Lesson Learned

This Card looks to good to be true. Really, this card does it all. It costs just 1 resource, it does not require a skill test, it is good for 2 cllues even? It is in the same class like

  • [Intel Report](/card/05111)
  • [Scene of the Crime](/card/04103)
  • [Drawn to the Flame](/card/01064)
  • [Sharp Vision](/card/06204)
  • [Read the Signs](/card/06117)

The main difference is the XP required, this one costs 2 while all the others costs 0-1. It is a fair price in my opinion though, when you look at the advantages. All you have to do is getting attacked by a bad guy and usually there are alway some 1 damage monsters around you can use. Intel Report costs a fortune, Scene of the Crime is much more situational in my opinion, Drawn to the Flame grants you an additional encounter card draw while Sharp Vision and Read the Signs both require a test. Well, I am not saying that those cards are bad - in fact they are probably really good but the guardian class has another card now in it's arsenal to autoclue for 2 clues at just 1 penny (and a damage), in my opinion, that is really strong.

thakaris · 198
Just to note, this continues the trend of not triggering off horror, reducing its niche a little bit. Still strong for the cost though. — SGPrometheus · 821
Could be very useful in a William Yorick drawing thin deck. — AndyN · 42
FWIW, if you're running On the Hunt (and most guardians do benefit from that), Scene of the Crime is pretty easy to set up. That being said, this is a very good card that adds to the suite of Guardian testless clue cards. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Especially since you can then assign the damage you took to your Guard Dog and have it bite the attacker in the ***. Or did I misread the card and the damage actually has to be booked on your Investigator? — Rasmus Forlorn · 1
Good icons, as well. Better than Scene in that regard. Nice that Nathaniel's deck added a few double int cards to the Guardian pool. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Tetsuo Mori

How does Tetsuo Mori interact with Tommy Muldoon's ability? Do i get it right that Tetsuo lets you search for an item if he's defeated and Discarding is part of "defeat". Tommy's ability only replaces the discard effect so you can activate both?

Django · 5107
Tetsuo must be in play in order to trigger his ability. If you manage to order the triggers correctly, then you can activate both abilities. — PartyTime · 1
.18 Derringer

Extra shot, less cost. The perfect sidearm. The upgrade has a significantly less characterpool but those who can use it, love it.

  • Clue people, flex characters and money-starved combatants like Minh Thi Phan, Agnes Baker, Finn Edwards, Rita Young ETC can use this cheap piece of raw power to land unlikely hits and protect themselves extreemely efficiently. All of a suddent a random 3-fight enemy spawning on your clue-getter is'nt an immediately pressing issue.

  • Combatants like Tommy Muldoon, William Yorick, Silas Marsh ETC love thins thing too for being super-cheap compared to getting a whopping 3 shots at +2.

Note that the ammo generation combo with Live and Learn does not gain the inbuilt +1 to hit from the .18 Derringer ability, because the extra +1 to hit triggers the next time the action on .18 Derringer is triggered.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
.18 Derringer

The .18 Derringer is a great little weapon for a character that wants to fight, -Just a bit-. Or for a character that's got something very expensive they want to play and need something to tide them over until the other thing fnds it's way to your hand.

Here are some unique cases for using this weapon:

  • A 1 or 2 fight character can resist the little things that may spawn on them, a clue focused Agnes Baker, Minh Thi Phan, Wendy Adams, Finn Edwards and others. Even if you attack foes at just a +1 over the difficulty the .18 Derringer is uniquely reliable because the ammo-rescue mechanic makes risky situations like "IF I hit these bullets, I wont need help." into "WHEN I hit these bullets, I'm out of trouble." The high +2 to hit bonus also means that these characters can guarantee a 2-damage hit on something nasty if needed (via Skills, Cornered, ETC).

  • A 3-4 fight character can use the .18 Derringer to tide them over until they get their actual main weapon and in that role, an early sidearm, it's just brilliant. There is a time in every scenario where a fighter character just hasnt played all the cards he need's to have in play to be effective, a time where a single dangerous foe like Yithian Observer or Agent of the King or Fang of Yig ETC could ruin your day, .18 Derringer is the weapon that stands strong without any support and beats all these things with ease.

The only notable point against using this weapon is the low ammo count for the cost, 2 shots might be all you need for the clue getter but a true fighter might still prefer an Enchanted Blade if it's available. Enchanted Blade and .18 Derringer together are a pretty sweet weapon lineup for a flex character.

Combo note: Live and Learn can actually cause .18 Derringer to regenerate ammo!

Note that the upgrade is fantastic.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
Stella Clark of course also doesn't technically lose the action. She just gets another shot at +3 instead of +2 since she gets the action back. And of course if you have other things that work off of fails such as Rabbit's foot, then you sort of start to hope that you will fail so you can get bonuses off the failure. You might as well just push towards it on the first check with your Drawing Thin. — Bronze · 186
Another card that doesn't typically seem to see play to work with her would be "Oops". She would 'miss' but actually land the shot on another enemy and then you would still have the bullet to fire on your original target. — Bronze · 186
To Designer, it make no sense to get the ammo back after fire out. — AquaDrehz · 197
It's a clever design that feels Survivor-y. Once you give up the idea that cards and token represent quntifiable things, it's not a confusing design. After all, how does it make any sense that Grete Wagner bleeds herself to death finding information, then suddely reappears totally fine? Or how often has the Stubborn Detective or Mob Enforcer shown up in the trackless wastes of unutterable Chaos or fractured Time? I mean, I admire their work ethic, but HOW?!? — LivefromBenefitSt · 1066
Only just now realized Finn can take this without eating into his 5 Seeker/Survivor slots. — HanoverFist · 738
Which difficulty u playing, if u use derringer with 1-2 strength investigators? Easy-normal? It's useless if raised level to hard/expert — Rentgen · 1

Finally, a spell for Mystics that compresses Investigate actions and doesn't run the risk of flubbing your whole turn. I think most mystics will prefer this over Rite of Seeking for two reasons: 1) There are generally fewer and +1 or 0 tokens in the bag than there are bad tokens, and 2) Taking 1 horror is a thousand times better than losing all your actions for every single mystic. Big winners here are Agnes, who can ping baddies while also picking up clues, Marie, who appreciates not losing her extra action in addition to her whole turn, and Jim, who can occasionally avoid the horror by treating the as a and who can clear horror with his trumpet. Agnes in particular pairs this with Shrivelling to get extra damage whether she fights or investigates, as long as your draws are good/bad enough. I think this is a very strong card, and is significantly better than Rite of Seeking. Can't wait to use it.

SGPrometheus · 821
I don't think Agnes likes this much. Yeah she sometimes gets bonus damage. But only if there is an enemy at her location. Provided that enemy isn't aloof he will get attacks on her everytime she investigates. Not a good trade at all. But if there is another character at her location, who has that enemy engaged, it might be worthwhile to let Agnes go first it case she gets extra damage while investigating. — Skeith · 2431
To be fair, I think she likes it at least as much as Rite of Seeking 0 in the overwhelming majority of cases. — jaunt · 20
@skeith there's also a large amount of scenarios where there are aloof enemies at your location, which you could ping while investigating. — SGPrometheus · 821
I also wouldn't consider the Horror strictly a bonus for Agnes, because it comes unreliable at random, when you likely won't profit from it. For other Mystics, that don't consider Horror a preciouse resource, this looks actually better. Also, there are workarounds to use RoS without loosing actions. Still, this card looks slightly better, but it also should do so. The upgrades are 1 XP more expensive. This is particular a huge thing for off class Mystics like Sefina, who can't take the level 3. (Of course, Daisy does not care.) — Susumu · 371