimpse the Unthinkable (1) Seeker 0 Event Insight. Harvey Walters 21
Gray's Anatomy: The Doctors' Bible (5) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 58
Grim Memoir Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 44
Grisly Totem 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Charm. The Secret Name 119
Grisly Totem (3) Seeker 3 Asset. Accessory Item. Charm. Cursed. For the Greater Good 194
Guidance Seeker 0 Event Insight. Black Stars Rise 265
Guidance (1) Seeker 0 Event Insight. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 53
Guided by the Unseen (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Arcane Ritual. A Light in the Fog 223
Guts Neutral Skill Innate. Core Set 89
Guts Neutral Skill Innate. Revised Core Set 89
Hallowed Chalice Mystic 3 Asset. Hand Item. Charm. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 84
Hand-Eye Coordination (1) Guardian 1 Event Insight. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 30
Hawk-Eye Folding Camera Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Wages of Sin 154
Healing Words Mystic 2 Asset. Arcane Spell. A Thousand Shapes of Horror 163
Heavy Furs Neutral 2 Asset. Body Item. Armor. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 126
Hemispheric Map (3) Neutral 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Relic. The Depths of Yoth 275
Higher Education (3) Seeker Asset Talent. Blood on the Altar 187
Higher Education Seeker 0 Asset Talent. Harvey Walters 11
Hiking Boots (1) Seeker 2 Asset Item. Clothing. Footwear. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 35
Holy Rosary Mystic 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Charm. Core Set 59
Holy Rosary Mystic 2 Asset. Accessory Item. Charm. Revised Core Set 59
Hyperawareness Seeker 2 Asset Talent. Core Set 34
Hyperawareness Seeker 2 Asset Talent. Revised Core Set 34
Hyperawareness (4) Seeker 2 Asset Talent. The Lair of Dagon 264
Hyperawareness (2) Seeker 0 Asset Talent. Return to the Night of the Zealot 3
Hyperphysical Shotcaster: Theoretical Device Neutral 4 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Weapon. Firearm. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 119
Hypnotic Gaze Mystic 3 Event Spell. The Essex County Express 153
Hypnotic Gaze Mystic 3 Event Spell. Jacqueline Fine 14
Ice Pick (1) 1 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Melee. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 105
Ice Pick (3) 1 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Melee. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 107